Source code documentation: MARIA
Manual pages overview and cross references
CmpRaaiLoc - bereken raai locatie m.b.v. W3H data CALL: raailocatie = CmpRaaiLoc(W3H) INPUT: W3H: <struct> met W3H blok gebruikte velden: sCrdtyp: Coordinaat type lXcrdgs: X-coordinaat Globaal stelsel lYcrdgs: Y-coordinaat Globaal stelsel lRhoekg: Raaihoek in honderste graden vanaf het noorden OUTPUT: raailocatie: <vector of double> van de vorm: [x-begin y-begin x-eind y-eind]
27-Sep-2005 12:22:24
981 bytes
ComposeDataheaderlist - stel een lijst met dataheaders samen die geschikt is voor een java tabel CALL: Contents = ComposeDataheaderlist(datalist, fields) INPUT: datalist: <struct array> met dataheaders (zie b.v. readxyz) fields: <cell array> met de namen van de op te nemen kolommen OUTPUT: reportstr: <char array> met de inhoud van de tabel See also: emptyraai
02-Mar-2008 20:18:58
1912 bytes
ComposePuntlist - maak header en inhoud voor de lijst met raaipunten aan CALL: [reportstr,titlestr1,titlestr2] = ... ComposePuntlist(C,xyloc,z,refz,status,HWIN) INPUT: opt: <ongebruikt> C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes xyloc: <matrix of double> locale x-y (voetmaat-loodlijn) in meter, breedte: 2 (maar afgerond op cm) z: <array of int32> met de raaidiepte refz: <array of int32> met de referentiediepte (kan leeg zijn) status: <array of uint8> met de status van elk raaipunt HWIN: <handle> van huidige scherm OUTPUT: reportstr: <char array> met de inhoud van de tabel (uitgelijnd) titlestr1: <char array> kop1 (uitgelijnd) titlestr2: <char array> kop2 (uitgelijnd)
29-Feb-2008 14:26:34
4414 bytes
ComposeRaailist - stel een lijst met raaien samen die geschikt is voor een java tabel CALL: Contents = ComposeRaailist(raailist, fields) INPUT: raaiarray: <struct array> met raaien fields: <cell array> met de namen van de op te nemen kolommen OUTPUT: reportstr: <char array> met de inhoud van de tabel See also: emptyraai
29-Feb-2008 16:29:52
6194 bytes
DTMpanel - maak het DTM scherm aan CALL: DTMpanel(obj, event, mode, varargin) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) mode: <string> mogelijke waarden: 'install' - installeer het paneel 'view' - teken het frame varargin: mode == 'install' -> zie define_panel(C,hframe,callbacks) mode == 'view' -> view(udnew,opt,C,HWIN,WINDOW) OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, het DTMPanel is aangemaakt met de bijbehorende uicontrols
14-Apr-2010 15:32:50
8543 bytes
ExportRaaien - exporteer raaien of grids uit werkgebied CALL: ExportRaaien(IDs,fname,ArrayName) INPUT: IDs: <array of double> IDs van de te exporteren raaien of grids fname: <string> met de naam van het te creeeren bestand ArrayName: <string> mogelijke waarden: 'raai' 'grid' OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de grids of raaien zijn geexporteerd naar het bestand met naam <fname>
14-Apr-2010 10:35:25
7710 bytes
ID2index - bepaal index van grid of raai met bekende ID(s) CALL: indx = ID2index(db,ID,fld) INPUT: db: <undoredo object> met de centrale maria database ID: <array of double> met ID(s) van de grid(s) fld: "raai" of "grid" OUTPUT: indx: <array of integer> met index(indices) van grid(s)
27-Jun-2008 16:18:19
679 bytes
IgnoreHiaat -
24-Jul-2007 11:20:38
1580 bytes
MetaInfoDlg - accepteer Meta Info of kies nieuwe headerfile INPUT: db: <struct> met de centrale database OUTPUT: db: <struct> met de centrale database met een aangepaste headerfile ok: <boolean> heeft de gebruiker gecanceled
18-Jul-2007 15:51:32
8594 bytes
Raai2OpenUitgang - creeer open uitgang data op basis van een enkele raai CALL: OpenUitgangData = Raai2OpenUitgang(raai) INPUT: raai: <struct> met een raai OUTPUT: OpenUitgangData: <matrix of double> met de data voor open uitgang file kolom 1 -> x-coordinaat kolom 2 -> diepte kolom 3 -> verklaring herkomst 1 -> hoogte meting (*) 2 -> hoogtemeting overlappend met diep (**) 3 -> geinterpoleerde meetwaarde (*) 4 -> diepte meting overlappend met hoog (**) 5 -> dieptemeting (*) (*) deze datapunten worden ook in de gekoppelde raai opgeslagen (**) deze datapunten worden niet in de gekoppelde raai opgeslagen SEE ALSO: emptyraai batchjob selectandkoppel
17-Oct-2005 10:45:48
1836 bytes
RemoveRaaien - verwijder raaien of grids uit werkgebied CALL: db = RemoveRaaien(indx, arrayName, db, msg) INPUT: indx: <integer array> met index van de te verwijderen raaien arrayName: <string> mogelijke waarden (optioneel): 'raai' --> verwijder raaien 'grid' --> verwijder grids Defaultwaarde: "raai" db: <undoredo object> (optioneel) de centrale database Defaultwaarde: "get_db_maria" aanroepen msg: <string> (optioneel) boodschap die opgenomen moet worden in de Undo/Redo lijst Defaultwaarde: "Verwijder 1 of ..." OUTPUT: db: <undoredo object> de geactualiseerde centrale database (raaien of grids zijn verwijderd)
27-Jun-2008 16:00:30
3145 bytes
SorteerVoetmaat - sorteer de data op voetmaat (alleen RWSLOD, QINSY) CALL: [blok,WarnMsg] = SorteerVoetmaat(blok,RemoveEquals) INPUT: blok: <struct> met een raai RemoveEquals: <boolean> verwijderen van dubbele items OUTPUT: blok: <struct> met een raai WarnMsg: <string> met waarschuwing SEE ALSO: load_raai do_import_dia emptyraai
29-Jan-2010 14:12:33
2835 bytes
20-Mar-2009 11:43:11
669 bytes
aboutScreen - laat een scherm zien met versie informatie van Maria CALL: aboutScreen(obj, event) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) OUTPUT: geen uitvoer See also: morfologie
19-Mar-2009 17:12:29
6638 bytes
activatemenus - activeer de menus na het inlezen van data CALL: activatemenus INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de status van enkele menu's is gewijzigd APPROACH: haal de handles op van de menus aan de hand van hun tags De tag strings zijn beschreven in constantes.m Activeer de gevonden menu's
10-Mar-2005 20:10:04
802 bytes
addcontour - breid grid uit met contour CALL: grid = addcontour(grid,keepcontour,keephiaat) INPUT: grid: <struct> met een grid (zie ook emptygrid) keepcontour: <boolean> 0 -> herbepaal contour 1 -> geen herbepaling contour keephiaat: <boolean> 0 -> vul hiaten op 1 -> vul hiaten niet op OUTPUT: grid: <struct> met een grid dat uitgebreid is met een contour
27-Sep-2005 15:11:44
3247 bytes
appendhistory - neem meta data op in het herkomst veld van een grid CALL: griddata = appendhistory(gridstruct) INPUT: gridstruct: <struct> met een compleet grid, dus met meta data OUTPUT: griddata: <struct> met het grid structure gedeelte van gridstruct, waarvan het veld herkomst is gevuld
03-Apr-2005 10:29:56
904 bytes
arcGisExportGui - installeer het scherm voor export grid in ArcGis formaat plus definitie bijbehorende metadata CALL: cancel = arcGisExportGui(grid) INPUT: grid: <struct> met een grid digisettings: <string> met digipolsettings OUTPUT: cancel: <boolean> heeft de gebruik op cancel gedrukt? SEE ALSO: emptygrid
21-Mar-2009 14:31:38
4925 bytes
arcinfoexport - exporteer raaien die binnen een bepaald gebied liggen in arcinfo formaat CALL: succes = arcinfoexport(fname,raai,xrange,yrange) INPUT: fname: <string> met de naam van het weg te schrijven bestand raai: <array of struct> met raaien die geexporteerd moeten worden xrange: <double> van lengte 2 met het geselecteerde x-bereik in meters yrange: <double> van lengte 2 met het geselecteerde y-bereik in meters OUTPUT: succes: <boolean> return code 1 -> wegschrijven succesvol voltooid 0 -> wegschrijven onderbroken APPROACH: De utility arcinfowrite wordt gebruikt om blokken met data weg te schrijven, tussendoor wordt een progress indicator getoond
12-Jun-2007 23:59:20
2389 bytes
batchjob - Voer batchjob uit CALL: batchjob(obj, event) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de batchjob wordt uitgevoerd APPROACH: alle settings zijn aanwezig in de database
19-Mar-2009 16:23:51
29224 bytes
bewerkraai - start het raaiinspectie scherm met een geselecteerde raai CALL: bewerkraai(obj,event,REPLACE) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) REPLACE: <boolean> vervang huidig raaiinspectie scherm OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, het raaiinspectie scherm wordt geactiveerd
01-May-2008 19:59:44
1097 bytes
changeraai - verwijder, selecteer of deselecteer gemarkeerde raaien/grids CALL: changeraai(obj,event,hlist,optie,fld) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) hlist: <handle> van de lijst met grids/raaien optie: <string> met mogelijke waarden: 'select' -> Gemarkeerde raaien selecteren 'deselect' -> Gemarkeerde raaien deselecteren 'toggleselect' -> Gemarkeerde raai de- of selecteren 'select_invis' -> Niet getoonde raaien selecteren 'deselect_invis' -> Niet getoonde raaien deselecteren 'toggle' -> Toggle selectiestatus 'delete' -> Raaien uit werkgebied verwijderen 'export' -> Exporteer als ArcInfo + metadata 'adhoc' -> Gemarkeerde raaien ad-hoc aan overzicht toevoegen 'metainfo' -> Metainfo overschrijven voor gemarkeerde raaien 'exportxls' -> Gemarkeerde rijen exporteren naar Excel bestand 'vergridden' -> Gemarkeerde raaien vergridden fld: <string> (optioneel) met veld waarop actie uitgevoerde moet worden mogelijk waarden: - 'grid' - 'raai' (default) OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, APPROACH: Wordt aangeroepen uit contextmenu van lijst of via een button Conventie 1: de lijst "listobj" heeft als userdata de raai ID's Conventie 2: de gemarkeerde items in lijst "listobj" dienen gewijzigd te worden
30-Mar-2009 16:17:01
13502 bytes
constantes - definieer constantes voor de morfologie applicatie CALL: C = constantes(optie) INPUT: optie: <dummy> het definieren van tenminste 1 invoer argument heeft tot gevolg dat een hulpscherm wordt gestart voor het instellen van de opties OUTPUT: C: <struct> met een groot aantal velden, ieder veld bevat een constante die in de morfologie applicatie gebruikt wordt APPROACH: Door gebruik te maken van constantes wordt vermeden dat door kleine spelfouten fouten in de applicatie sluipen die niet gedetecteerd worden met een foutmelding. Bovendien kunnen opties op deze wijze centraal gewijzigd worden
19-Mar-2009 16:44:38
29077 bytes
contourDlg - presenteer lijst met contouren en keis uit actie INPUT obj,event hRaaiList: handle van lijst met raaien. leeg als functie als context van contourlijst wordt aangeroepen. In dat laatste geval worden alle raaien of grids geacht geselecteerd te zijn. De contourlijst wordt in de huisige GUI dan disables weergegeven. hCntrList: handle van de lijst van contouren. Leeg als deze functie als context van de raailijst wordt aangeroepen. objName: "raai" of "grid"
26-Mar-2009 15:34:44
11961 bytes
contourgui - dialoog voor de automatische aanpak van contour lijnen CALL contourgui(hlist,ID) INPUT hlist: handle of list with grids ID : ID of grid OUTPUT -
30-Jun-2008 10:24:16
9037 bytes
convZeekoe - CALL: convZeekoe(obj, event) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) OUTPUT: geen uitvoer
15-Jul-2007 10:13:22
3071 bytes
conv_grid32 - grid convolutie, geoptimaliseerd voor geheugengebruik (zie ook conv32) CALL: [z_interp,succes] = conv_grid32(z32,isdata,interp_index,shape) INPUT: z32: <matrix> datamatrix (any numeric datatype) isdata: <matrix of uint8> die aangeeft of er data aanwezig is, >0 -> data aanwezig 0 -> geen data aanwezig interp_index: <array of integer> lineaire index met de interpoleren punten shape: <matrix of integer> 3x3 weight matrix voor interpolatie OUTPUT: z_interp: <int32> interpolated values corresponding to interp_index succes: <boolean> 0 -> operatie NIET succesvol afgerond 1 -> operatie succesvol afgerond APPROACH: van de isdata matrix wordt alleen de afmeting en true/false gebruikt, m.a.w. isdata == 1 is equivalent aan isdata == 4 voor deze specifieke module
17-Oct-2005 16:06:08
5034 bytes
data2dbh - definieer afhankelijkheid raaibeheer scherm van data CALL: agtree = data2dbh INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: agtree: <struct> met de afhankelijkheden van het raaibeheer scherm van de data in de centrale morfologie database SEE ALSO: load_raai - initialisatie GUI, afhandeling "data" commando's settings2dbh - definieer afhankelijkheid raaibeheer scherm van settings dbhview - update raaibeheer scherm
23-Mar-2009 18:02:35
1209 bytes
data2geo - definieer afhankelijkheid geografie scherm van data CALL: agtree = data2geo INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: agtree: <struct> met de afhankelijkheden van het geografie scherm van de data in de centrale morfologie database
25-Mar-2009 10:30:16
1244 bytes
guistructure - definieer afhankelijkheid morfologie scherm van data CALL: agtree = data2morf INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: agtree: <struct> met de afhankelijkheden van het morfologie scherm van de data in de centrale morfologie database SEE ALSO: MORFOLOGIE - initialisatie GUI, afhandeling "data" commando's morfchangedata - koppeling guishow naar morfview morfchangesettings - koppeling settings naar morfview settings2morf - definieer afhankelijkheid morfologie scherm van settings morfview - update morfscherm
27-May-2008 16:11:14
4839 bytes
dataclean - smooth raaien CALL: [foutlier,lowlimit,uplimit,mu] = dataclean(x,z,status,gladheid,gewicht,maxfout) INPUT: x: <array of double> longitudinale positie z: <array of double> diepte (cm) status: <array of int8> met de raaistatus gladheid: <double> zie emptyraai gewicht: <double> zie emptyraai maxfout: <double> zie emptyraai OUTPUT: foutlier: <array of integer> met de indices van overschrijdende waarden lowlimit: <double> ondergrens (in cm) uplimit: <double> bovengrens (in cm) mu: <double> v_waarde (lowlimit+uplimit)/2 (in cm)
20-Feb-2008 10:32:53
1751 bytes
dbhgui - afhandeling 'GUI' commando's in het databeheer scherm CALL: dbhgui(optie) INPUT: optie: <string> mogelijke waarden: - 'selectbutton' - 'expkaart' OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de settings database wordt aangepast See also: data2dbh - definieer afhankelijkheid raaibeheer scherm van data settings2dbh - definieer afhankelijkheid raaibeheer scherm van settings dbhview - update raaibeheer scherm
23-Mar-2009 18:02:35
1253 bytes
dbhview - update raaibeheer scherm CALL: dbhview(udnew, opt, upd, C, HWIN) INPUT: udnew: <struct> met de centrale databse opt: <struct> met de gui settings upd: <struct> met de te actualiseren scherm elementen C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes HWIN: <handle> van het databeheer scherm OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, het raaibeheer scherm wordt geactualiseerd See also: load_raai - initialisatie GUI, afhandeling "data" commando's dbhgui - afhandeling 'GUI' commando's data2dbh - definieer afhankelijkheid raaibeheer scherm van data settings2dbh - definieer afhankelijkheid raaibeheer scherm van settings
24-Apr-2010 10:35:31
9416 bytes
Check if file exist locally, otherwise return file in root of application The function only effects filenames that are specified without a path name
19-Mar-2009 15:49:19
561 bytes
define_control - hulpfunctie voor de definitie van het controle frame in raaiinspectie CALL: h_control = define_control(hparent,C) INPUT: hparent <handle> van het parent frame waarin het controle frame moet komen te staan C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes OUTPUT: h_control: <handle> van het aangemaakte frame SEE ALSO: raaiinspectie
15-Aug-2008 15:43:06
25839 bytes
define_passief - hulpfunctie voor de definitie van een scherm voor selecties van passieve raaien in raaiinspectie CALL: define_passief(hparent,C) INPUT: hparent <handle> van het frame waaronder de gui moet komen te hangen C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer
15-Aug-2007 13:44:14
9249 bytes
detect_smoothpoints - bepaal het aantal punten met de gradient groter dan een van te voren op te geven drempelwaarde CALL: [f_edge,f_rest,f_repeat,threshold_edge,threshold_rest,... threshold_combined,max_edge,max_rest,max_repeat] = ... detect_smoothpoints2(opt,griddata,maxdxy,f_on_edge,f_repeat) INPUT: opt: <struct> met opties, met de volgende velden: - smooth_rand: <boolean> met smoothing conditie voor de rafelrand, mogelijke waarden: 0 rafelrand NIET smoothen 1 rafelrand WEL smoothen - smooth_rand_grad: <double> smoothing parameter (rafelrand) - smooth_rest: <boolean> met smoothing conditie voor de punten die niet op de rafelrand liggen, mogelijke waarden: 0 restpunten NIET smoothen 1 restpunten WEL smoothen - smooth_rest_grad: <double> smoothing parameter (restpunten) griddata: <struct> met grid data, met relevante velden: - stapx -> stapgrootte van het grid - alpha -> databeschikbaarheid - xax -> x as - yax -> y as - z -> z data maxdxy: maximum van x-component of gradient EN y-component of gradient f_on_edge: <array of integer> met een lineaire index naar dx en dy met de randcoordinaten te testen tegen: opt.smooth_rand en opt.smooth_rand_grad f_repeat: <array of integer> met een lineaire index naar dx en dy te testen tegen: opt.smooth_rand en opt.smooth_rand_grad EN opt.smooth_rest en opt.smooth_rest_grad OUTPUT: f_edge: <array of integer> met indices van rafelrandpunten met een gradient groter dan smooth_rand_grad als smooth_rand==1 f_rest: <array of integer> met indices van punten met een gradient groter dan smooth_rand_rest als smooth_rest==1 f_repeat: <array of integer> met indices van van punten die een gradient hebben groter dan smooth_rand_grad als smooth_rand==1 OF smooth_rest_grad als smooth_rest==1 threshold_edge <double> drempelwaarde op de rafelrand threshold_rest <double> drempelwaarde op punten buiten de rafelrand threshold_combined <double> drempelwaarde op alle punten max_edge <double> maximale gradient op de rafelrand max_rest <double> maximale gradient op punten buiten de rafelrand max_repeat <double> maximale gradient op alle punten
19-Oct-2005 14:56:24
6297 bytes
dgsview - actualiseer digipol scherm CALL: dgsview(udnew,setting,upd,C,HWIN) INPUT: udnew: <struct> met de centrale database opt: <struct> met de gui settings upd: <struct> met de te actualiseren scherm elementen C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes HWIN: <handle> van het digipol scherm OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, het digipol scherm wordt geactualiseerd SEE ALSO: dgsgui - afhandeling 'GUI' commando's data2dgs - definieer afhankelijkheid digipol scherm van data settings2dgs - definieer afhankelijkheid digipol scherm van settings
23-Mar-2009 17:57:30
13416 bytes
digipol - start digipol interpolatie CALL: [ok,msg,outfiles]=digipol(arg1, arg2, arg3) INPUT: varargin: zie de Gebruikershandleiding Digipol, de MEX versie wordt op identieke wijze aangeroepen als de command-line versie van Digipol OUTPUT: ok: <boolean> returncode. 0 -> interpolatie succesvol afgerond msg: <char array> runtime verslag: de lijst met gegenereerde meldingen outfiles: <char array> de lijst met aangemaakte uitvoerfiles
20-Mar-2009 15:51:38
3117 bytes
digistart - installeer het opstartscherm voor Digipol jobs CALL: digistart(obj, event) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, het digipol opstartscherm wordt aangemaakt See also: convhullcontour, raaihullgui, newjob_addjob
15-Jun-2010 15:24:52
66110 bytes
do_import_ascigrid - kopieer asciigrid naar wgb structure CALL: [db] = do_import_ascigrid(fname,G,db) INPUT: fname: <string> met de naam van het herkomst bestand G: <struct> met griddata uit arcinfo grid +----nrows (double) +----ncols (double) +----xllcorner (double) +----yllcorner (double) +----cellsize (double) +----NODATA_value (double) +----data (int16 array) db: <struct> met de centrale database OUTPUT: db: <struct> met de geactualiseerde centrale database SEE ALSO: load_raai, digistart
14-Apr-2010 09:46:28
3222 bytes
do_import - voer de import actie uit CALL: [db,unknownlocs] = do_import_dia(C, fname, blok, unknownlocs, ConvTable, db, isWadi) INPUT: C: <struct> morfologie constanten fname: <Cell array> met bestandsnamen blok: <struct array> met dia blokken unknownlocs: <string array> nieuwe gevonden sLoccod waarden ConvTable: <struct> met velden - loctable: <struct> met locatieconversies - W3Htable: <struct> met W3H velden - sLoccodlist: <char array> met locatienamen db: <struct> de centrale database isWadi: <boolean> (optioneel) 1: import geschiedt vanuit wadi 0: (default) import rechtstreeks vanuit dia OUTPUT: db: <struct> bijgewerkte centrale database unknownlocs: <string array> nieuwe gevonden sLoccod waarden See also: load_raai, digistart, define_wadi
13-Apr-2010 19:13:58
13321 bytes
edit_dlg - Vraag of file geopend moet worden en open file CALL edit_dlg(fname,str) INPUT fname: te openen file str: weer tegeven tekst bij vraag OUTPUT This file returns no output arguments REVISIONS 2008 08 16: this file has been moved from MbdUtils to Ma directory
16-Aug-2008 14:17:54
522 bytes
emptyWadiStruct - maak een lege structuur aan t.b.v. de WADI interface CALL: S = emptyWadiStruct(type) INPUT: type: <string> OUTPUT: 'Periode' -> S.Description = {{}} S.code = {{}} 'Locatie' -> S.Description = {{}} S.shape = {{}} S.code = {{}} 'Grid' -> S.Description = '' S.patchHandles = {{}} S.shape = {{}} S.code = {{}}
19-Oct-2005 15:23:06
1056 bytes
emptyaggregstatus - initialiseer structure aggregstatus in aparte functie zodat de volgorde van de velden in alle functies identiek is CALL: aggregstatus = emptyaggregstatus INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: aggregstatus: <struct> geinitialiseerde structure met aggregatiestatus SEE ALSO: emptyraai, getaggregstatus
03-Apr-2005 11:07:16
559 bytes
emptygrid - maak een leeg grid aan CALL: grid = emptygrid INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: grid: <struct> met een 'leeg' grid. grid.xmin = [] grid.ymin = [] grid.stapx = [] grid.stapy = [] grid.xax = [] grid.yax = [] grid.z = [] grid.status = [] grid.alpha = [] grid.xcntr = [] grid.ycntr = [] grid.xcntr_in = [] grid.ycntr_in = [] grid.zmin = Inf grid.zmax = Inf grid.herkomst = <struct> = [] herkomst.index = [] Alle velden voor de structure zijn aanwezig en staan in de goede volgorde door ze op deze wijze te initialiseren kunnen structures in arrays opgeslagen worden. Het overschrijven van de velden verandert de volgorde namelijk niet meer. APPROACH: Deze functie komt in de plaats van een klassieke declaratie en maakt het mogelijk om: 1. structures the rangschikken in een array 2. te testen op bepaalde veldwaardes, zonder een dergelijke test vooraf te laden gaan door een test met 'isfield' SEE ALSO: emptyud emptyu emptyraai
14-Apr-2010 10:32:08
4549 bytes
emptyraai - maak een lege raai of grid structure aan CALL: reeks = emptyraai(raaiarray) INPUT: raaiarray: <array> (optioneel) met grids of raaien (wordt gebruikt voor het bepalen van het reeksID) OUTPUT: reeks: <struct> met een lege raai of grid APPROACH: Deze functie wordt zowel voor het creeeren van grids als raaien gebruikt Deze functie komt in de plaats van een klassieke declaratie en maakt het mogelijk om: 1. structures te rangschikken in een array 2. te testen op bepaalde veldwaardes, zonder een dergelijke test vooraf te laten gaan door een test met 'isfield' See also: emptygrid, emptyud, emptyu, emptyraai
27-May-2008 16:10:45
5833 bytes
emptysettings - default instellingen voor de morfologie gui CALL: settings = emptysettings INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: settings: <struct> met de dafault instellingen voor de morfologie gui SEE ALSO: emptyud
19-Mar-2009 16:54:11
2125 bytes
emptystruct - maak structures aan die al het goede formaat hebben zodat vanaf de initialisatie met de () indexering kan worden gewerkt. CALL: S = emptystruct(type) INPUT: type: <string> met het type te genereren structure, mogelijke waarden 'contour' 'digijob' 'herkomst' 'property' OUTPUT: S: <struct> met een lege structure van het type 'type' EXAMPLE: zonder initialisatie: A = []; A = structure A(1) = structure met initialisatie: A = emptystruct A(1) = []; A(1) = structure A(2) = structure
25-Mar-2009 14:07:06
2606 bytes
emptyu - initialiseer undoredo object voor de morfologie applicatie CALL: [db,filename] = emptyu(C,fname) INPUT: C: <struct> met constantes fname: <string> naam van het te openen betstand signature: <double> (optioneel) met signaturen van het undoredo object OUTPUT: db: <streuct> met een 'leeg' werkgebied. (undo object) filename: <string> met de bestandsnaam van het werkgebied APPROACH: Deze functie komt in de plaats van een klassieke declaratie en maakt het mogelijk om: 1. structures te rangschikken in een array 2. te testen op bepaalde veldwaarden, zonder een dergelijke test vooraf te laden gaan door een test met 'isfield' See also: emptygrid, emptyud, emptyraai, emptystruct
02-Aug-2010 18:16:08
11536 bytes
emptyud - maak een lege userdata structure aan CALL: grid = emptyud(stamp) INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: ud: <struct> een 'lege' userdata structure. APPROACH: Deze functie komt in de plaats van een klassieke declaratie en maakt het mogelijk om: 1. structures te rangschikken in een array 2. te testen op bepaalde veldwaardes, zonder een dergelijke test vooraf te laden gaan door een test met 'isfield' See also: emptygrid, emptyud, emptyu, emptyraai,load_data
25-Mar-2009 10:02:54
1855 bytes
This file has been generated automatically by function exetimestamp_create
02-Aug-2010 18:18:46
609 bytes
expandgrid - expandeer grid tot aparte grids CALL: [db,NEWGROUP] = expandgrid(db,gridindx,remove) INPUT: db: <struct> de centrale database gridindx: <integer> index van het te expanderen grid remove: <boolean> verwijder origineel grid OUTPUT: db: <struct> met de centrale database NEWGROUP: <boolean> database mutatie status
26-Jun-2007 20:39:32
4297 bytes
export_digi_in - exporteer data voor Digipol interpolatie CALL: succes = export_digi_in(fname,sCrdtyp,raai,xrange,yrange) INPUT: fname: <string> met naam van het weg te schrijven bestand sCrdtyp: <string> met coordinaattype waarin coordinaten intern zijn opgeslagen raai: <struct> met een raai xrange: <vector of double> lengte == 2 geselecteerde gebied (in meters) xrange: <vector of double> lengte == 2 geselecteerde gebied (in meters) OUTPUT: succes: <boolean> met de return code 1 -> wegschrijven succesvol beeindigd 0 -> wegschrijven onderbroken APPROACH: - De utility arcinfowrite wordt gebruikt om blokken met data weg te schrijven - Tussendoor wordt een progress indicator getoond
30-Jul-2010 00:05:14
8647 bytes
exportlocaties - exporteer tabel met raailocaties voor gebruik in locatool CALL: exportkaartbladen(obj, event) INPUT: obj: <handle> handle van de aanroepende uicontrol (niet gebruikt) event: leeg, standaard argument van een callback (niet gebruikt) OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer
20-Jul-2007 11:37:32
5551 bytes
exportlocaties - exporteer tabel met raailocaties voor gebruik in locatool CALL: exportlocaties(IDs,fname) INPUT: IDs: <integer> met de ID's van de te exporteren raaien fname: <string> met de bestandsnaam OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, gegevens worden weggeschreven naar bestand met naam: 'fname'
12-Jul-2007 14:34:18
2492 bytes
fieldnameprint - verwijder niet-toegestane symbolen uit fieldname string CALL: str = fieldnameprint(str) INPUT: str: <string> OUTPUT: str: <string>
04-Apr-2005 10:13:36
312 bytes
findbuurraaien - bepaal de indices van de buurraaien CALL: [f_buurlinks,f_buurrechts,f_equal] = findbuurraaien(... raaiarray,curindx,maxdistance,maxN,zoekhoek,overjaargrens,overtypegrens) INPUT: raaiarray: <struct array> met raaien curindx: <integer> met de index van de huidige raai maxdistance: <double> maximale zoek afstand maxN: <integer> maximaal aantal te zoeken raaien zoekhoek: <double> criterium voor raai paralelliteit (in radialen) overjaargrens: <boolean> -> 1: zoek ook raaien van andere jaargangen overtypegrens: <boolean> -> 1: zoek ook raaien van andere types (default 0) OUTPUT: f_buurlinks: <array of integer> met raai indices van buren links f_buurrechts: <array of integer> met raai indices van buren rechts f_equal: <array of integer> met indices van de raaien met gelijk startpunt APPROACH: voor de bepaling van parallelle raaien gebruikt het algoritme de parameters zoekhoek,overjaargrens linker buur: alle raaien met een startpunt links van huidige startpunt + alle raaien met identiek startpunt, maar orientatie naar links(tegen klok in) rechter buur: alle raaien met een startpunt rechts van huidige startpunt + alle raaien met identiek startpunt, maar orientatie naar rechts(met klok mee)
18-Oct-2005 06:33:30
6869 bytes
findkaartbladen - enumereer kaartbladen per type CALL: [W3Harray,N,Type] = findkaartbladen(raai,stratify) INPUT: raai: <struct array> met raaien stratify: <> (optioneel) 1 -> stratificeer naar type 0 -> default OUTPUT: W3Harray: <struct array> met W3H codes voor kaartblad N: <vector of integer> met het aantal datapunten per kaartblad Type: <integer> type per kaart blad (indien stratify was 1), mogelijke waarden: 1 -> niet geschematiseerde natte natte raai(DIEPTE) sAnacod=F025 & sBewcod~=SCHEM_R1 2 -> gekoppelde raai(GEKOPPELD) sAnacod=F147 3 -> droge raai(HOOGTE) sAnacod=F110 / F003 / F022 4 -> geschematiseerde natte raai(JARKUS) sAnacod=F025 & sBewcod=SCHEM_R1 See also: getraaitype
13-Apr-2010 19:07:13
3962 bytes
findraaien - zoek de raaien bij een locatie CALL: f = findraaien(sLoccod,raaiarray) INPUT: sLoccod: <string> met de op te zoeken locatie raaiarray: <structarray> met raaien OUTPUT: f: <array of integer> met de indices van raaien in raaiarray die horen bij de locatie sLoccod
26-Sep-2005 17:16:36
564 bytes
02-Sep-2004 13:21:20
278528 bytes
geografie - initialiseer het geografie scherm CALL: a = geografie(optie,udnew) INPUT: optie: <string> (optioneel) mogelijke waarden: - 'refresh' - 'exportlayout' - 'resetlayout' - 'defaultlayout' - 'importlayout' - 'closereq' - 'opmaakinstellen' - 'installatie' (default) udnew: <struct> waarschijnlijk overbodig OUTPUT: a: <double> dummy variabele
24-Apr-2010 10:39:56
76239 bytes
geogui - afhandeling 'GUI' commando's in het geografie scherm CALL: geogui INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de settings database wordt aangepast SEE ALSO: geochangesettings - koppeling dbhgui naar dbhview data2geo - definieer afhankelijkheid geografie scherm van data settings2geo - definieer afhankelijkheid geografie scherm van settings
23-Mar-2009 17:57:29
3526 bytes
geoview - visualisatie functie van het geografie scherm CALL: geoview(udnew, opt, upd, C, HWIN) INPUT: udnew: <struct> met de centrale database opt_S: <struct> met de gui settings upd: <struct> met de te actualiseren scherm elementen C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes HWIN: <handle> van het geografie scherm OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, het geografie scherm wordt geactualiseerd See also: geochangedata - koppeling guishow naar dbhview geochangesettings - koppeling dbhgui naar dbhview geogui - afhandeling 'GUI' commando's in het geografie scherm data2geo - definieer afhankelijkheid geografie scherm van data settings2geo - definieer afhankelijkheid geografie scherm van settings
25-Mar-2009 18:40:20
47365 bytes
getMinimumW3H - lees de minimale MetaInfo uit een headerfile INPUT db: <struct> met de centrale database OUTPUT: W3H: <struct> met een W3H blok met metainfo RKS: <struct> reeks blok met metainfo See also: readstruct
20-Mar-2009 15:51:40
2443 bytes
get_C - haal de constantes voor de Maria applicatie op CALL: C = get_C INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: C: <struct> zie constantes APPROACH: haal de constantes via de globale variabelen van de Maria applicatie op, de applicatie moet wel opgestart zijn See also: get_db_maria, constantes, morfologie
25-Mar-2009 16:26:34
433 bytes
get_db_maria - haal de constantes en de centrale database voor de Maria applicatie op CALL: [db,C] = get_db_maria INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: db: <struct> zie emptyu C: <struct> zie constantes HWIN: <handle> van het maria hoofdscherm APPROACH: haal de constantes en centrale database via de globale variabelen van de Maria applicatie op, de applicatie moet wel opgestart zijn See also: get_c, constantes, morfologie, emptyu, emptyud
03-Mar-2007 15:54:38
694 bytes
get_db_swan_smooth - haal database van het swan_smooth scherm op CALL: [db, HWIN] = get_db_swan_smooth INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: db: <undoredo object> zie swan_smooth/initopt HWIN: <handle> van het swan_smooth scherm See also: get_opt_maria, get_db_maria
24-Jul-2007 09:57:28
405 bytes
get_opt_contourgui - haal de settings database voor de contourgui op CALL: [opt, HWIN] = get_opt_contourgui INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: opt: <struct> zie contourgui/initopt HWIN: <handle> van de contourgui
14-Aug-2007 14:40:30
347 bytes
get_opt_databeheer - haal de constantes en de centrale settings database voor het databeheer scherm op CALL: [opt, C, HWIN] = get_opt_databeheer INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: opt: <struct> zie morfologie/initopt C: <struct> zie constantes HWIN: <handle> van het databeheer scherm APPROACH: haal de constantes en centrale settings database via de globale variabelen van de Maria applicatie op, de applicatie moet wel opgestart zijn See also: get_c, constantes, morfologie, get_opt_maria, get_db_maria
03-Mar-2007 18:41:26
774 bytes
get_opt_digi - haal de constantes en de centrale settings database voor het digival scherm op CALL: [opt, C, HWIN] = get_opt_digi INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: opt: <struct> zie morfologie/initopt C: <struct> zie constantes HWIN: <handle> van het digival scherm APPROACH: haal de constantes en centrale settings database van het digival scherm op, de applicatie moet wel opgestart zijn See also: get_c, constantes, digistart, get_opt_maria
04-Mar-2007 10:46:00
693 bytes
get_opt_geodata - haal de constantes en de centrale settings database voor het geodata scherm op CALL: [opt, C, HWIN] = get_opt_geodata INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: opt: <struct> zie morfologie/initopt C: <struct> zie constantes HWIN: <handle> van het geodata scherm APPROACH: haal de constantes en centrale settings database van het geodata scherm op, de applicatie moet wel opgestart zijn See also: get_c, constantes, get_opt_maria
04-Mar-2007 13:23:24
689 bytes
get_opt_geografie - haal de constantes en de centrale settings database voor het geografie scherm op CALL: [opt, C, HWIN] = get_opt_geografie INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: opt: <struct> zie morfologie/initopt C: <struct> zie constantes HWIN: <handle> van het geografie scherm APPROACH: haal de constantes en centrale settings database via de globale variabelen van de Maria applicatie op, de applicatie moet wel opgestart zijn See also: get_c, constantes, morfologie, get_opt_maria, get_db_maria
03-Mar-2007 18:42:14
761 bytes
get_opt_gridanalyse - haal de constantes en de centrale settings database voor het databeheer scherm op CALL: [opt, C, HWIN] = get_opt_gridanalyse INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: opt: <struct> zie gridanalysewindow/initopt C: <struct> zie constantes HWIN: <handle> van het gridanalyse scherm See also: get_c, constantes, morfologie, get_opt_maria, get_db_maria
25-Mar-2009 18:44:04
612 bytes
get_opt_maria - haal de constantes en de centrale settings database voor de Maria applicatie op CALL: [opt, C] = get_opt_maria INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: opt: <struct> zie morfologie/initopt C: <struct> zie constantes APPROACH: haal de constantes en centrale settings database via de globale variabelen van de Maria applicatie op, de applicatie moet wel opgestart zijn See also: get_c, constantes, morfologie, emptyu, emptyud
02-Mar-2007 00:15:36
680 bytes
get_opt_raaiinspectie - haal de constantes en de centrale settings database voor het raaiinspectie scherm op CALL: [opt, C, HWIN] = get_opt_raaiinspectie INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: opt: <struct> zie morfologie/initopt C: <struct> zie constantes HWIN: <handle> van het geografie scherm APPROACH: haal de constantes en centrale settings database via de globale variabelen van de Maria applicatie op, de applicatie moet wel opgestart zijn See also: get_c, constantes, morfologie, get_opt_maria, get_db_maria
10-Jul-2007 11:00:40
780 bytes
get_targetgrid - maak een lege grid structure aan CALL: targetgrid = get_targetgrid(stapgrootte,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) INPUT: stapgrootte: <double> met de maaswijdte van het aan te maken grid xmin: <double> met x-coordinaat van de linkeronderhoek xmax: <double> met x-coordinaat van de rechterbovenhoek ymin: <double> met y-coordinaat van de linkeronderhoek ymax: <double> met y-coordinaat van de rechterbovenhoek OUTPUT: targetgrid: <struct> met een leeg grid (zie emptygrid)
19-Jul-2007 21:34:08
1782 bytes
getaggregstatus - haal overzicht van aggregatiestatus op CALL: aggregstatus = getaggregstatus(status) INPUT: status: <vector of uint8> met geaggregeerde status bits OUTPUT: aggregstatus: <struct> geinitialiseerde structure met aggregatiestatus met velden: - numhiaat - numoutlier - numanders - numvalide - numtotal SEE ALSO: setaggregstatus
28-Sep-2005 10:56:26
2021 bytes
getdefaultKaartblad - Fixed Format ASCII file met Kaartbladen CALL: getdefaultKaartblad(fname) INPUT: fname: <string> (optioneel) met bestandsnaam OUTPUT: gegevens worden opgeslagen in bestand: Kaartbladen.w3h
19-Mar-2009 16:03:32
3925 bytes
getdefaultW3H - importeer TAB separated ASCII file met W3H data CALL: getdefaultW3H(fname) INPUT: fname: <string> (optioneel) met bestandsnaam OUTPUT: gegevens worden opgeslagen in bestand: W3Hvelden.w3h
19-Mar-2009 16:02:35
7330 bytes
getfiletype - bepaal aanvullende gegevens voor een bestand CALL: file = getfiletype(file, filetypes) INPUT: file: <struct> met bestandsgegevens types: <integer> de te accepteren types zie filetypes filetypes: <struct array> with fields - label - filter - image OUTPUT: file: <struct> met file informatie aangevuld met filetype image name APPROACH: Overload this function for specific application requirements filetypes is normally specified in the application constants See also: mdltfilebrowser
03-Sep-2008 15:34:24
3363 bytes
getlocalxyz - haal de x, y en z coordinaten van een raai op CALL: [x,y,z] = getlocalxyz(raai) INPUT: raai: <struct> met een raai OUTPUT: x: <vector of double> met de x coordinaten y: <vector of double> met de y coordinaten z: <vector of double> met de z coordinaten SEE ALSO: globaal2lokaal
27-Sep-2005 09:50:20
681 bytes
getloctable - Haal locatie conversie tabel van de schijf CALL: loctable = getloctable(fname) INPUT: fname: <string> (optioneel) met de bestandsaam van de conversietabel default warde == loctable.mat OUTPUT: loctable: <struct array> met velden - oldloc - newloc
19-Mar-2009 16:36:45
663 bytes
Return system parameter
13-Apr-2010 14:46:03
935 bytes
getwgbname - haal de naam van het huidige werkgebied van de Morfologie applicatie op CALL: filename = getwgbname INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: filename: <string> naam van het huidige werkgebied SEE ALSO: setwgbname
10-Mar-2005 13:16:34
379 bytes
globaal2lokaal - bereken coordinaten in lokaal stelsel CALL: xyloc = globaal2lokaal(xyglobaal,raailocatie) INPUT: xyglobaal: <matrix of int32> globale x-y coordinaten in milimeter breedte: 2, range [-2147 2147] raailocatie: <vector of double) met de locatie van de raai raailocatie(1) -> x coordinaat nulpunt raailocatie(2) -> y coordinaat nulpunt raailocatie(3) -> x coordinaat eindpunt raailocatie(4) -> y coordinaat eindpunt OUTPUT: xyloc: <matrix of double> locale x-y (voetmaat-loodlijn) in meter, breedte: 2 (maar afgerond op cm) SEE ALSO: lokaal2globaal
27-Sep-2005 09:38:08
1727 bytes
googlemaps - CALL: googlemaps(obj,event,h_axis) INPUT: obj: <handle> van het aanroepende uicontrol event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument h_axis: <handle> (optioneel) van assenstelsel default: gca OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer See also:
19-Oct-2006 19:31:34
1696 bytes
return XY coordinates of grid points INPUT grid: content of db.grid(N).grid (for specific N) +----xax(nX) +----yax(nY) +----z(nY,nX) OUTPUT X(ny,nX): X-coordinates corresponding to grid.z; Y(ny,nX): Y-coordinates corresponding to grid.z; See also: grid2rd
23-Mar-2008 16:00:17
518 bytes
grid_ascii - schrijf een grid weg in ASCII formaat CALL: fname = grid_ascii(grid,fname) INPUT: grid: <struct> met een grid fname: <string> met de naam van het bestand waarnaar het grid moet worden weggeschreven OUTPUT: fname: <string> met de naam van het bestand waarnaar het grid is weggeschreven
23-Jul-2007 08:24:00
3557 bytes
gridanalyseview -
02-Apr-2009 16:13:44
7910 bytes
experiment_window - edit and view an experiment CALL: gridanalysewindow(obj, event) INPUT: obj: handle of invoking uicontrol, standard matlab callback argument event: empty, standard matlab callback argument sorttable: jacontrol, used to determine selected grids OUTPUT: no output, window for grid analysis is opened
20-Apr-2009 11:34:34
18500 bytes
gridbewerkgui - creeer de gui voor het uitvoeren van bewerkingen op twee grids CALL: gridbewerkgui(hgridlist,ID) INPUT: hgridlist: <handle> van lijst met grids ID: <integer> ID van het te bewerken grid OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de grafische interface wordt aangemaakt See also: ID2index
27-Jun-2008 16:16:14
14316 bytes
imagevalue - display grid waarde CALL: zvalue = imagevalue(obj,event) INPUT: obj: <handle> van grid event: <double> standaard argument voor een callback OUTPUT: zvalue: waarde van het punt waar geklikt is
12-Jul-2007 14:33:16
2391 bytes
indxs_older - beperk lijst met raaien tot oudere raaien dan de huidige raai CALL: f = indxs_older(raai,raaiarray) INPUT: raai: <struct> met huidige raai raaiarray: <array of struct> met de raai lijst OUTPUT: f: <integer> met de indices van de raaien die ouder zijn dan 'raai'
26-Sep-2005 19:30:46
685 bytes
indxsthisyear - bepaal indices die slaan op dit jaar CALL: f = indxsthisyear(raai,raaiarray,overjaargrens) INPUT: raai: <struct> huidige raai (zie emptyraai) raaiarray: <struct array> met alle raaien overjaargrens: <boolean> mogelijke waarden: 1 --> niet selecteren op jaargrens 0 --> wel selecteren op jaargrens OUTPUT: f: <double array> met indices in de raaiarray die betrekking hebben op het jaar van de raai
02-Apr-2005 09:59:06
865 bytes
interp_z - interpoleer de z-waarde en pas de status aan CALL: interp_z(HMAINWIN,db,curindx,f,val) INPUT: HMAINWIN: <handle> van hoofdscherm db: <struct> met de centrale database curindx: <integer) index van current raai f: <vector of integer> indices van aan te passen z waardes val: <vector of double> in te vullen waarden OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de in te vullen waarden zijn gevuld en de status van het grid is aangepast
10-Jul-2007 10:43:26
1729 bytes
israai - bepaal of een dia blok grid- of raaidata bevat CALL: rc = israai(blok) INPUT: blok: <struct> met een dia blok OUTPUT: rc: <boolean> met mogelijke waarden: 1 ==> blok bevat raai 0 ==> blok bevat grid
01-Apr-2005 18:13:38
623 bytes
jaarcontrole - activeer de jaarcontrole CALL: jaarcontrole(dbdata,opt) INPUT: dbdata: <struct> met de centrale database, met relevant veld: - raai: <struct array> met raaien opt: <struct> met velden: - f_raai: <index> van geselecteerde raaien - RAAI: <struct> - col1: gesorteerde indices - col2: linkerbuur - col3: rechtererbuur OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, het jaarcontrole scherm wordt opgestart
02-Mar-2008 19:55:26
8422 bytes
jaarcontroleShow - visualisatie van de jaarcontrole gui CALL: jaarcontroleShow(raaiIDs,Status,sLoccodsSelect,years,M) INPUT: raaiIDs: <integer> met raai ID dat correspondeert met de gebruikte index Status: <integer> met raaistatus sLoccodsSelect: <char array> met locatie codes years: <vector> met jaar aanduiding M: <index> naar vector raaiIDs, of NaN indien voor locatie/jaargang geen reeks aanwezig is. hoogte = size(sLoccodsSelect,1) breedte = length(years) OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer
20-Mar-2008 13:17:50
26605 bytes
jaarcontrolegui - de grafische interface voor de jaarcontrole CALL: jaarcontrolegui(obj, event, fp_toggleselect) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument fp_toggleselect: <function pointer> naar functie voor creeren van contour OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer See also: getcontour, patchcombine_new
20-Apr-2009 11:34:34
22019 bytes
klikongrid - visualisatie callback van patch waarmee grid is getekend CALL: klikongrid(obj,event,hlist,thisID,mode) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard argument van matlab callback event: <empty> standaard argument van matlab callback hlist: <handle> van grid lijst in hoofdscherm. Mag ook leeg zijn, dan wordt hij bepaald thisID: <integer> ID van het te visualiseren grid mode: <string> (optioneel) met mogelijke waarden - 'select' - 'toggle' - '', de mode wordt automatisch bepaald aan de hand van de selectiontype OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, APPROACH: wijzig value instelling van grid en roep daarna callback van lijst aan hierdoor worden details gevisualiseerd See also: buttondown van patch SWAN functies die grids selecteren
02-May-2007 22:47:58
2059 bytes
kustvaktool - toon de locatie afhankelijke W3H gegevens CALL: kustvaktool(optie) INPUT: optie: <string> (optioneel) met mogelijke waarden 'install' --> installeer het inspectiescherm (default) 'import' --> importeer een ASCII file met locatiecodes OUTPUT geen directe uitvoer
19-Mar-2009 16:23:56
4368 bytes
update database by excluding grid cells listed in EXCLUDE. recompute redundant fields This function was implented to effectuate confining grids using a contour INPUT db: Maria database,before update gridIndx: index of current grid EXCLUDE: vector of logicals Note at least 1 element is true, at least 1 element is false OUTPUT db: Maria database, after update doremove: if true ignore db output and modify db outside this function.
03-Jul-2008 11:58:49
3481 bytes
listcompare - vergelijk locaties met een referentieset uit een bestand CALL: [rc,selindx] = listcompare(sLoccods,context) INPUT: sLoccods: <array of string> lijst met de locatie codes context <integer> mogelijke waarden: 1: aangeroepen uit file overzicht 2: aangeroepen uit werkgebied overzicht OUTPUT: rc: <boolean> 0 ==> vergelijking niet uitgevoerd (bijvoorbeeld door cancel van de gebruiker) 1 ==> vergelijking uitgevoerd selindx: <array of int> indices van de te markeren locaties
15-Aug-2008 13:13:05
5579 bytes
load_data - callback van menu 'laad werkgebied', user interface voor het laden van een eerder bewaard werkgebied CALL: dummy = load_data(fname) INPUT: fname: <string> met de naam van het te laden bestand OUTPUT: geen uitvoer, de centrale database is gevuld met een werkgebied APPROACH: - Kijk of oude data bewaard moeten blijven (morf_check_exit) - Haal de naam van de invoerfile op (getfile) - Schakel interactie uit (mbd_suspend) - Laad data - Schakel interactie in (mbd_restore) - Verwijder introtext (digivalwinresize) - Schakel menu's in die van data afhangen (activatemenus) - Schakel de save menus uit (de volgende aanroep van morf_check_exit activeert ze weer - Pas de naam van het window aan - Update scherm (update)
25-Jul-2007 09:24:24
2085 bytes
load_raai - installeer het databeheer scherm CALL: rc = load_raai(obj, event) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) OUTPUT: rc: <boolean> return code (standaard op 0) See also: dbhgui - afhandeling 'GUI' commando's data2dbh - definieer afhankelijkheid raaibeheer scherm van data settings2dbh - definieer afhankelijkheid raaibeheer scherm van settings dbhview - update raaibeheer scherm
24-Apr-2010 10:36:07
97276 bytes
locatool - gui voor het bewerken van de locatie conversie tabel CALL: locatool(udnew) INPUT: udnew: <struct> met de centrale database OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de gui wordt aangemaakt
19-Mar-2009 16:34:10
17946 bytes
xyglobaal - bereken raaicoordinaten in globaal stelsel CALL: xyglobaal = lokaal2globaal(xyloc,raailocatie) INPUT: xyloc: <matrix of double> locale x-y (voetmaat-loodlijn) in meter, breedte: 2 raailocatie: <vector of double) met de locatie van de raai raailocatie(1) -> x coordinaat nulpunt raailocatie(2) -> y coordinaat nulpunt raailocatie(3) -> x coordinaat eindpunt raailocatie(4) -> y coordinaat eindpunt OUTPUT: xyglobaal: <matrix of int32> globale x-y coordinaten in milimeter breedte: 2 SEE ALSO: globaal2lokaal
27-Sep-2005 08:25:24
2010 bytes
lookuplocs - controleer of locatie gevonden wordt in lijst met JARKUS raaien, zo niet zet dan de locatie naam om met default conversie regels. CALL: [newloc,unknownlocs] = lookuplocs(oldloc,unknownlocs,loctable,sLoccodlist) INPUT: oldloc: <string> met locatienaam unknownlocs: <char array> lijst met locaties waarvoor gegevens zijn aangemaakt loctable: <struct array> met velden - oldloc - newloc zie ook "getloctable" sLoccodlist: <char array> met locatiecodes OUTPUT: newloc: <string> met nieuwe (verzonnen) locatienaam unknownlocs: <char array> lijst met locaties waarvoor gegevens zijn aangemaakt
18-Jun-2008 18:39:43
2008 bytes
lr_setheader - callback van knop "kies headerfile" CALL: lr_setheader(obj, event, field, ext) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument field: <string> met bestandsnaam ext: <string> met extensie van het bestand OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de database wordt aangepast
05-Mar-2007 08:59:28
1000 bytes
markeerraai - algemene functie om raaien in het Morfologie hoofdscherm te markeren en te visualisren INPUT: MarkIndx: <vector of integer> gemarkeerde raaien (indices) MarkIDs: <vector of integer> gemarkeerde raaien (ID's) mode: <string> mogelijke waarden: 'markeer' - overule huidige selectie 'toggle' - toggle selected OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, het hoofdscherm is geupdate
30-Jun-2008 12:25:37
1433 bytes
mbd_defaulttextprop - definieer default eigenschappen van text objecten CALL: textopt = mbd_defaulttextprop INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: textopt: <struct array> met velden - label - name - opt - type - default
27-Sep-2005 12:51:56
3062 bytes
mdlt_edit - definieer de callback van de frame opmaak instellingen van het geografiescherm CALL: mdlt_edit(hframe,ind) INPUT: hframe: <handle> ind: <struct array> met plaats waar de opmaak instellingen voor elk frame in het geografiescherm opgeslagen staan. OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de callback voor elke frame is gedefinieerd
17-Jul-2007 12:16:54
3093 bytes
metatool - Toon de locatie afhankelijke W3H gegevens of de kaartbladen CALL: metatool(obj,event,mode) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) mode: <string> met mogelijke waarden voor te definieren interface: 'locatie' 'kaartblad' OUTPUT: geen uitvoer, de gui voor het inspecteren van kaartbladen of voor het inspecteren van locatie afhankelijke metagegevens wordt opgestart
19-Mar-2009 16:40:04
4739 bytes
morf_check_exit - Check of alle data bewaard zijn CALL: status = morf_check_exit INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: status <double> met mogelijke waarden: 0 --> er waren geen onbewaarde data 1 --> er waren onbewaarde data, deze zijn bewaard 2 --> er waren onbewaarde data, deze zijn niet bewaard -1 --> er waren onbewaarde data, de gebruiker heeft CANCEL ingedrukt
03-Mar-2007 14:42:02
1108 bytes
morfchangedata - Visualisatie van ALLE data in de morfologie applicatie CALL: guishow(signature, db, ind) INPUT: signature: <double> signature van de database db: <undoredo object> met centrale database ind: <cell array> met velden: 'type' 'subs' OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, alle objecten die gerelateerd zijn aan data in het werkgebied worden geactualiseerd. See also: morfologie, morfchangesettings, emptyu, morfview
25-Mar-2009 20:10:24
3283 bytes
morfchangedata - Visualisatie van ALLE settings in de morfologie applicatie CALL: guishow(signature, opt, ind) INPUT: signature: <double> signature van de settings database opt: <undoredo object> met centrale settings database ind: <cell array> met velden: 'type' 'subs' OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, alle objecten die gerelateerd zijn aan settings in het werkgebied worden geactualiseerd. See also: morfologie, morfchangedata, morfview
26-Mar-2009 10:43:20
2605 bytes
morfhelp - callback van de context sensitive help in de morfologie applicatie CALL: morfhelp(tag) INPUT: tag: <string> met de tag van het geselecteerde object in de morfologie applicatie OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, een scherm met help informatie van het geselecteerde object in de morfologie applicatie wordt getoond
22-Sep-2005 13:22:24
14130 bytes
morfologie - installeer de Morfologie GUI (het hoofdscherm) CALL: a = morfologie(dummy) INPUT: dummy: (optioneel) als aangeroepen met argument (bijvoorbeeld uit NwWgb) dan geen exe status tonen OUTPUT: a: dummy parameter See also: load_raai - databeheer geografie - geografie scherm digistart - installeer digipol scherm morfchangedata - koppeling guishow naar morfview morfchangesettings - koppeling settings naar morfview data2morf - definieer afhankelijkheid morfologie scherm van data settings2morf - definieer afhankelijkheid morfologie scherm van settings morfview - update morfscherm define_raai - creeer raai panel
31-Mar-2010 18:41:22
51428 bytes
morfview - update morfologie scherm CALL: morfview(udnew,opt,upd,C,HWIN) INPUT: udnew: <struct> met de centrale database opt: <struct> met de gui settings upd: <struct> met de te actualiseren scherm elementen C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes HWIN: <handle> van het hoofdscherm OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, het morfologie scherm wordt geactualiseerd See also: morfologie - initialisatie GUI, afhandeling "data" commando's morfchangedata - koppeling guishow naar morfview morfchangesettings - koppeling settings naar morfview data2morf - definieer afhankelijkheid morfologie scherm van data settings2morf - definieer afhankelijkheid morfologie scherm van settings morfview - update morfscherm
10-Mar-2008 11:17:04
13019 bytes
nextlistID - bepaal het volgende/vorige ID in de zichtbare lijst met raaien CALL: ID = nextlistID(ID,HMAINWIN,opt) INPUT: ID: 1 of meer IDs HMAINWIN: handle van het main window opt: string met mogelijke waarden: - 'next' selecteer volgende ID in raailijst - 'prev' selecteer vorige ID in raailijst preferredID: (optioneel) gewenste volgende of vorige ID, als deze zichtbaar in de lijst voorkomt dan wordt deze geselecteerd zo niet dan wordt de normale selectie procedure uitgevoerd OUTPUT: ID: <integer> van het ID van het vorige/volgende item in de raailijst, ID == [] als geen vorig of volgend item voorkomt in de raailijst See also: raaiinspectie.m
31-Oct-2007 16:33:00
2717 bytes
nonfatal - schrijf WarnMsg weg in het logboek in de categorie "Non-Fatal Foutmelding" of in een andere categorie CALL: db = nonfatal(WarnMsg,db,category) INPUT: WarnMsg: <string> met de warning db: <struct> met de centrale database category: <string> (optioneel) default: 'Non-Fatal Foutmelding' OUTPUT: db: <struct> de centrale (geactualiseerde) database
27-Jun-2008 15:56:05
684 bytes
opmaakgui - breid het opmaakprofiel menu in het geografiescherm uit met een item waarmee de huidige instellingen van het geografiescherm terurgeroepen kunnen worden. CALL: HWIN = opmaakgui(optie,curopt) INPUT: optie: <char> met de volgende mogelijke waarden 'exit' -> interne aanroep 'installatie' -> installeer de gui 'verwijder' -> interne aanroep 'omlaag' -> interne aanroep 'omhoog' -> interne aanroep 'editstr' -> interne aanroep 'toevoegen' -> interne aanroep 'cancel' -> interne aanroep 'ok' -> interne aanroep curopt: <struct> met de geografie settings OUTPUT: HWIN: <handle> van de opmaakgui See also: geografie
24-Apr-2010 10:45:04
9136 bytes
plot_rikz_logo - genereer het RIKZ logo CALL: cdata = plot_rikz_logo INPUT: geen invoer (het bestand rikzlogo.dat wordt geladen) OUTPUT: cdata: <uint8 array> met cdata van het RIKZ logo
19-Mar-2009 17:48:39
1115 bytes
proxyGui - installeer het scherm voor de specificatie van de proxy server ZIE presetValues voor voorkeuze instellingen
15-Aug-2007 13:50:37
14836 bytes
raaiContextMenu - define context menu for raailijst INPUT C: structure with constants hList: handle of object to which context menu is attached figtype: hoofdscherm OR raaibeheer fpstruct: structure with function pointers that are defined locally in calling function OUTPUT hcontext: handle of context menu
30-Mar-2009 16:15:37
7915 bytes
raaichangedata - koppeling raaigui naar raaiview CALL: morfchangedata(udnew,ind,C,HMAINWIN) INPUT: udnew: <struct> met de centrale databse ind: <substruct> met het gewijzigde component <string> met waarde 'all' als alle componenten geactualiseerd moeten worden C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes HRAAIWIN: <handle> van het databeheer scherm OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, het raaiinspectiescherm wordt geactualiseerd SEE ALSO: raaiinspectie - initialisatie GUI, afhandeling "data" commando's raaigui - afhandeling 'GUI' commando's raaichangesettings - koppeling raaigui naar raaiview data2raai1 - definieer afhankelijkheid raaischerm van data (huidige raai) data2raai2 - definieer afhankelijkheid raaischerm van data (algemeen) settings2raai - definieer afhankelijkheid raaischerm van settings raaiview - actualiseer raaischerm
27-Oct-2005 12:48:16
11643 bytes
raaichangesettings - koppeling raaigui naar raaiview CALL: raaichangesettings(optcontainer,ind) INPUT: optcontainer: <struct> met de settings van de MORFOLOGIE applicatie ind: <substruct> met het gewijzigde component <string> met waarde 'all' als alle componenten geactualiseerd moeten worden OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, het raaibeheer scherm wordt geactualiseerd SEE ALSO: raaigui - afhandeling 'GUI' commando's raaiinspectie - initialisatie GUI, afhandeling "data" commando's raaichangedata - koppeling raaigui naar raaiview data2raai1 - definieer afhankelijkheid raaischerm van data (huidige raai) data2raai2 - definieer afhankelijkheid raaischerm van data (algemeen) settings2raai - definieer afhankelijkheid raaischerm van settings raaiview - update raaischerm
24-Jul-2007 09:25:00
1425 bytes
raaien2grid - vergrid raaien CALL: grid = raaien2grid(raaien,ID) INPUT: raaien(N): <array of struct> met te vergridden raaien ID : <integer> ID van nieuw te maken grid OUTPUT: grid : <struct> met een nieuw grid. Fits is db.grid array (see code example below) EXAMPLE code example: ID = 1 + max(cat(1,db.grid.ID,db.raai.ID)); grid = raaien2grid(db.raai(indx),ID); if ~isempty(grid) N = length(db.grid); db.grid(N+1) = grid; end See also changeraai
23-Mar-2008 15:14:24
11486 bytes
raaihullgui - maak een gui aan voor het creeeren van contouren op basis van raaien CALL: raaihullgui(obj,event,fp_toggleselect) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) fp_toggleselect: <function handle> naar functie die aangeroepen moet worden nadat het contour is gecreeerd OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, See also: getcontour - start berekening patchcombine_new - combineer twee contouren
20-Apr-2009 11:35:01
30948 bytes
raaiinspectie - gui voor de inspectie van raaien CALL: a = raaiinspectie(optie,udnew,ind) INPUT: optie: <string> met de uit te voeren actie, mogelijke waarden: - 'contourselect' - 'alfanumedit' - 'alfanumeditcancel' - 'koppelen' - 'movehairline' - 'sethiaat' - 'setdelete' - 'usereferentie' - 'goedkeuren' - 'switchalfanum' - 'selected' - 'exit' - 'togglelegenda' - 'drawnow' - 'begrenzing' - 'verwijderoutlier' - 'referentieraai' - 'installatie' - 'dealwithedit' - 'nextraai' - 'schematiseren' - 'previousraai' - 'selectjarkus' - 'selectraai' - 'selectbasis' - 'thisraai' - 'uitdunnen' - 'updatefromdb' udnew: <struct> (optioneel) met userdata in het geval optie=='update' ind: als optie == updatfromdb <substruct> met te wijzigen component <string> 'all' als alle componenten geactualiseerd moeten worden als optie = installatie <boolean> vervang huidige raaiinspectie OUTPUT: a: a == 0, standaard uitvoer APPROACH: bij elk raaiinspectie scherm worden een userdata structure opgeslagen userdata.ID: interne raai ID
15-Aug-2008 15:54:51
56963 bytes
raailistfields - bepaal de weer te geven velden in de raailijst CALL: fields = raailistfields(C,show) INPUT: C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes show: <struct> met weer te geven velden OUTPUT: fields: <cell array> met weer te geven velden
08-Jan-2006 20:50:30
676 bytes
raaiview - actualiseer raaiinspectie scherm CALL: raaiview(udnew,opt,upd,C,HWIN) INPUT: udnew: <struct> met de centrale databse opt: <struct> met de gui settings upd: <struct> met de te actualiseren scherm elementen C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes HWIN: <handle> van het raaiinspectie scherm OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, het raaiinspectiescherm wordt geactualiseerd See also: load_raai - initialisatie GUI, afhandeling "data" commando's raaichangedata - koppeling guishow naar raaiview raaichangesettings - koppeling raaigui naar raaiview data2raai1 - definieer afhankelijkheid raaischerm van data (huidige raai) data2raai2 - definieer afhankelijkheid raaischerm van data (algemeen) settings2raai - definieer afhankelijkheid raaischerm van settings
28-Jun-2008 14:29:56
31254 bytes
read_rgfgrid - lees een rgfgrid databestand in CALL: [X,Y] = read_rgfgrid(rgfgrid_name,{leftmargin}) INPUT: rgfgrid_name: <string> met de naam van het rgfgrid bestand leftmargin: <integer> (optioneel), aantal posities die overgeslagen moeten worden vanaf de linkerkantlijn, nodig om het 'ETA = ??' gedeelte over te slaan (default == 12) OUTPUT: X: <double> x-coordinaten van het grid Y: <double> y-coordinaten van het grid EXAMPLE: structuur van het bestand is van de vorm: * rgfgrid Version 2.8 file created at NOW1970/01/01 01:00:20 NumCols NumRows 0 0 0 0 ETA= 1 X_1 X_2 X_3 X_4 X_5 X_6 X_7 X_8 X_9 X_10 : : : : : ... ... ... ... X_NumCols : ETA= NumRows X_1 X_2 X_3 X_4 X_5 X_6 X_7 X_8 X_9 X_10 : : : : : ... ... ... ... X_NumCols ETA= 1 X_1 X_2 X_3 X_4 X_5 X_6 X_7 X_8 X_9 X_10 : : : : : ... ... ... ... X_NumCols : ETA= NumRows X_1 X_2 X_3 X_4 X_5 X_6 X_7 X_8 X_9 X_10 : : : : : ... ... ... ... X_NumCols SEE ALSO: write_rgfgrid
24-Jul-2007 22:34:50
4574 bytes
removeadhoc - verwijder adhoc ID CALL: removeadhoc(curID,adhocID) INPUT: curID: <integer> met ID huidige raai adhocID: <integer> met te verwijder adhoc ID OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de database is geactualiseerd
05-Mar-2007 10:42:08
667 bytes
retreive_gridattribs - actualiseer de inputcontrol velden dx,dy end edgecoord APPROACH: elke keer dat een nieuw grid is geselecteerd wordt deze functie aangeroepen (als MODE == 1 (smoothing))
24-Jul-2007 10:05:44
1283 bytes
sLoccod2W3H - haal de bij een locatie horende W3H data op CALL: W3H = sLoccod2W3H(sLoccod,W3Htable,sLoccodlist) INPUT: sLoccod: <string> met een locatiecode W3Htable: <struct array> met velden: - sLoccod - sLocoms - lMetrng - lRhoekg - sLocsrt - sCrdtyp - lXcrdgs - lYcrdgs - sGbdcod sLoccodlist: <char array> met locatiecodes OUTPUT: W3H: <struct> met de bij een locatie horende W3H data
28-Sep-2005 14:33:26
1178 bytes
save_data - callback van menu en toolbar icon 'bewaar werkgebied', user interface voor het bewaren van een werkgebied CALL: saved = save_data(fname) INPUT: fname: <string> (optioneel) met de naam van het te bewaren bestand (nargin==0) --> vraag gebruiker om bestandsnaam lege string --> gebruik default naam OUTPUT: saved: <boolean> mogelijke waarden: 1 --> daadwerkelijk gesaved 0 --> als cancel ingedrukt APPROACH: - Haal constantes en userdata op - Bepaal de filenaam van de te bewaren data - Schakel GUI tijdelijk uit (mbd_suspend) - Bewaar data - Activeer GUI (mbd_restore) - Deactiveer save buttons Deze worden bij de eerste wijziging weer door morf_check_exit geactiveerd
25-Jul-2007 09:11:24
2266 bytes
selectandsort - selecteer raaien aan de hand van de instellingen in het morfologie- of raaibeheerscherm CALL: selected = selectandsort(C, raaiarray, MODE) INPUT: C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes raaiarray: <struct array> met raai info MODE: <integer> mogelijke waarden: 1 -> gebruik instellingen uit morfologiescherm 2 -> gebruik instellingen uit raaibeheer scherm OUTPUT: selected: <array of boolean> true --> raai zichtbaar in lijst See also: jacontrol
04-Jul-2007 07:24:36
1580 bytes
selectraairange - selecteer meerdere periodes CALL: selectraairange(x1,x2,y1,y2) INPUT: nargin == 0 -> Selecteer eerste geldige periode na aangeklikte plaats nargin == 1 -> Selecteer aangegeven punten x1: <array of integer> met periode indices nargin == 2 -> selecteer punten in tijdsinterval x1: <double> begin selectie periode x2: <double> einde selectie periode nargin == 4 -> selecteer punten in rechthoek x1: <double> kleinste x-coordinaat x2: <double> grootste x-coordinaat y1: <double> kleinste y-coordinaat y2: <double> grootste y-coordinaat OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, 1 of meerdere periodes worden geselecteerd SEE ALSO: raaiinspectie
05-Mar-2007 10:43:16
5252 bytes
set_herkomst - houd de herkomst van de gridcellen bij CALL: grid = set_herkomst(grid,f,mode,mutatie) INPUT: grid: <struct> met het te wijzigen grid, relevante velden: <struct array> met grid properties herkomst.index: <uint8 array> met verwijzingen naar 0 voor de cellen die geen data bevatten f: <array of integer> met indices van de te wijzigen elementen in het grid. BELANGRIJK: f moet verwijzen naar het ingevoerde grid mode: <integer> manier van wijzigen mogelijk waarden 1 --> zie mutatie mode == 1 2 --> zie mutatie mode == 2 mutatie: mode==1: <struct> die aan het array properties moet worden toegevoegd (ID is een verplicht veld van deze structure). mode==2: <struct> met een compleet grid. Het veld bevat de herkomstgegevens die moeten worden overgeplant naar het nieuwe grid. OUTPUT: grid: <struct> met het aangepaste grid (zie invoer) EXAMPLE: grid = set_herkomst(grid,f_nonzero,2,grid_to_copy_from) SEE ALSO: addcontour swan_combine
14-Oct-2005 12:53:24
3552 bytes
setcolormap - zet de colormap voor een geselecteerde as CALL: setcolormap(opt,hax) INPUT: opt: <struct> met relevante velden: - type - mapfun - range hax: <handle> van de axis OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de colormap voor de geselecteerde as is gezet SEE ALSO: showcolormap
27-Sep-2005 18:05:42
754 bytes
sethairline - positioneer de hairline en de cursor in de lijst CALL: sethairline(obj,event,C,HWIN) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes HWIN: <handle> van het scherm waarin de objecten worden bijgewerkt OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, hairline en cursor zijn gepositioneerd
05-Jul-2007 11:45:32
1651 bytes
setnoref - rekenmodule voor het verwijderen van de referentieraai CALL: dbdata = setnoref(dbdata,baseind) INPUT: dbdata: <struct> undoredo stucture met relevante velden: data in structure baseind: <substruct> index naar huidige raai OUTPUT: dbdata: <struct> geactualiseerde undoredo stucture
23-Jul-2007 23:04:00
1413 bytes
setreference - bereken referentie bij raailocatie CALL: dbdata = setreference(dbdata,baseind,raai,foutlier,mu,NEWGROUP) INPUT: dbdata: <struct> met de centrale database baseind: <substruct> index naar de huidige raai raai: <struct> met de huidige raai foutlier: <array of integer> met de indices van de outliers (voor berekening nieuwe outlier status) mu: <double> referentie waarde NEWGROUP: <boolean> database mutatie status OUTPUT: dbdata: <struct> met de geactualiseerde centrale database
27-Jun-2007 16:53:04
2112 bytes
setrefhist - werk de raaireferenties bij CALL: [ud,foutlier] = setrefhist(ud,curindx,ID,xyloc,NEWGROUP) INPUT: ud: <struct> met de centrale database curindx: <integer> met de index van de huidige raai ID: <integer> met het ID van de referentieraai xyloc: <matrix of double> locale x-y (voetmaat-loodlijn) in meter, breedte: 2 (maar afgerond op cm) NEWGROUP: <boolean> database mutatie status OUTPUT: ud: <struct> met de geactualiseerde centrale database
20-Feb-2008 10:32:57
3012 bytes
settings2geo - definieer afhankelijkheid geografie scherm van settings CALL: agtree = settings2geo INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: agtree: <struct> met de afhankelijkheden van het geografie scherm van de data in de centrale morfologie database
25-Mar-2009 09:58:18
5203 bytes
settings2morf - definieer afhankelijkheid morfologie scherm van settings CALL: agtree = settings2morf(C) INPUT: C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes OUTPUT: agtree: <struct> met de afhankelijkheden van het morfologie scherm van de data in de centrale morfologie database See also: morfologie - initialisatie GUI, afhandeling "data" commando's morfchangedata - koppeling guishow naar morfview morfchangesettings - koppeling settings naar morfview data2morf - definieer afhankelijkheid morfologie scherm van de data morfview - update morfologiescherm
06-Mar-2007 19:49:24
1458 bytes
settings2raai - definieer afhankelijkheid raaischerm van settings CALL: agtree = settings2raai(C) INPUT: C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes OUTPUT: agtree: <struct> met de afhankelijkheden van het raaischerm van de data in de centrale morfologie database SEE ALSO: load_raai - initialisatie GUI, afhandeling "data" commando's raaichangedata - koppeling guishow naar raaiview raaichangesettings - koppeling settings naar raaiview data2raai1 - definieer afhankelijkheid raaischerm van data (huidige raai) data2raai2 - definieer afhankelijkheid raaischerm van data (algemeen) raaiview - update raaischerm
31-Oct-2007 17:21:26
3017 bytes
getwgbname - verander de naam van het huidige werkgebied van de Morfologie applicatie CALL: setwgbname(filename,extra) INPUT: filename: <string> naam van het huidige werkgebied extra: <string> (optioneel), wordt achter de filename gezet OUTPUT: geen uitvoer, de naam van het werkgebied is aangepast SEE ALSO: getwgbname
10-Mar-2005 13:20:06
598 bytes
showgeotop - haal topografie data op en plot deze CALL: showgeotop(obj,event,hax,FROMGEOVIEW,guiopt) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) hax: <handle> van de zoom assen FROMGEOVIEW: <boolean> als 1 dan is de functie aangeroepen vanuit geoview en guiopt is dan meegegeven guiopt: <struct> met de settings data OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de topografie data is geplot
02-Aug-2007 11:02:22
1486 bytes
showgridpatch - Plot grid patches en grid status CALL: showgridpatch(MODE,C,grid,hax,Zlevel) INPUT: MODE: <integer> met de aanroepende functie, mogelijke waarden: 1: morfview (plot patches en status van de geselecteerde grids) buttondownfunctie van patch: select/deselect grid 2: geoview (plot de patches) buttondownfunctie van patch: set label 3: geoview (plot de gridstatus symbolen, geen patches) C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes grid: <struct array> met grids Zlevel: <double> te gebruiken z-waarde hlist: <handle> van de gridlijst hax: <handle> van de plotassen SEE ALSO: morfview (Mode==1) geoview (Mode==2)
26-Jun-2007 08:54:00
5108 bytes
smooth_ignore - bepaal indices van de voor smoothing te negeren punten op basis van bodemhoogte en contouren INPUT: z: <matrix of int32> met de z waarden van een grid xax: <array of integer> met de x-as yax: <array of integer> met de y-as drempelH: <double> drempelwaarde voor hoogte cntr: <struct array> met contour data uit werkgebied, velden: - linedata - name - ID f_selected: <array of integer> met lineaire index in griddata.z van kandidaat punten die gesmoothed moeten worden mode: <string> moeten de punten binnen of buiten de contouren gesmoothed worden, mogelijke waarden: - 'binnen' - 'buiten' OUTPUT: f_filtered: <array of integer> met lineaire index in griddata.z van punten die WEL gesmoothed moeten worden f_ignore: <array of integer> met lineaire index in griddata.z van punten die NIET gesmoothed moeten worden APPROACH: deze functie is onafhankelijk van de Maria datastructuur zie smooth_ignore_Maria voor de versie die de Maria datastructuur See also: smooth_ignore_Maria
17-Jun-2007 17:57:20
2891 bytes
smooth_ignore_Maria - wrapper rondom smooth_ignore. Vertaalt Maria specifieke datastructuur in algemene datastructuur CALL: [f_filtered,f_ignore] = smooth_ignore_Maria(opt,griddata,f_selected) INPUT: opt: <struct> met opties, met relevante velden: - exclude_hoogte -> <boolean> filter op hoogte - exclude_contour: -> <boolean> filter op contour griddata: <struct> met een grid, relevante velden: xax -> x as yax -> y as z -> z data f_selected: <array of integer> met lineaire index in griddata.z van kandidaat punten die gesmoothed moeten worden OUTPUT: f_filtered: <array of integer> met lineaire index in griddata.z van punten die WEL gesmoothed moeten worden f_ignore: <array of integer> met lineaire index in griddata.z van punten die NIET gesmoothed moeten worden SEE ALSO: smooth_ignore
17-Jun-2007 17:37:34
1739 bytes
smoothview - visualisatie functie voor swan_smooth CALL: smoothview(udnew,opt,upd,HWIN) INPUT: udnew: Maria data structuur opt: SWAN smooth datastructuur upd: structure met te updaten items HWIN: handle van SWAN figure
20-Feb-2008 10:32:39
8605 bytes
sortRaaien - Sorteer raaien in volgorde van ligging lang kustlijn CALL: RAAI_sorted = sortRaaien(f_raai,raaiarray,maxafstand,maxhoek) INPUT: f_raai: <indices> van de te sorteren raaien raaiarray: <array of struct> met corresponderende raaigegevens. maxafstand: <double> max afstand voor zoeken maxhoek: <double> max hoek voor zoeken OUTPUT: RAAI_sorted: <array of struct> met gesorteerde raaien. SEE ALSO jaarcontrolegui raaihullgui
08-Jan-2006 20:53:50
3936 bytes
INPUT obj,event: not used sorttable: handle van jacontrol met grid lijst NOTE: Definitions of "kaartbladen" are read from file 'Kaartbladen.w3h' W3H[] +----sLoccod (char array) +----sLocoms (char array) +----lMetrng (double) +----lRhoekg (double) +----sLocsrt (char) +----sCrdtyp (char array) +----lXcrdgs (double) +----lYcrdgs (double) +----sGbdcod (char array) OUTPUT changes are saved in workspace See also: changeraai
15-Apr-2010 09:26:10
6470 bytes
swan_ascii - exporteer het SWAN grid in ASCII formaat CALL: swan_ascii(obj, event, output) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) output: <string> type gegegevens dat wordt geexporteerd XYZ: Exporteer de X en Y coordinaten en de Z waarden van het SWAN grid XY: Exporteer de X en Y coordinaten van het SWAN grid Z: Exporteer de Z waarden van het SWAN grid binair: Exporteer het SWAN grid in binair formaat met extensie .swn XYZpaar: Exporteer het SWAN grid in (X,Y,Z) triples OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, er wordt een bestand weggeschreven met een door de gebruiker opgegeven naam
23-Jul-2007 08:25:08
6915 bytes
swan_combine - voeg 2 of meer grids samen of vergelijke geselecteerde grids met het SWAN grid, of interpoleer geslecteerde grids CALL: swan_combine(obj, event, MODE, hgridlist) INPUT: obj: <handle> van de aanroepende uicontrol event: <double> standaard argument voor een callback (niet gebruikt) MODE: <double> (optioneel) mogelijke waarden: - 0 -> GUI voor interpoleren van grids (default) - 1 -> GUI voor combineren van grids - 2 -> GUI voor vergelijken grids met SWAN grid hgridlist: <handle> (optioneel) handle van de lijst met grids OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de betreffende GUI wordt geactiveerd
20-Mar-2008 13:19:22
26575 bytes
swan_extrap - bul SWAN grid incrementeel CALL: swan_extrap(obj, event) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de database is geupdate met een gevuld SWAN Grid See also: morfologie
20-Feb-2008 10:34:12
3056 bytes
swan_grid - gui voor het instellen van een SWAN grid CALL: swan_grid(obj, event) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer
15-Aug-2008 15:54:52
26725 bytes
swan_smooth - GUI voor de selectie van 1 grid en het uitvoeren van een actie daarop, CALL: swan_smooth(obj, event, MODE, hgridlist) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) MODE: <integer> type bewerking, mogelijke waarden: 1 -> smooth grid 2 -> Expandeer samengesteld grid 3 -> Detecteer en vul hiaten hgridlist: <handle> (optioneel) van de gridlijst waaruit functie is aangeroepen OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, geselecteerd grid is gesmoothed, geexpandeerd of de hiaten zijn opgevuld See also: dealwith
29-Feb-2008 14:21:14
32912 bytes
swan_split - splits SWAN grid in delen (GUI gedeelte) CALL: opt = swan_split(obj, event) INPUT: obj: <handle> van de aanroepende uicontrol (niet gebruikt) event: leeg, standaard argument van een callback (niet gebruikt) OUTPUT: geen uitvoer, opgedeelde SWAN grid is weggeschreven
18-Jul-2007 12:42:10
13094 bytes
testFilter -
10-Nov-2008 12:21:48
2496 bytes
toggle_shw_opt - hulpfunctie voor raaiinspectie, define_control en define_passief, toggles fld CALL: toggle_shw_opt(obj, event, fld) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument fld: <string> te togglen veld OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, het betreffend veld is getoggled in de settings
05-Mar-2007 08:21:22
613 bytes
uitdunnen - rekenmodule voor het verwijderen van outliers zonder interactie met de gebruiker CALL: [db,xyloc] = uitdunnen(db,baseind,xyloc) INPUT: db: <struct> met de centrale database baseind: <substruct> met index naar huidige raai xyloc: <matrix of double> locale x-y (voetmaat-loodlijn) in meter, breedte: 2 (afgerond op cm) OUTPUT: db: <struct> met de centrale database
04-Jul-2007 11:07:44
2088 bytes
undobuttons - creeer standaard buttons voor schermen in morfologie applicatie CALL: undobuttons(C,present) INPUT: Htool: <handle> van de toolbar waarin de undobuttons moeten komen present: <vector> van lengte 6 met vlaggen voor het wel/niet opnemen van de volgende buttons: - present(1): naar hoofdscherm - present(2): naar raaibeheer - present(3): naar geografie - present(4): naar digipol - present(5): button start raaiinspectie - present(6): reset redo/undo history OUTPUT: geen directe output, buttons worden aangemaakt in de toolbars, wordt gebruikt in o.a. hoofdscherm, raaibeheer, geografiescherm en het Digipol scherm.
01-May-2008 20:07:51
3767 bytes
update_dist - update weergave van de meetlat CALL: update_dist(obj,event,HWIN) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) HWIN: <handle> van het huidige scherm waarin de meetlat zich bevindt OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de meetlat is geactualiseerd SEE ALSO: zoomtool geoview
27-Sep-2005 16:07:16
2326 bytes
vergrid - aggregeer een verzameling datapunten naar een opgegeven grid CALL: [grid_out,succes] = vergrid(xy,z,stapgrootte,datatype) INPUT: xy: : tabel N x 2 met coordinaten van datapunten int 32, in mm z: : bijbehorende z waarden stapgrootte: <double> stapgrootte van het grid in meter datatype: <integer> uit te voeren bewerking, mogelijke waarden 1 -> Gemiddelde diepte (aangeboden data middelen) 2 -> Maximum diepte (aangeboden data maximeren) 3 -> Minimum diepte (aangeboden data minimeren) 4 -> Steekproef diepte (per cel 1 datapunt uit aangeboden data gebruiken) 5 -> Vroegste datum (aangeboden data minimeren) 6 -> Laatste datum (aangeboden data maximeren) 7 -> Steekproef datum (per cel 1 datapunt uit aangeboden data gebruiken) 8 -> Aantal waarnemingen (aangeboden tellen) NMAX: Maximaal toegestaan aantal gridcellen. Gebruik inf indien niet gespecificeerd OUTPUT: grid_out: <struct> met een grid met de volgende velden - xgrid: begrenzingen van het grid in de x richting. De lengte is gelijk aan het aantal gridcellen +1; - ygrid: begrenzingen van het grid in de y richting. De lengte is gelijk aan het aantal gridcellen +1; - N: aantal datapunten - Z: z-waardes succes: <boolean> 1 -> actie correct afgerond 0 -> actie door gebruiker afgebroken See also: vergrid.m, Get2Dindex.m, dprintf.m, Get1DIndex.m APPROACH: - Converteer stapgrootte van m naar cm - Initialiseer een leeg grid als uitvoer, Als de gebruiker de berekening onderbreekt wordt dit lege grid uitgevoerd (emptyadhocgrid). - Bepaal het grid zodanig dat er tenminste 1 cel is en dat alle datapunten binnen een cel vallen - Toon tijdens de betrekening een progress indicator. Die bij benadering de voortgang weergeeft. - begin een try - catch blok. Indien de gebruiker ctrl-C indrukt, wordt de berekening op een nette manier onderbroken. - Bepaal de minimum en maximum waardes van de datapunten De minimale x en y waarden vormen het hoekpunt van het grid - Bepaal de grenzen van het grid. Zorg dat er tenminste 1 cel is en dat alle dat binnen een cel vallen - Maak lege matrices aan. Hiermee wordt het geheugen geclaimd. Tevens worden alle waarden op NaN geinitialiseerd. - Bepaal voor elk datapunt de bijbehorende lineaire matrix cel index. Dit gebeurt met behulp van de functie Get2DIndex - Sorteer de datapunten, op basis van de lineaire gridcel index - Deel de datapunten in in groepen die bij dezelfde cel horen - Bepaal de gevraagde uitdrukkingen voor alle groepen: - bepaal het begin van de groep ==> grp_begin - bepaal het einde van de groep ==> grp_end - bepaal de elementen van de groep ==> zvector zvector is de verzameling datapunten voor de cel met index LinIndx. - De berekening is nu voltooid. Overschrijf de dummy uitvoer variabele met de berekende waarde
03-Sep-2008 14:21:50
17169 bytes
wadireset - verwijder alle opgehaalde locaties en tijdstippen callback van de knop "reset" Wordt ook aangeroepen als URL wijzigt INPUT obj,event: Matlab standaard callback argumenten db_settings: Database indien opgegeven: niet opnieuw ophalen OUTPUT de databse wordt mbdstore opgeslagen en mbdflush wordt uitgevoerd
12-Jul-2005 22:38:38
856 bytes
write_rgfgrid - maak een rgfgrid databestand de structuur van het databestand ziet er als volgt uit: * rgfgrid Version 2.8 file created at NOW1970/01/01 01:00:20 MaxX MaxY 0 0 0 0 ETA= 1 X_1 X_2 X_3 X_4 X_5 X_6 X_7 X_8 X_9 X_10 : : : : : ... ... ... ... X_MaxX : ETA= MaxY X_1 X_2 X_3 X_4 X_5 X_6 X_7 X_8 X_9 X_10 : : : : : ... ... ... ... X_MaxX ETA= 1 X_1 X_2 X_3 X_4 X_5 X_6 X_7 X_8 X_9 X_10 : : : : : ... ... ... ... X_MaxX : ETA= MaxY X_1 X_2 X_3 X_4 X_5 X_6 X_7 X_8 X_9 X_10 : : : : : ... ... ... ... X_MaxX CALL: write_rgfgrid(rgfgrid_name,X,Y) INPUT: rgfgrid_name: <string> naam van het rgfgrid databestand X: <matrix> x coordinaten van het grid Y: <matrix> y coordinaten van het grid SEE ALSO: read_rgfgrid
27-Jun-2007 11:18:02
4652 bytes
xy2grid - maak een grid aan en vul het met z-waarden CALL: grid = xy2grid(limits,linindex,z,status) INPUT: limits: <struct> met de begrenzingen van het grid (afgeleid uit de grid coordinaten) met velden: - xll - stapx - N - yll - stapy - M linindex: <vector of integer> met lineaire index in grid z: <vector of int32> met diepte in cm behorende bij linindex status: <vector of uint8> met de geaggregeerde status behorende bij linindex OUTPUT: grid: <struct> met een grid SEE ALSO: load_raai do_import_dia getbinstatus
28-Sep-2005 14:58:02
3202 bytes
converteer xy coordinates zoals opgeslagen in Maria naar RD coordinaten INPUT xy(P,2): uint32. eenheid: mm OUTPUT xyrd(P,2): double. eenheid: m See also: grid2rd
22-Mar-2008 09:14:32
256 bytes
buildAgtree - bouw de agtree voor de geodatabase interface CALL: agtree = buildAgtree INPUT: geen invoer OUTPUT: geen uitvoer, de geodatabase constantes worden geactualiseerd See also:
04-Mar-2007 13:13:48
14252 bytes
buildDefopt - stel de default settings in voor de geodatabase interface CALL: defopt = buildDefopt INPUT: D: <struct> met de constantes voor de geodatabase interface OUTPUT: defopt: <struct> waarin de update elementen gespecificeerd zijn SEE ALSO: ur_getopt
08-Jan-2006 18:47:30
22831 bytes
buildSettings - maak de settings database voor de geodataapplicatie aan CALL: opt = buildSettings(opt,docStruct) INPUT: opt: <struct> matlab structure representatie van een xml bestand docStruct: <struct> met de settings database OUTPUT: opt: <struct> matlab structure geupdate xml
07-Jan-2008 12:00:32
41170 bytes
define_geodata - installeer de geodatabase interface CALL: define_geodata(grid,fname,digisettings) INPUT: grid: <struct> met een grid uit Maria, zie ook: emptygrid fname: <string> (optioneel) van het weg te schrijven bestand, default == 'metadata' digisettings: <string> met de gebruikt digipol settings, alleen beschikbaar bij rechtstreekse import vanuit digipol OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de metadata kan gesaved worden als een XML bestand dat geimporteerd kan worden in arcGis See also: geodataview
22-Mar-2009 15:53:45
108374 bytes
expandAll - klap een boom volledig in of uit CALL: expandAll(jac,expand) INPUT: jac: <jacontrol object> van het type JTree expand: <boolean> 1: klap volledige boom uit 0: klap volledige boom in OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de boom is volledig in- of uitgeklapt
07-Jun-2005 07:17:08
2018 bytes
geodataconstants - definieer een aantal constantes die specifiek zijn voor het geodata scherm CALL: D = geodataconstants INPUT: geen input OUTPUT: D: <struct> met de constantes die specifiek zijn voor het geodata scherm
26-Feb-2008 22:52:18
28124 bytes
geodataview - actualiseer de geodata schermelementen INPUT: udnew: <struct> met dedatabase opt: <struct> met de GUI settings upd: <struct> met de te updaten scherm elementen C: <struct> met de morfologie constantes HWIN: <handle> van het geodatabase scherm OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, alle schermelementen van de geodata applicatie zijn aangepast
21-Mar-2009 18:34:07
42938 bytes
getAllNodes - haal alle knopen uit een boom op CALL: array = getAllNodes(tree) INPUT: tree: <jacontrol object> van het type JTree OUTPUT: array: <java array> met de treepaths naar alle knopen
07-Jun-2005 07:53:32
1301 bytes
listaction - de callback van de navigatiebuttons CALL: listaction(obj,event,varargin) INPUT: obj: <handle> standaard matlab callback argument event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument (niet gebruikt) varargin: <cell array> met twee elementen - action: <string> met mogelijke waarden - add - delete - previous - next - index: <string> met mogelijke waarden - Documentatie - Bewerkingen - Object - Attribuut - Organisatie - Persoon OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de centrale database van de CEN Editor wordt aangepast
04-Jul-2007 12:22:34
10420 bytes
struct2treestruct - converteer een structure naar een boomstructuur CALL: S = struct2treestruct(structure) INPUT: structure: <struct> een willekeurige 'structure' OUTPUT: tree: <vector> met de boomstructuur, element i bevat de index van knoop i's ouder, nul is de 'root' knooop labels: <cell string> namen van de knopen
20-Jun-2007 15:34:52
2605 bytes
treepath2index - converteer een java treepath object naar een index CALL: index = treepath2index(treepath) INPUT: tree: <javaobject> javax.swing.tree treepath: <javaobject> javax.swing.tree.TreePath OUTPUT: index: <array of int> met een alternatieve representatie van het treepath object met de index van het element in de boom op elk niveau (de rootnode is hierin niet opgenomen)
19-May-2005 17:57:36
865 bytes
gettree - haal de boomstructuur van een 'structure' op CALL: [tree,labels] = gettree(structure) INPUT: tree: <array of int> met de boomstructuur, element i bevat de index van knoop i's ouder, nul is de 'root' knoop labels: <cellstring> namen van de knopen OUTPUT: S: <struct> een treestructure met velden - tree <array of int> - labels <cellstring>
20-May-2005 12:59:12
686 bytes
updataxmlstruct - zet de settings in de xml matlab structure CALL: xmlstruct = updataxmlstruct(xmlstruct,db) INPUT: xmlstruct: <struct> matlab structure representatie van een xml bestand db: <struct> met de settings database OUTPUT: xmlstruct: <struct> matlab structure geupdate xml
09-Sep-2005 17:09:44
25252 bytes
ur_getframechildren - haal de frames op die direct onder het opgegeven frame hangen CALL: h_frames = ur_getframechildren(hframe) INPUT: hframe: <handle> van het parent frame OUTPUT: h_frames <handle> van de children frames van hframe
19-May-2005 12:21:52
868 bytes
ComposeDirList - CALL: Contents = ComposeDirList(dirlist,fields,dateformat) INPUT: dirlist: fields: dateformat: OUTPUT: Contents: <struct> met velden: header - <cellstring> met kolomnamen data - <cell array> met data op grond waarvan een tabel gevuld kan worden See also: jacontrol
22-Feb-2008 20:04:54
2577 bytes
LocatePointer - position the mousepointer over the object with handle obj SUMMARY This utility will move the pointer (window cursor) over a handle graphic object, like a button INPUT obj: object handle (scalar) OUTPUT no direct output, the mousepointer is place over the specified object
15-Aug-2008 15:17:34
684 bytes
arrangemenus - arrange sequence of uimenu objects CALL arrangemenus(hwin,first,last) INPUT hwin : window(s) to deal with first : menu's to start with (in order of appearnce) last : menus to end with (in order of appearnce) OUTPUT This function returns no output arguments EXAMPLE arrangemenus(gcf,'file',strvcat('zoom','help'))
17-Jun-2010 00:32:06
2752 bytes
asciiedit - open file in ascii editor CALL asciiedit(fname) INPUT fname: te openene file OUTPUT geen (er word een file geopend in een ascii editor) AANPAK het pad naar de editor wordt gelezen uit het script notepad.bat wanneer dit niet aanwezig script niet aanwezig is, is notepad.exe (zonder pad) de default editor Het script notepad.bat wordt aangemaakt met het commando which notepad.exe > notepad.bat
15-Aug-2008 18:35:14
1569 bytes
assert - check condition. If false call error(msg) CALL assertm(condition) assertm(condition,msg) INPUT condition: boolean msg: error message that will be displayed if condition==false OUTPUT This function returns no output arguments EXAMPLE assertm(exist(fname,'file'),'input file does not exist') NOTE assertm.m replaces assert.m because 2008a contains a duplicate function assert
06-May-2009 13:49:55
704 bytes
autolegend - (her)installeer legenda of voer callback van legenda uit CALL: [RESIZEDELAYED, ACTIVE] = autolegend(VISIBLE, opt) INPUT: opt: opt.CLIPFRAME : do not show legend items outside this area opt.LEGFRAME : handle of frame on which to plot legend. to be resized after updating legend. IF NOT EMPTY: set pixelsize for this frame and indicate of call to mbdresize is needed opt.PLOTAXES : handle(s) of axes to plot legend from opt.patchprops : if specified a patch will be plotted just inside the clipframe. This patch obscures elements from the graph and thus prevents mingling of the legend with the rest of the graph. example: struct('facec',AXESCOLOR) opt.headerprops: if specified a header will be plotted with the properties specified in this structure. Note that the header will be plotted using "text" (not "uicontrol('style','text')") example: struct('str',Legend,'fontw','bold') opt.maxpixelh : limit to the pixelheight of the frame opt.unique : if 1, show only first occurence of label (default 0) opt.legendbd: buttondown function opt.NORESIZE: if true. Do not modify application data "pixelsize" of LEGFRAME depending on legend (non default). In some instances this behavior is not wanted (for examples) if legends are required to be aligned. opt.LINEW opt.LMARGE opt.MIDMARGE opt.RMARGE opt.TMARGE opt.VMARGE opt.BMARGE opt.font: <struct> with fields INDIRECT INPUT application data "label": this functions searches for line or patch objects for which the application data label has been set. Toggle sequence for these items: NORMAL-EMPHASIS-NORMAL application data "legtext": this functions searches for line or patch objects for which tjhe application data label has been set Toggle sequence for these items: NORMAL-EMPHASIS-OFF-NORMAL OUTPUT RESIZEDELAYED: if 1: frame size has changed, mbdresize should be called to paint frames ACTIVE: true if legend contains at least 1 element legItems: line o +----label +----handles +----hidable +----leghandle: handle of line or patch object in legend INDIRECT OUTPUT This function delets and plots legend objects This function sets the pixelsize width of FRAMEAXES If patchprops is specified this function initiates a global invisible axes (LAYER 3), or makes an earlier global axes the current one. CODE EXAMPLE % STEP 1: Install frame for legend (include this code when % installing the GUI) % create outer frame: h_frame = mbdcreateframe(h_parent,... 'title','Legend',... 'tag','fixedlegendframe',... 'pixelsize',[NaN 0],... %width depends on subframe 'normsize',[0 1],... %height depends on parent frame 'lineprops',mbdlineprops,...%do not use border==1, because then lines will not be visible 'minmarges',[2 2 2 2]); % create slider and link this to outer frame ==> changing the % sliders value will shift the contents of the outer frame hslid=uicontrol('style','slider'); mbdlinkobj(hslid,h_frame,... 'normpos',[1 0 0 1],... 'pixelpos',[-12 0 12 0]); mbdlinkslider2frame(hslid,h_frame); %note: slider claims part of the width of the outer frame. %autolegend takes this into account by claiming extra room for the %inner frame %specify the inner frame. This frame may move up and down in the %outer frame, depending on the slider position mbdcreateframe(h_frame,... 'tag','innerlegendframe',... 'pixelsize',[0 0],... 'normsize',[0 1],... 'border',0,... 'splithor',0,... 'minmarges',[0 0 0 0]); %Alle required frames are now installed <other code> %-------------------------- <other code> % STEP 2: Install axes, plot figure and set label properties axes('tag','MyAxes') h=plot(1:10) setappdata(h,'label','My Line'); %setting the label property %tells autolegend to include the label h=line(1:10,2:11) setappdata(h,'legtext','My Line2'); %setting the legtext property %tells autolegend to include the label <other code> %-------------------------- <other code> % STEP 3: Update the legend legopt=struct('LEGFRAME',gch('innerlegendframe',HWIN),... 'CLIPFRAME',gch('fixedlegendframe',HWIN),... 'PLOTAXES',[gch('MyAxes',HWIN);gch('OtherAxes',HWIN)]); if autolegend(1,legopt) %autolegend may change the size of innerlegendframe, depending on the displayed label sizes. %If this is the case, mbdresize must be called to repaint all frames mbdresize; end
13-Oct-2009 19:34:00
24304 bytes
bdpatch - callback for interactive patch labels CALL bdpatch(obj,event,varargin) INPUT h_patch: patch consisting of N faces event: not used callback: function pointer to callback that will be invoked data: struct or cell array with exactly N elements or char array with exactly N rows or numeric array with exactly N rows or elements SEE ALSO patchvalue EXAMPLE h_patch=patch(X,Y,Z,'facec','r','buttond',{@bdpatch,@disp,num2str(ZZ(:))});
15-Aug-2008 16:54:21
2540 bytes
cell2hashtable - converteer cellarray naar een java hashtable CALL: ht = cell2hashtable(c) INPUT: c: cellarray met twee kolommen: kolom 1: hashtable keys kolom 2: hashtable waarden OUTPUT: ht: java.util.Hashtable See also: hashtable2cell
29-Jan-2008 20:05:48
542 bytes
cell2str - converteer cell array naar een string CALL: S = cell2str(C, sep) INPUT: C: <cell array> (NxM) met getallen en strings sep: <single character> optional. separator for columns. For example use ";" to produce output that can be pasted as a table in Word. OUTPUT: S: <string> (NxP) string representatie van cell array. The matrix contains M columns separated by a space (or specified separator) See also: cell2mat, cell2struct
17-Mar-2008 09:13:14
2123 bytes
centralpos - positioneer een window min of meer in het midden van een scherm CALL: pos = centralpos(windowSize) INPUT: windowSize: window size in pixels OUTPUT pos: new centralized position for figure EXAMPLE: %centralize current window centralpos(mbdpixelsize(hframe)); see also: mbdresize, mbdpixelsize, movegui(HWIN,'center');
16-Aug-2008 12:03:48
599 bytes
chararray2char - convert char array to string CALL: str = chararray2char(str) INPUT: str: char array linebreak: (optinal) string with linebreak character default: char(10) OUTPUT: str: string
09-Oct-2009 11:56:28
451 bytes
code2str - translate numeric codes into strings, use last element of stringto as default CALL str = code2str(codefrom,stringto,codes) INPUT: codefrom(N) : <vector of double> numeric codes stringto(N,p): <char array> corresponding strings codes(q): <double of double> codes that need translation OUTPUT str: <char array>, a list of length(codes) strings each code in string is translated into a string EXAMPLE: str = code2str([0 1],['-';'+';'?'],[1 0 1 2 0]) APPROACH: if codes contains codes that are not in codefrom the corresponding rows in str will be set equal to the last row of stringto NOTE: code2cell is a faster and more general implementation See also: code2cell, code2char
16-Aug-2008 14:01:33
1068 bytes
copystructure - kopieer inhoud van de ene naar de andere structure, maar houd oorspronkelijke volgorde van velden vast Indien nodig worden nieuwe velden toegevoegd CALL: copyto = copystructure(copyfrom,copyto) INPUT: copyfrom: <struct> structure with overrides NOTE: "copyfrom" should support methods "fieldnames" and "subsasgn". Therefore undoredo objects are allowed here. copyto: <struct> structure with overridable data OUTPUT: copyto: <struct> adapted structure
17-Apr-2010 13:51:56
6273 bytes
date_ax - supply a number of axes with date ticks CALL: date_ax(xa,ya) INPUT: xa: x axes handles ya: y axes handles OUTPUT: none APPROACH: It is assumed that data are specified in datenum format See also: zoomtool
27-Nov-2006 13:54:34
870 bytes
datenum2java - convert Matlab datenum to Java date CALL jdate = datenum2java(dn) INPUT dn: matlab datenumber OUTPUT jdate: Equivalent Java date object
15-Aug-2008 18:50:04
398 bytes
Display dateticks in eu style MOFDIFIED 18 Dec 2000 by Nanne van der Zijpp, for application in Matlab V6 Suppress warnings WYZ May 2004: use newer datetick as a base file WYZ May 2006: use newer datetick as a base file (Matlab R2006a) Look for PATCHMODELIT to find applied changes
16-Aug-2008 11:35:49
18184 bytes
22-Mar-2009 14:29:44
624 bytes
defaultpath - store or retrieve default path NOTE: this module will become obsolete. It has been replaced by defaultpathNew. CALL [NewPath,Pathlist]=defaultpath(NewPath,tag) NOTE "defaultpath" will become obsolete. Use defaultpathNew instead. Note that defaultpathNew requires tag as first argument.
21-Feb-2010 15:04:29
1043 bytes
defaultpathNew - store or retrieve default path NOTE: this module replaces defaultpath CALL Retrieve path or history: [NewPath]=defaultpathNew(tag) [NewPath,Pathlist]=defaultpathNew(tag) Set path and history: defaultpathNew(tag,NewPath) [NewPath]=defaultpathNew(tag,NewPath) [NewPath,Pathlist]=defaultpathNew(tag,NewPath) INPUT tag: integer of char string identifier (deafults to 1). NewPath: path history if no input, path will be retrieved from preference settings if setting does not exist, default path = pwd/data if directory pwd/data does not exist default path =defaultPath defaultPath (optioneel) default: pwd OUTPUT NewPath: preferred path (existence has been checked) Pathlist: history of last 25 selected paths (existence has been checked NOTE The path returned by defaultpath includes the filesep sign!! See also: mbdparse
02-Jun-2010 07:24:42
6076 bytes
displaylegend - auxiliary function for legedit SUMMARY this function plots the legend for the legedit legend structure INPUT hlegax : axes voor legenda C : constantes zrange : berekende range voor z legenda : legenda. structure met legenda gegevens (zie LEGEDIT) OUTPUT colorcode: te gebruiken kleuren col1: begin van ranges col2,col3,col4: RGB kleuren See also: legedit
15-Aug-2008 18:22:41
3125 bytes
Read file that is stored with table2dlmfile to tablesructure tested for char data only CALL S=dlmfile2table(fname,... 'format',<FORMATSTR>,... 'ignorelines',<#LINES>),... 'headerlines',<TRUE/FALSE>) INPUT fname format : default='%s'. Th edefaults converst each column to char-strings. If the columns are known beforehand, one may specify one format-specifier per column, for example "%s %d %f" will convert column 1 to char-string, column2 to int32 and column 3 to double. Note one may use "table2num" to recognize and convert numeric data. delimiter : default=';' ignorelines: default 0. Totally ignore these lines. This makes it possible to store non-fixed format info in file. headerlines: default TRUE OUTPUT S: tablestructure See also: textscan, table2num
02-Dec-2009 13:59:09
4413 bytes
dprintf - shortcut for disp(sprintf(formatstr,arg1,arg2,..arg14)) CALL dsprintf(formatstr,arg1,arg2,..arg14) INPUT formatstr : format string (char array) arg1,arg2,..arg14: OUTPUT a string is displayed in the command window See also: SPRINTF, DISP, EPRINTF, DDPRINTF dprintfb
16-Aug-2008 14:24:51
535 bytes
drawbox - select range than execute Commanstr CALL drawbox(N,CommandStr) INPUT N N=1 ==> install N=2 ==> move N=3 ==> de-install CommandStr callback that will be executed when box is complete. The arguments of the box, X1,X2,Y1,Y2, will be passed to the called function OUTPUT This function returns no output arguments
16-Nov-2009 22:13:54
3719 bytes
drawcontour - teken een contour CALL cntr=drawcontour INPUT MAXN : maximum toegestaan aantal punten OUTPUT cntr: n x 2 matrix. Elke regel bevat een xy coordinaat De laatste rij is identtiek aan de eerste AANPAK - Haal constantes en userdata op - Bepaal huidige kleur van het window - Stel nieuwe kleur voor het window in TRY BLOK (ga door zolang geen Ctrl C of andere storing) - Start een eeuwige loop - Maak axes current - Vraag de gebruiker om 1 punt in deze axes - Check op ENTER: sluit contour af - Check welke muisknop gedrukt is: - LINKER: ==> voeg punt toe - RECHTER: ==> verwijder laatste punt - ESC: ==> breek af (CANCEL) - Check op ander toetsen: Probeer de gebruiker te helpen met info in help scherm - Herstel eerdere kleur van het window CATCH BLOK - Noodremprocedure: - Stel uitvoer op [] - Verwijder contourlijn - Herstel de kleur van het scherm
15-Aug-2008 13:39:50
5148 bytes
dxfplot - plot topografie data voor current axes INPUT obj,event: unused standard input arguments of callback hax: axes to plot in topdata: structure with shape data OUTPUT This function returns no output arguments EXAMPLE: setappdata(HWIN,'topdata',topdata); opt.move=showgeo; %showgeo is a user specified function that %retrieves topdata and checks for %visisbility of geo layer zoomtool(1,opt); See also: zoomtool REMARK this function works together with zoomtool. only patches in view are plotted. return
15-Aug-2008 14:37:57
3487 bytes
dxfview - configureer achtergrond kaart(en) SUMMARY This function posts a GUI. The user may modify display options for topographic data and save the result in a file. Th function works together with a component that shows the data on a map. CALL: resultfile = dxfview(fname) INPUT: fname: matfile that contains topographic data saved in parameter "topdata" OUTPUT: resultfile: modified matfile that contains topographic data saved in parameter "topdata"
20-Mar-2009 15:56:58
45213 bytes
empty - Create empty structure with specified fields CALL S=empty('a','b','c') S=empty(cellArray) INPUT argument list: list of field values cellArray : cell array containing field names OUTPUT S: structure with empty fields EXAMPLES S=empty('a','b','c') flds={'a','b','c'}; T=empty(flds{:}) Nanne van der Zijpp Modelit 2007
16-Aug-2008 10:25:29
657 bytes
eprintf - shortcut for error(sprintf(formatstr,arg1,arg2,..arg14)) CALL: eprintf(formatstr,arg1,arg2,..arg14) INPUT: formatstr : format string (char array) arg1,arg2,..arg14: OUTPUT: a string is displayed in the command window See also: sprintf, disp, dprintf
26-Feb-2008 23:11:32
403 bytes
evalCallback - execute uicontrol callback from command line or function INPUT CallBack: one of the following: - string to evaluate (obsolete) - function pointer - cell array, first element is function pointer hObject: handle to pass on event: appears to be unused varargin: arguments to pass on to function See also: evalany
06-Apr-2009 17:28:53
2053 bytes
extensie- verify extension, append if needed CALL fname=extensie(fname,ext) INPUT fname: candidate filename ext : required file extension OUTPUT fname: filename including extension See also: fileparts, putfile, getfile
15-Aug-2008 12:52:35
611 bytes
figureProps - functie voor het instellen van een aantal figure properties CALL: figureProps(hwin, mode, varargin) INPUT: hwin: handle van figuur mode: string, mogelijke waarden 'maximized' - maximaliseer window 'alwaysontop' - zorg dat window altijd zichtbaar is varargin: extra argumenten 'maximized' -> flag == 1: maximaliseer window flag == 0: originele afmetingen window 'alwaysontop' -> flag == 1 zorg dat window altijd zichtbaar is flag == 0 normale modus OUTPUT: geen uitvoer
21-Apr-2010 14:47:06
1811 bytes
findbatchobj - equivalent to findobj but also finds objects with handlevis==off CALL h=findbatchobj(varargin) INPUT see findobj OUTPUT see findobj
15-Aug-2008 12:54:30
443 bytes
findstructure - find matching elements of structure in structure array CALL Indx=findstructure(PatternStruct,StructArray) INPUT PatternStruct: structure to look for this must be a non-empty structure StructArray: structure array to look in this must be a structure array that has at least the fields of PatternStruct flds: fields to compare (optional) default value: intersection of fields in PatternStruct and StructArray EXACT: if false also look for partial matches: match 'aaa' with 'aaabb' OUTPUT Indx: StructArray(Indx) corresponds to PatternStruct SEE ALSO is_in_struct is_in row_is_in
15-Aug-2008 21:40:07
2547 bytes
gch - find uicontrol handles with specified tags CALL: h = gch(tag, hwin, h) INPUT: tag: string or cellstring with tags hwin: (optional) handle of window to search in default value: gcf h: (optional) the default value OUTPUT: h: array with handles of uicontrol object with the specified tag EXAMPLE: h=0; %0 means unitialized HWIN = figure; if expression %this line might or might not be reached h=gch('mytag',HWIN); end h=gch('mytag',HWIN,h); %retrieve h if uninitialized NOTE: [] is NOT a correct way to denote an unitialize handle See also: gchbuf, gcjh
20-Apr-2009 11:34:43
1481 bytes
gcjh - find jacontrol object handles with specified tags CALL: h = gcjh(tag, hwin, h) INPUT: tag: string or cellstring with tags hwin: (optional) handle of window to search in default value: gcf h: (optional) the default value OUTPUT: h: array with handles of jacontrol object with the specified tag See also: gch, findjac
29-Apr-2008 14:13:08
1068 bytes
getFigureClientBase - get FigureClientBase object for specified figure CALL: FigureClientBase = getFigureClientBase(HWIN) INPUT: HWIN: <handle> of figure OUTPUT: FigureClientBase: <java object> com.mathworks.hg.peer.FigureClientProxy$FigureDTClientBase
17-Apr-2009 10:29:38
916 bytes
getMatlabVersion - retrieve Matlab version as numeric constant CALL v=getMatlabVersion INPUT No input arguments required OUTPUT v: Matlabversion. Examples of output: 6.5018 7.0124 7.0436 7.1024 7.9052 - R2009b
12-Aug-2010 12:37:55
938 bytes
getRemoteFile - get file from ftp server CALL getRemoteFile(obj, event, C, fname) getRemoteFile(obj, event, C, fname, path) getRemoteFile(obj, event, C, fname, path, SEARCHLOCAL) getRemoteFile(obj, event, C, fname, path, SEARCHLOCAL, postProcess) getRemoteFile(obj, event, C, fname, path, SEARCHLOCAL, postProcess,MAXVERSION) INPUT obj,event: not used C: structure with constants +----FRAMECOLOR : background color for frame +----TEXTPROPS : font properties for text object +----PUSHPROPS : properties for button object fname: file naam zonder pad path: {url,username,password, path1{:}} SEARCHLOCAL: look for local file before downloading postProcess: <function pointer> postprocess function. After a succesfull download the argument "fname" including loacal path will be passed on to this function: postProcess(fname) MAXVERSION: <logical> (if true) look for all version and download highest version See also: helpmenu EXAMPLE %create button HELP in toolbar Htool = uitoolbar(HWIN); uipushtool(Htool,'cdata',getcdata('help'),... 'separator','on',... 'tooltip','Open help file (download wanneer nodig)',... 'clicked',{@getRemoteFile,C,'jaarcontroleHelp.pdf'});
20-Nov-2008 00:00:10
8638 bytes
getRoot - get root of current directory CALL: INPUT: no input required OUTPUT: root: string
02-Jun-2010 15:30:32
209 bytes
getRootPane - get RootPane for specified figure CALL: RootPane = getRootPane(HWIN) INPUT: HWIN: <handle> of figure OUTPUT: RootPane: <java object> com.mathworks.mwswing.desk.DTRootPane MATLAB COMPABILITY: TEST SCRIPT: c;rp=getRootPane TESTED WITH MATLAB VERSIONS 6.5: : NO (R14) Service Pack 1: YES (R14) Service Pack 2 : YES (R14) Service Pack 3 : YES (R2006a) : YES (R2006b) : YES
15-Aug-2008 21:31:12
2285 bytes
get_c_default - define default colors for colors and uicontrols CALL C=get_c_default INPUT This function requires no input arguments OUPUT C +----FRAMECOLOR (double array) +----WINCOLOR (double array) +----DEFAULTDIR | +----WORKSPACE (double) | +----ASCII (double) | +----BINFILES (double) | +----ADYFILES (double) | +----ADY2BINFILES (double) | +----BPSKEYFILE (double) | +----BPSMATCHFILE (double) | +----TSWDIR (double) | +----BN2FILE (double) | +----TRAJECT (double) | +----MATFILE (double) | +----AGGREGDAYFILES (double) | +----NOLFILE (double) | +----FIGFILES (double) +----BSIZE (double) +----FILLSIZE (double) +----TOOLBHEIGHT (double) +----TOOLBFRAMEHEIGHT (double) +----LMARGE (double) +----RMARGE (double) +----LRMARGE (double) +----TMARGE (double) +----BMARGE (double) +----VMARGE (double) +----SMALLMARGE (double) +----MINMARGES (double array) +----LISTHEADER | +----fonts (double) | +----style (char array) | +----fontn (char array) | +----horiz (char array) | +----backg (double array) +----TEXTHEADER | +----fonts (double) | +----fontn (char array) | +----horiz (char array) | +----VerticalAlignment (char array) | +----margin (double) | +----units (char array) +----EDITPROPS | +----FontName (char array) | +----FontSize (double) | +----FontWeight (char array) | +----FontUnits (char array) | +----style (char array) | +----backg (double array) +----PUSHPROPS | +----FontName (char array) | +----FontSize (double) | +----FontWeight (char array) | +----FontUnits (char array) | +----style (char array) +----TEXTPROPS | +----FontName (char array) | +----FontSize (double) | +----FontWeight (char array) | +----FontUnits (char array) | +----style (char array) | +----backg (double array) | +----horizon (char array) +----TEXTMSGPROPS | +----FontName (char array) | +----FontSize (double) | +----FontWeight (char array) | +----FontUnits (char array) | +----style (char array) | +----backg (double array) | +----horizon (char array) +----CHECKPROPS | +----FontName (char array) | +----FontSize (double) | +----FontWeight (char array) | +----FontUnits (char array) | +----backg (double array) | +----style (char array) +----POPUPPROPS | +----FontName (char array) | +----FontSize (double) | +----FontWeight (char array) | +----FontUnits (char array) | +----style (char array) | +----backg (char) | +----horiz (char array) +----LISTPROPS | +----FontName (char array) | +----FontSize (double) | +----FontWeight (char array) | +----FontUnits (char array) | +----style (char array) | +----fontn (char array) | +----horiz (char array) | +----backg (char) +----LISTHDR +----FontName (char array) +----FontSize (double) +----FontWeight (char array) +----FontUnits (char array) +----style (char array) +----backg (double array) +----horizon (char array) +----fontn (char array)
31-May-2010 14:02:20
9799 bytes
get_constants - get user configurable options and save them to file CALL C=get_constants(MODE,STTFILE,LANGUAGE) INPUT MODE: 1==> retrieve options 2==>start gui and retrieve/save options STTFILE: name of settingsfile LANGUAGE: dutch==> use dutch labels uk ==> use uk english labels OUTPUT C: constant structure, with GLOBALFONT: structure with fields FontName FontSize FontWeight GLOBALGRAPHCOLOR: default color for graphs GLOBALFRAMECOLOR: default color for frames GLOBALLISTCOLOR: default color for lists H: regelhoogtes die zijn afgeleid van het default font pus: (pushbutton) tog: (togglebutton) rad: (radiobutton) che: (checkbutton) edi: (editbox) tex: (text) pop: (popupmenu) max: (maximum over alle uicontrol styles)
20-Apr-2009 11:34:44
14104 bytes
getcdata - retrieve cdata for Matlab buttons CALL: getcdata([],[],fname) - load image file CDATA=getcdata(icon) - retrieve icon (maintain transparancy) CDATA=getcdata(icon,BG) - retrieve icon (replace transparant cells by BG) getcdata - Regenerate image file getcdata([],[],fname,dirname) - Regenerate image file INPUT: icon: icon to retrieve BG: fill in color for transparant cells (default NaN) fname: name of image file (cdt extension will be added automatically) NOTE: if fname contains no path, pwd will be prepended automatically. (WIJZ ZIJPP sep 13) dirname: directory to read images from when regenerating image file OUTPUT: cdata: M x N x 3 Cdata matrix (truecolor) transparant cells are marked with NaN numbers rc: rc=1 if succesfull Note: use nargout>1 to suppress warnings on the console when icon is missing from file EXAMPLE 1 use .ico file to set icon The icon file contains transparancy info, however seticon can not read icon files Remedy, save PNG file first: % S=getcdata('wavix16'); Transparant=isnan(S(:,:,1))|isnan(S(:,:,2))|isnan(S(:,:,3)); imwrite(S,'wavix16.png','png','alpha',uint8(~Transparant)); seticon(gcf,'myicon.png'); (Note: changing the png file only has effect after JAVA is cleared) EXAMPLE 1 generate image file "myfile.cdt" from images in subdir "images": getcdata([],[],'myfile','images')
30-Apr-2009 11:02:42
10743 bytes
getcolorcode - retrieve conversion table for colors SUMMARY legedit is a utility that controls the legend. Its data are stored in a fixed format. The current function takes these data en the current zrange and creates a conversion table that wuill be used to assign colors to objects in a graph. CALL [colorcode,newzrange,S]=getcolorcode(zrange,legendOpt) INPUT zrange : Range for z value. If range of legend is not fixed, this will have an effect legendOpt : Structure with legend options (see also LEGEDIT) OUTPUT colorcode: z-to-color transformation table (see also getcolordat) col1: begin van ranges col2: RGB channel 1 col3: RGB channel 2 col4: RGB channel 3 zrange: meaningful for "normal" legends S: meaningful for "date" legends See also: legedit, displaylegend, getcolordat
20-Apr-2009 11:34:44
3476 bytes
prepare for image display using direct indexing CALL [M,colmap]=getcolordat(C,colorcode,Z,alpha,BACKGTYPE) INPUT Z: data alpha: alpha==0 ==> display BACKGROUND color alpha>0 ==> display data colorcode: table col 1: minimum value col 2:4: rgb values C: structure met WINCOLOR en FRAMECOLOR BACKGTYPE: te gebruiken kleur voor doorzichtige items (1==>WINCOLOR 2==>FRAMECOLOR) OUTPUT M: index in colormap colmap: colormap Convention: rij 1: graphics achtergrond rij 2: frame kleur achtergond rij 3: zwart rij 4: wit rij 5:end: other color
20-Apr-2009 11:34:45
2092 bytes
getfile - selecteer file met specifieke extensie CALL: [fname,pname] = getfile(ext,showstr,BATCHMODE,fname,N) INPUT: ext: <string> extensie die te selecteren file moet hebben (defaultwaarde: '.m') showstr: <string> met tekst die gebruiker te zien krijgt (defaultwaarde: '') BATCHMODE: <boolean> zet deze op 1 voor onderdrukken interactie (defaultwaarde: 0) fname: <string> default filenaam (defaultwaarde: *.ext) N: <integer> default categorie file t.b.v. bewaren default directory (defaultwaarde: 1) OUTPUT: fname: <string> de geselecteerde filenaam (Als cancel ingedrukt ==> fname = 0) pname: <string> het bijbehorende pad INCLUSIEF filesep teken EXAMPLE: [fname,pname] = getfile('txt','Selecteer ASCII file',0,'',C.DEFAULTDIR.STUURFILES); if ~fname return %gebruiker heeft gecancelled end fname = fullfile(pname, fname); See also: putfile
15-Apr-2010 12:48:59
3485 bytes
getfiles - selecteer file met specifieke extensie CALL: [fname,pname] = getfiles(ext,showstr,BATCHMODE,fname,N) INPUT: ext: <string> extensie die te selecteren file moet hebben (defaultwaarde: '.m') showstr: <string> met tekst die gebruiker te zien krijgt (defaultwaarde: '') BATCHMODE: <boolean> zet deze op 1 voor onderdrukken interactie (defaultwaarde: 0) fname: <string> default filenaam (defaultwaarde: *.ext) N: <integer> default categorie file t.b.v. bewaren default directory (defaultwaarde: 1) OUTPUT: fname: <string> de geselecteerde filenaam cell array van strings (Als cancel ingedrukt ==> fname is leeg ({}) pname: <string> het bijbehorende pad INCLUSIEF filesep teken (Als cancel ingedrukt ==> pname = 0) APPROACH: Blijf in oneindige loop todat gebruiker een geldige file selecteert of de knop cancel indrukt. Een geldige file moet de extensie 'ext' hebben. See also: getfile, putfile
15-Aug-2008 15:46:05
3010 bytes
getoptions - read an options file CALL: S = getoptions(fname,KEYwordlist,defaults,CaseSen) INPUT: fname : input file KEYwordlist: possible fields of S defaults : default options CaseSen : Case Sensitivity (0/1) OUTPUT: S: structure with options EXAMPLE: -1- Suppose the file 'optionfile' looks like: Option1 99 %Comment line Option2 stringvalue Option3 123 Then the following commands: keyw={'Option1','Option2'} S=getoptions('optionfile',keyw) Results in: S.Option1=99 S.Option2='stringvalue' (S.option3 does not exist because 'Option3' is not in keyword list) -2- (typical use) default=struct('option1',1,'option2',2,'option3',3,'option4',4); S = getoptions(fname,fieldnames(default),default);
16-Aug-2008 11:25:27
4370 bytes
getproperty - return matching char string from cell array of keywords CALL: prop = getproperty(property,ValidProps) INPUT: property - char string with property. This string contains the first letters of the keyword searched for. The matching is Case-Insensitive. ValidProps - cell array with valid property values OUTPUT: prop - string with property that matches ValidProps EXAMPLE: getproperty('my',{'MySpecialProperty'}) returns 'MySpecialProperty'
22-Jun-2009 11:55:44
1849 bytes
getrange - CALL: S = getrange(vmin,vmax,N) INPUT: vmin: vmax: N: OUTPUT: S:
22-Sep-2006 13:16:37
4073 bytes
getuicpos - haal de extent van een object op inclusief randen van een frame CALL ext=getuicpos(h) INPUT h: (scalar) handle van uicontrol object OUTPUT ext: =[ext(1) ext(2) ext(3) ext(4)]; [ext(3) ext(4)] = afmetingen (extent) van het object + extra ruimte aanname: de units van het object zijn in pixels
24-Jun-2010 16:28:15
2936 bytes
getyear - convert 2 digit year date to 4 digits CALL yr=getyear(yr,VERBOSE) INPUT yr : 2 digit year (4 digits are allowed) VERBOSE: display warning when making interpretation OUTPUT yr: interpreted year
11-Jun-2010 19:17:34
988 bytes
hashtable2cell - converteer java hashtable naar een cellarray CALL: c = hashtable2cell(ht) INPUT: ht: java.util.Hashtable OUTPUT: c: cellarray met twee kolommen: kolom 1: hashtable keys kolom 2: hashtable waarden See also: cell2hashtable
13-Feb-2008 17:08:38
1008 bytes
height - get matrix height CALL w=height(str) INPUT str: matrix OUTPUT w: matrix height SEE ALSO: size, length, width
15-Aug-2008 14:47:56
220 bytes
htmlWindow - maak een scherm aan waarin html code weergegeven kan worden CALL: HWIN = htmlWindow(title, text) INPUT: title: string, titel van het scherm text: string, weer te geven text, eventueel in HTML OUTPUT: HWIN: handle
10-Mar-2010 10:20:38
2616 bytes
03-Dec-2002 21:20:24
20480 bytes
image2cdata - return cdata from png file and insert transpartant value SUMMARY Note on image files, microsoft paint and transparancy Microsoft paint can save truecolor images and and N-color bitmaps (N=256 or 8). To make a bmp or png file that can be used with this utility save in N-color mode. CALL cdata=image2cdata(imFile,backg) INPUT imFile: name image file. This must be a file readable with imread backg: replace transparant values with this value OUTPUT cdata truecolor matrix
15-Aug-2008 17:51:38
1152 bytes
installjar - Create a classpath.txt file. SUMMARY: Modelit provides a number of functions that require the static path to be set. The static path is set at startup and read from the file classpath.txt. Installjar writes this file and should be run whenever the software is installed in a new location. installjar readme: - Some Modelit applications rely on one or more Java-Archive's (JAR files) created by Modelit. - installjar.exe is a utility that installs these JAR files. - Usually, an install script provided by modelit takes care of this. These notes provide extra information. - installjar.exe must be run before the Modelit application is started - It is not necessary to run installjar.exe more then once, unless the application files are moved to a new directory - The installjar utility requires at least the following file structure <This directory> +----installjar.exe (file) +----installjar.ctf (file) +----java (directory) +----modelit.jar (file) +----<any other jar file> CALL: terminateApplication=installjar(ALWAYS,jarNames) INPUT ALWAYS: (Optional) If true: always set the class path. If false only set the class path if needed. jarNames: (Optional) Cell array that contains the names of required jar files. When omitted all files in jar directory are installed INTERPRETED MODE if no arguments are specified all jar files in the utility directory mbdutils\java are added to the static javaclasspath. Any specified jar files should be located in the directory "...\mbdutils\java" when ran in on Matlab path COMPILED MODE if no arguments are specified all jar files in the directory pwd\java are added to the static javaclasspath. Any specified files should be located in directory "pwd\java" OUTPUT terminateApplication: if true: terminate application (compiled mode) or terminate Matlab session (compiled mode)
25-Aug-2009 14:01:52
6371 bytes
is_eq - verify if argument pairs are equal CALL equal=is_eq(arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,...) INPUT arg1,arg2: first argument pair arg3,arg4: second argument pair ...: etc OUTPUT equal: 1 if all argument pairs have corresponding size and are equal NOTE function is verbose if no output arguments are required EXAMPLE (non verbose mode) >> a=is_eq(1,0) a = 0 EXAMPLE (verbose mode) >> is_eq(1,0) Arg 1,2: Not equal, Max Abs Diff = 1.000000
02-Aug-2010 10:56:20
6084 bytes
is_in - vectorized version of 'find' CALL function elm=is_in(g,h,G,H) INPUT g: vector with elements to be located h: vector in which elements are looked for H: sorted version of h (saves time) Hindx: outcome of [hsort hidx]=sort(h); OUTPUT elm: returns indices >1 for each element of g which corresponds to elements of h returned value corresponds with FIRST occurance in h EXAMPLE [H,Hindx]=sort(h); for ... elm=is_in(g,[],H,Hindx) .. end EXAMPLE (2):copy elements from other table using key [f,ok]=is_in(key1,key2) attrib1(ok)=attrib2(f(ok)) NOTE In some cases "unique" is more efficient. Example: INEFFICIENT CODE: u_nrs=unique(nrs); indx=is_in(nrs,u_nrss); EFFICIENT CODE: [u_nrs,dummy,indx]=unique(nrs); See also: ismember (Matlab native) is_in (deals with vectors) is_in_id (return matched IDs instead of indices) is_in_find (shell around is_in that returns, first, second, etc match) is_in_sort (deals with sorted vectors) row_is_in (deals with rows of a matrix) is_in_struct (deals with structures) is_in_eq (deals with equidistant time series)
18-Jun-2009 12:32:31
5597 bytes
is_in_interval - similar to is in, but returns indices of interval memberships rather than equalities CALL elm=is_in_interval(M,interval) INPUT M: matrix with data (may contain NaN values) interval: interval definitions interval(N,1): definition of lower of intervals (begin) interval(N,2): definition of intervals (begin-end) OUTPUT elm: returns indices >1 for each element of g which corresponds to interval in h SEE ALSO is_in (deals with vectors) is_in_sort (deals with sorted vectors) row_is_in (deals with rows of a matrix) is_in_struct (deals with structures) is_in_eq (deals with equidistant time series)
25-Dec-2008 16:10:34
1710 bytes
is_in_sort - accelerated verion of is in for sorted vectors CALL function elm=is_in_sort(g,h) function elm=is_in_sort(g,h,SORTSTAT_g) function elm=is_in_sort(g,h,SORTSTAT_g,SORTSTAT_h) INPUT g: vector with elements to be located (sorted) h: vector in which elements are looked for (sorted) SORTSTAT_g,SORTSTAT_h: true if g/h are sorted OUTPUT elm: returns indices >1 for each element of g which corresponds to elements of h returned value corresponds with FIRST occurance in h EXAMPLE [H,Hindx]=sort(h); for ... elm=is_in(g,[],H,Hindx) .. end SEE ALSO is_in (deals with vectors) is_in_sort (deals with sorted vectors) row_is_in (deals with rows of a matrix) is_in_struct (deals with structures) is_in_eq (deals with equidistant time series)
22-Jul-2008 23:53:23
2255 bytes
is_in_struct - find matching elements of structure in structure array CALL result=is_in_struct(PatternStruct,StructArray) INPUT PatternStruct: structure to look for this must be a non-empty structure StructArray: structure array to look in this must be a structure array that has at least the fields of PatternStruct flds: fields to compare (optional) default value: intersection of fields in PatternStruct and StructArray OUTPUT result: result(k)=0 ==> no matching structure in StructArray for PatternStruct(k) result(k)>0 ==> patternStruct(k) is matched by StructArray(result(k)) NOTE this function has not been optimized for speed. Consider table_ismember for data intensive queries SEE ALSO is_in (deals with vectors) row_is_in (deals with rows of a matrix) is_in_struct (deals with structures) is_in_eq (deals with equidistant time series) is_in_sort (deals with sorted time series) table_ismember (deals with table structure) findstructure (find a structure in a structure array)
19-Jun-2009 13:48:59
4991 bytes
islicense - check if license code is available in file CALL OK=islicense(fname,str,label) INPUT fname: name of license file str: license code to look for OUTPUT OK: 1 if license found 0 if file does not exist or license does not appear in it
16-Aug-2008 13:57:47
673 bytes
istable - check if S can be considered as a table structure CALL [ok,N,emsg]=istable(S) INPUT S: (candidate) table structure OUTPUT ok : true if S is table structure; false otherwise N : height of table emsg: <string> extra information if ok is false TABLE DEFINITION (added by ZIJPP 2001225) A table structure is a structure that meets the following conventions. - A table structure is a single structure with 0, 1 or more columns - If a table contains more than 1 column, all columns must be equal height - A column may be one ofd the following - a numeric or char array, including: - empty arrays ([0xW numeric or char]) - vectors of NILL elements ([Hx0 numeric or char]) - The preferred way to initialize an empty table structure is: T=struct ==> T= 1x1 struct array with no fields - By convention an empty scalar array or an empty struct array may be used to initialize an empty table structure: T=[] or T = struct([]) KNOWN ISSUES tableselect removes fieldnames if all rows of a table are removed EXAMPLE if ~istable(S) error('Assertion failed: variable is not a table structure'); end
25-Dec-2009 16:39:03
2369 bytes
Get handle of java object for Matlab object CALL h_Java=javahandle(h) INPUT h: Matlab hg handle (uitoolbar or figure) OUTPUT h_Java: Java handle EXAMPLES htool=uitoolbar; jh=javahandle(htool); jh.addGap(1000); %diveide left and right cluster jh.addSeparator; %add Separator jh=javahandle(gcf); get(jh); %show current properties methods(jh); %see what you can do with this window
20-Apr-2009 11:34:47
2271 bytes
legedit - CALL: opt = legedit('empty') opt = legedit('empty',datatype) opt = legedit('empty',datatype,legendtype) opt = legedit('install',opt,SHOWCONTROLFRAME) INPUT : For call "legedit('empty',datatype,legendtype)" optie: empty or install datatype (default 1) 1 ==> scalaire legenda 2 ==> datum legenda legendtype (default 1) 1 ==> continu 2 ==> geklassificeerd INPUT For call "opt=legedit('install',opt,SHOWCONTROLFRAME)" opt: legend data (see OUTPUT spec) SHOWCONTROLFRAME: show legend mode selection frame OUTPUT opt: een struct met default opties +----date: domein van de legenda | ==> scalaire legenda | ==> datum legenda +----type: type van de legenda | opt.type=1; %continu | opt.type=2; %geklassificeerd +----mapfun : colormapfunctie, bijv ='jet' +----N=64 : aantal te onderscheiden stappen +----map : nog niet in gebruik +----range : bereik van de legenda | opt.range=1 ==> automatisch | opt.range=2 ==> vast +----min : indien bereik vast: minimum waarde +----max : indien bereik vast: maximum waarde See also: displaylegend, getcolorcode, getcolordat
09-Apr-2009 17:50:31
29597 bytes
linedit - edit contour line CALL: cntr = linedit(optie,editaxes,cntr) INPUT: optie: <string> install: start controureditor in draw mode lineopt: start contoureditor in line modification mode editaxes: <handle> van de axes waarin punten worden toegevoegd cntr: <struct> met te wijzigen contour data (mag ook leeg zijn) OUTPUT: cntr: <struct> met gewijzigde contour data (is leeg bij CANCEL actie) velden: - xy: puntenverzameling - name: naam - lineopt: handle graphics opties
08-May-2009 14:32:56
45258 bytes
linpropoptions - definieer default line properties (Dutch locale) CALL textopt=linpropoptions INPUT no input arguments used OUTPUT textopt: options for line editor. These options are used to initialize workspace textopt[](struct array) +----label (char array) : label naar gebruiker +----name (char array) : ui property name (Matlab) +----opt (cell array) : keuze mogelijkheden +----type (char array) : int, choice +----default (char array): defaultwaarde See also: linedit
15-Aug-2008 14:44:13
2291 bytes
Compileerbare vorm van 'load' CALL [var1,var2,... ]= load_cmp(fname,varname1,varname2,...) INPUT fname: naam van de mat file INCLUSIEF extensie varname1, varname2: naam van de variabelen in de file OUTPUT aanroep is equivalent aan: load(fname) var1=varname1 var2=varname2 .. SEE ALSO: load_var (requires Matlab V7)
21-Nov-2005 12:00:15
3013 bytes
17-Mar-2008 18:08:03
20480 bytes
mbd_restore - herstel interactieve status van GUI interface. CALL mbd_restore(uistruct) INPUT uistates: structure array = output van UISUSPEND (input voor UIRESUME) figureHandle : figure handle figsettings : figure attributes children : handles of children childsettings : struct array with settings uic_children : handle of uimenu, uicontrol and uicontext children uic_childsettings: struct array with settings OUTPUT geen OUTPUT NAAR SCHERM Herstel de interactieve status van GUI interface. APPROACH Herstel de interactieve status van GUI interface met behulp van de functie UIRESTORE en het veld uistruct.uistates. Herstel de 'enable' status van objecten uistruct.objhandles met behulp van het veld uistruct.uienable. See also: MBD_SUSPEND UIRESTORE UISUSPEND
15-Aug-2008 13:52:41
2500 bytes
mbd_suspend - schort interactieve status van GUI interface op. CALL uistates=mbd_suspend INPUT geen OUTPUT uistates: structure array = output van UISUSPEND (input voor UIRESUME) figureHandle : figure handle figsettings : figure attributes children : handles of children childsettings : struct array with settings uic_children : handle of uimenu, uicontrol and uicontext children uic_childsettings: struct array with settings OUTPUT NAAR SCHERM schort interactieve status van GUI interface op. EXAMPLE: try %- Zet interactieve eigenschappen van applicatie uit (mbd_suspend) uistate=mbd_suspend; <ACTIE> catch %- Actveer de interface (mbd_restore) mbd_restore(uistate); error(lasterr); end %- Actveer de interface (mbd_restore) mbd_restore(uistate);
23-Jan-2006 01:28:46
5408 bytes
15-Aug-2008 15:46:06
3665 bytes
mbdlabel - create an interactive text label CALL mbdlabel(h,str,Options) INPUT h : handle of object that gets an extra buttondown function str : pop up message Options: parameter value pairs permitted values show: on {off} on: activate after button press button: activate now buttond: {on} off on: install buttondown activation off: do not install buttondown activation mode: {arrow} text box arrow : show arrow and text text : show plain text box : show label in box NOTE This function can also be used to set pone label on multiple objects, These object then form a virtual object from the viewpoint of label setting EXAMPLES show label in box, popup now, do not set interactive props mbdlabel(gco,label,'mode','box','show','on','buttond','off'); hide label mbdlabel(gco,'');
15-Aug-2008 14:48:17
7288 bytes
mbdlegend - (her)installeer legenda of voer callback van legenda uit CALL: mbdlegend(h1,h2,optie) INPUT opt=h1 opt.LEGAXESTAG opt.BUTTONTAG opt.AXESTAGS opt.FRAMETAG Als functie zonder argumenten wordt aangeroepen, wordt legend in standaard opmaak geplot. OUTPUT RESIZEDELAYED: resize is nog niet uitgevoerd maar wel nodig APPROACH
15-Aug-2008 16:40:22
6941 bytes
mbdoverbutton - return handle of button under cursor CALL h = mbdoverbutton(Type) INPUT Type: this argument is not used OUTPUT h: handle of button, empty if cursor is not over button NOTE This function will no longer be needed in the future
15-Aug-2008 13:51:27
1143 bytes
mbdparse - parse user input CALL mbddisplay(h,val); display argument "val" in object "h" [val,ok]=mbdparse [val,ok]=mbdparse(h) retrieve argument "val" from object "h" check validity of input INPUT h: uicontrol or jacontrol handle value: value to display in field (typically used at installation) INDIRECT INPUT opt=getappdata(h,'opt') application data for this object SUPPORTED OPTIONS: opt.dealwith : function that replaces mbdparse entirely DEFAULTVALUE: opt.dealwith =''; opt.format : format string for reading (not required if 'dealwith' or 'type' specified) NOTE: do not use '%.f' or similar for reading, use '%f' instead if formatting is required specify opt.displayformat='%.2f' DEFAULTVALUE: opt.format =''; opt.type : type of field (not required if 'dealwith' or 'format' specified) int : integers double : doubles str : str url : url (e.g. filename : str (opt.filter) directory: str date : date dd/mm/yyyy mm/yyyy or yyyy ddmmm : date dd/mm/yyyy dd/mmm or mmm time : HH:MM DEFAULTVALUE: opt.type =''; opt.multiple : allow entering multiple values separated by ; or space (default 0) works for type = int,double not tested for other types opt.required : forced field (empty not allowed) DEFAULTVALUE: opt.required =0; opt.emptywarn: warning to be provided when emptystring is encountered DEFAULTVALUE: opt.emptywarn ='Empty input not allowed for this field'; opt.emptystr : string that is displayed when field is empty DEFAULTVALUE: opt.emptystr =''; opt.filter : filter applicable when opt.type == filename DEFAULTVALUE: opt.filter ='*'; opt.exist : if 1 (or not specified) check existence of file or directory DEFAULTVALUE: opt.exist =1; opt.minimum : minimum value (== is allowed) DEFAULTVALUE: opt.minimum = -inf; opt.minstr : message if value too low DEFAULTVALUE: opt.minstr ='Value too low'; opt.maximum : maximum value (== is allowed) DEFAULTVALUE: opt.maximum = inf; opt.maxstr : message if value too high DEFAULTVALUE: opt.maxstr ='Value too high'; opt.oldvalue : previous value (to be restored if new value is incorrect) DEFAULTVALUE: opt.oldvalue =[]; opt.displayformat : format string for displaying DEFAULTVALUE: opt.displayformat=''; opt.compact: works for type=filename opt.settooltip: copy string into tooltip (for display of long strings in small fields) DEFAULTVALUE: opt.settooltip=0; opt.codeword: (Only applicable if opt.type==filename) accept this codewords even if they do not match with filename DEFAULTVALUE: {} (empty cell array) EXAMPLES: opt.codeword='<NO SELECTION>' opt.codeword={'<NO SELECTION>','<ALL FILES>'} opt.parent: get options from specified parent OUTPUT val: value entered by user ok : ok==1 if value is succesfully entered EXAMPLE figure h=uicontrol('style','edit','str','20','callb',{@mbdparse,1}); opt=struct('type','int',... 'minimum',0,... 'minstr','value to low',... 'maximum',100,... 'maxstr','value to high',... 'compact',0,... 'oldvalue',50,... 'required',1,... 'feedback',1); setappdata(h,'opt',opt); mbdparse(h) See also: val=mbdparsevalue
15-Apr-2010 12:44:06
30770 bytes
mexprint - mex version of print USE shield print command from mcc -x -h command 1. compile mexprint.m mcc -x mexprint (produces mexprint.dll) 2. replace print with mexprint in all m files 3. compile application with mcc -x -h application mexprint.dll
03-Jul-2003 11:50:20
339 bytes
mexprint - mex version of print USE shield print command from mcc -x -h command 1. compile mexprint.m mcc -x mexprint (produces mexprint.dll) 2. replace print with mexprint in all m files 3. compile application with mcc -x -h application mexprint.dll
03-Jul-2003 12:04:32
345 bytes
movegui_align - similar to MOVEGUI but position figure relative to other figure instead of position on screen. Treat other window as scree area CALL movegui_align(fig,hrelfig,position) INPUT fig: Handle of figure that is to be moved hrelfig: Position relative to this object. Possible values Figure handle "pointer" position relative to pointer position: way of positioning The POSITION argument can be any one of the strings: 'north' - top center edge of screen 'south' - bottom center edge of screen 'east' - right center edge of screen 'west' - left center edge of screen 'northeast' - top right corner of screen 'northwest' - top left corner of screen 'southeast' - bottom right corner of screen 'southwest' - bottom left corner of screen 'center' - center of screen 'onscreen' - nearest onscreen location to current position. 'pointer' - nearest onscreen location to current position. EXAMPLE: movegui_align(gcf,'pointer','northwest'),movegui(gcf,'onscreen'); See also: movegui
16-Aug-2008 10:07:18
4580 bytes
msg_temp - display message that goes away after a few second INPUT/OUTPUT: see warndlg
27-Nov-2008 10:16:22
1200 bytes
multipatch - create multiple patches fron NaN separated vectors CALL h=multipatch(x,y,z,varargin) INPUT x: vector with patch contour (x data) y: vector with patch contour (y data) z: vector with patch contour (z data) OUTPUT h: handles of patches that are created NOTE patches may be separated by a NaN in the x coordinate
16-Sep-2004 12:44:25
933 bytes
multiwaitbar - plot one or more waitbars in a unique figure CALL: HWIN = multiwaitbar(bartag,x,wbtext,varargin) HWIN = multiwaitbar(bartag,x,wbtext,'stopb','abort',varargin) HWIN = multiwaitbar(bartag,x,wbtext,'suspb','abort',varargin) HWIN = multiwaitbar(bartag,x) HWIN = multiwaitbar(bartag,-1) INPUT: bartag: <string> signature of waitbar x: <double> progress (in % ==> range = 0-100) Note: set x to NaN for indefinite waitbar wbtext: <string> text above waitbar Note: the space reserve for this text is determined at startup of waitbar varargin: <varargin{:}> properties to be passed on to the "figure" command (has no effect when figure already exists) SPECIAL KEYWORDS: - " 'stepsize',5" changes default stepsize to 5. Aall calls will be ignored, unless rem(x,5)==0. - " 'stopb','abort' " adds a stopbutton with text 'abort' - " 'suspb','abort' " adds a suspend button with text 'abort' this works together with function "stopwaitbar" NOTE: the arguments passed in "varargin" are only used when the waitbar is created. In other words: these arguments can not be used to change an existing waitbar figure. OUTPUT: HWIN: <handle> of the figure with the waitbar(s) SHORT EXAMPLE: multiwaitbar('uniqueTag',10,'10%','name','example') EXAMPLE: hwait=multiwaitbar('loop1',0,'','name','Check'); for k=1:10 multiwaitbar('loop1',10*k,sprintf('k=%d',k)); for r=1:5:100 if stopwaitbar(hwait),return;end multiwaitbar('loop2',r,sprintf('r=%d',r)); pause(0.01) end end multiwaitbar('loop1',-1); multiwaitbar('loop2',-1); See also: stopwaitbar closewaitbar
05-May-2010 14:58:35
12871 bytes
multiwaitbarc - plot conditional multiwaitbar CALL HWIN = multiwaitbar(PLOT,bartag,x,wbtext,varargin) HWIN = multiwaitbar(PLOT,bartag,x,wbtext,'stopb','abort',varargin) HWIN = multiwaitbar(PLOT,bartag,x,wbtext,'suspb','abort',varargin) HWIN = multiwaitbar(PLOT,bartag,x) HWIN = multiwaitbar(PLOT,bartag,-1) INPUT: PLOT: <boolean> plot waitbar if 1 next arguments: see multiwaitbar OUTPUT: HWIN: see multiwaitbar NOTE: for detailed description, see manual page of multiwaitbar See also: multiwaitbar
16-Aug-2008 11:18:26
765 bytes
15-Dec-2006 09:28:13
20480 bytes
offon - replace 0 with 'off' and 1 with 'on' CALL: val = offon(val) INPUT: val: 0,1 or character string OUTPUT: val: string, possible values: 'off' or 'on'
13-Apr-2009 12:04:26
362 bytes
organizeFocus - zet de focus volgorde van de objecten met handle CALL: organizeFocus(obj) INPUT: h: array of handles OUTPUT: no direct output, the nextfocusablecomponent for each jacontrol object is set, the user can walk through the components with tab and shift-tab.
05-Feb-2008 14:09:34
929 bytes
paintswitch - make cdata of uicontrol consistent with value property CALL paintswitch(h) INPUT h: uicontrol handle INDIRECT INPUT get(h,'val'): current value associated with object getappdata(h,'cdata'): cdata that will be used in image OUTPUT This function returns no output arguments EXAMPLE setappdata(h, 'cdata', button); paintswitch(h);
15-Aug-2008 18:14:57
28649 bytes
parseform - parse a formula CALL result=parseform(result,str,A,B,op) INPUT result : intermediate result str : formula string which may contain references to A and B A : value of object A B : value of object B op : operators containing: op.add op.minus op.divide OUTPUT result : final result EXAMPLES parseform([],'A+B-10',1,2,op) parseform(1,'+B-10',1,2,op) parseform([],'B-10',1,2,op) parseform(2,'-10',1,2,op)
23-Aug-2010 20:14:47
2946 bytes
patchcombine_new - voeg twee contouren damen CALL xy = patchcombine_new(xy1,xy2,h_gca) INPUT: xy1,xy2: anti-clockwise partly overlappnig contours xy2 is convex. xy1 is not necessarily convex h_gca: handle of axes to plot in (VERBOSE mode only) OUTPUT: xy: combined patch: contains all exterior points of xy1 and xy2 APPROACH: This algorithm uses the following lemma to decide if an edge crosses the internal region of xy2 Lemma: if: A is a convex 2d polygon and a,b are different points on the boundary of this polygon, and c = (a+b)/2 (or any other strict convex combination) then: c on boundary of A ==> all convex combinations of a en b are on the boundary of A
15-Aug-2008 17:33:30
10600 bytes
patchvalue - callback for interactive patch labels CALL patchvalue(obj,event,varargin) INPUT obj : object that is clicked on event : not used varargin: <attribute,value> pairs Table of valid attributes ATTRIBUTE DEFAULT ACCEPTED VALUES zdata [] numeric, char or struct arrays The size should correspond to xdata, meaning that if xdata is MxN zdata can either be MxN, 1xN or 1x1 (if numeric) or zdata can be NxP or 1xP (if chararchter) or zdata can be If zdata is a structure array, a parse function must be specified textoptions arial,bold valid text options NOTE: These options will be passed on to text object labeltag GRIDLABEL tag attached to labels NOTE: this tag is needed to remove the object (overides textoptions property) format %.0f format string for plotting numeric values NOTE: this property is used when datatype is double datatype double date or double NOTE: use this option to display date labels parsefunction [] any function pointer %function used to parse results NOTE: use this option none of the above works. The function will be called with one argument (the selected zvalue) selectmode first first or all NOTE: when this option is selected the search for a valid patch will stop as soon as one is found. This speeds up the proces but may not be what you want if patches overlap labellocation center center or pointer NOTE: by default labels are plotted in the center of each patch. alternatively they may be plotted at the point where the user clicks OUTPUT This function returns no output arguments EXAMPLE h_patch=patch(X,Y,Z,'facec','r','buttond',@patchvalue); setappdata(h_patch,'datatype','date'); (optional defaults to "double") setappdata(h_patch,'zdata',sqrt(Z)); (optional defaults to zdata from patch) h_patch=patch(X,Y,Z,'buttond',{@patchvalue,'%.0f','center','SWANLABEL'},'parent',h_kaart); ... delete(findobj('tag','SWANLABEL'); %this removes the labels for this patch while leaving other labels intact
15-Aug-2008 16:53:44
8110 bytes
pathcomplete - extend filename with path CALL pnamefname=pathcomplete(CurrentPath,fname) IMPUT fname : filename (possibly includes path) OUTPUT CurrentPath pnamefname
28-Apr-2003 14:21:09
427 bytes
point2button - move cursor specific object CALL point2button(h) INPUT h=handle of object OUTPUT This function returns no output arguments
15-Aug-2008 16:46:43
1038 bytes
points2pixels - short hand for converting points to pixels CALL pixels = points2pixels(points) INPUT points: <double> position in points OUTPUT points: <double> position in pixels
16-Aug-2008 12:15:59
420 bytes
postcode2pos - return WGS position from Dutch Zip code CALL [pos,adress,msg]=postcode2pos(PC) INPUT PC : 4 digit or 6 digit dutch Zip code OUTPUT pos : [Longitude, Latitude] !!! note that Longitude comes first !! adress : PC, City (State) Country msg : error message if applicable (empty==> no error) EXAMPLE Verification: Rotterdam is a city in Zuid-Holland at latitude 51.923, longitude 4.478. postcode2pos('3042as')==> pos= [4.4294 51.9344]
19-Oct-2009 23:42:00
8274 bytes
print2file - start GUI for exporting graph CALL: HWIN = print2file HWIN = print2file(hfig) HWIN = print2file(obj, event, hfig, varargin) INPUT: obj,event: standard Matlab callback arguments hfig: handle of figure for which to create plot varargin: property value pairs. Accepted property names: PROPERTY {DEFAULT} language {'dutch'} 'english'; constants {[]}; visible {true} false; OUTPUT: HWIN: handle of GUI figure EXAMPLE: uimenu(hFile,'label','Print figure','callback',@print2file); See also: print2file_Execute
10-Mar-2010 16:20:52
32709 bytes
pshape - provide cursor for used in zoomtool CALL shape=pshape INPUT 1 input argument allowed, no input arguments used OUTPUT pshape 16*16 array that can be used as cursor EXAMPLE set(gcf,'pointershapecdata',pshape); See also: zoomtool
15-Aug-2008 11:19:04
1592 bytes
putfile - return file with specific extension from default directory CALL [fname,pname]=putfile(ext,showstr,BATCHMODE,fname,tag) INPUT ext : extension of file to be selected (defaultwaarde: '.m') showstr : Text above figure (defaultwaarde: '') BATCHMODE : if true: suppress any interaction (defaults to 0) fname : default filename (defaults to *.ext) tag : tag for category of file. See defaultpathNew. Can be integer or string. (defaults to 1) OUTPUT fname : de geselecteerde filenaam, of 0 LET OP!: fname==0 en niet fname='' staat voor cancel!! pname : het bijbehorende pad USER INPUT gebruiker selecteert filenaam EXAMPLE (1) [fname,pname]=putfile('txt','Save ASCII file',0,'MyFile','AsciiDump'); if ~fname return end fname=[pname fname]; .. See also: UIPUTFILE PUTFILE
02-Jun-2010 15:38:26
3374 bytes
select range than execute Commanstr CALL rbline('hor') rbline(1,CommandStr) INPUT arg1: mode of operation CommandStr: cell array: {FuncPonter, arg1,arg2,...} OUTPUT no direct output: Function Commandstr is called with srange(1) and xrange(2)
16-Mar-2010 13:55:00
3325 bytes
readcell - lees character array weg van file CALL: strs = readcell(fname, n) INPUT: fname: in te lezen file n: aantal te lezen regels OUTPUT: str: See also: writestr, readstr
27-Mar-2008 14:10:26
549 bytes
readstr - lees character array weg van file CALL: readstr(fname, n, decomment) INPUT: fname: in te lezen file n: aantal te lezen regels decomment: if true do not return commented lines OUTPUT: str: string met bestandsinhoud See also: writestr, readcell
24-Jan-2008 10:06:36
1959 bytes
real2str - print real data in columns SUMMARY real2str is equivalent to num2str but much faster CALL [str,W]=real2str(X,N) INPUT X: vector or matrix N: number of digits after comma OUTPUT str: output string W: Width of each column See also: vec2str
27-Feb-2009 12:42:13
2565 bytes
rectedit - callback for line object that allows interactive resizing of a rectangle SUMMARY this function woorks together with zoomtool CALL rectedit(hline,event,varargin) INPUT hline handle of calling line event this is an unsused input argument 'exitfunc',exitfunc function that will be called when line is removed 'stepsize',stepsize round of value OUTPUT This function returns no output arguments EXAMPLE h=line([x1 x1 x2 x2 x1],[y1 y2 y2 y1 y1],999999999*[1 1 1 1 1],... 'tag','intarea',... 'buttond',{@rectedit,'exitfunc',@register,'stepsize',setting.param.resolution},... 'color','b','linew',2,'parent',hkrt); See also:
15-Aug-2008 14:03:42
4763 bytes
resample - resample matrix CALL [M,W,P,Q]=resample(x1,y1,x2,y2,M1,W1,P1,P2) INPUT x1(n+1): x1 original x axis (x1(1:2) contains interval for column 1 of M1) y1(m+1): y1 original yaxes (y1(1:2) contains interval for row 1 of M1) x2(q+1): x axis of target matrix y2(p+1): y axis of traget matrix M1(m,n): matrix that contains data for resampling W1(m,n): (logical): matrix that contains 1 for data and 0 for missing data P1(m,n): (optional) table of properties to be copied to output grid (for example to store reference index to grid origin) OUTPUT M_redib_xy(p,q): resampled matrix W_redib_xy(p,q) (logical): matrix that contains 1 for cells that are defined and 0 for missing values P(p,q): (optional) cell origin is identical to element of P1 that is at the hart of the extrapolation (but rounded to nearest cell) See also: is_in, row_is_in, vergrid
16-Aug-2008 11:19:31
8737 bytes
resiz_diag - print handle graphics informatie voor huidig scherm CALL: resiz_diag(obj, event) INPUT: obj: <handle> van het aanroepende uicontrol event: <leeg> standaar matlab callback argument OUTPUT: geen uitvoer, informatie wordt op console weergegeven% See also: findobj, gcf, mbdresize
05-Mar-2007 15:22:02
1651 bytes
rightalign - make right aligned header of exactly N positions CALL RA_header=rightalign(LA_header,N) INPUT LA_header : Left aligned string NOTE!! vectorized input is supported N : Number of digits required OUTPUT RA-header : Right aligned header EXAMPLE [str,N]=real2str(1000*rand(5,2)); la_hdr=strvcat('col1','col2'); hdr=rightalign(la_hdr,N); disp(hdr); disp(str); SEE ALSO leftalign
02-Nov-2004 18:57:33
1212 bytes
rmfiles - remove files/directories (for safety the full path must be specified) CALL: rmfiles(files) INPUT: files: <cellstr> with filenames <chararray> with filenames OUTPUT: none, the specified files/directories are deleted See also: rmdir, delete
27-Sep-2006 09:53:24
1659 bytes
row_is_in - recognize rows of matrix A in matrix B (and vice versa) CALL: [A2B,B2A]=row_is_in(A,B,Aunique) INPUT: A,B: matrices Aunique: set this argument to 1 if A consists of unique rows OUTPUT: A2B: vector with length= size(A,1) if A2B(i)~=0: A(i,:) == B(A2B(i,:)) B2A: vector with length= size(B,1) if B2A(i)~=0: B(i,:) == A(B2A(i,:)) REMARKS returns indices >1 for each element of A which corresponds to elements of B returned value corresponds with FIRST occurrance in B NOTE In some cases "unique" is more efficient. Example: INEFFICIENT CODE: u_rows=unique(strs,'rows'); indx=row_is_in(strs,u_rows); EFFICIENT CODE: [u_rows,dummy,indx]=unique(strs,'rows'); See also is_in (deals with vectors) row_is_in (deals with rows of a matrix) is_in_struct (deals with structures) is_in_eq (deals with equidistant time series) is_in_sort (deals with sorted time series) strCompare unique
18-Jun-2009 11:25:17
4852 bytes
selectdate - select date by clicking on calender CALL [date,rc]=selectdate(datenr) [date,rc]=selectdate INPUT datenr: initial date valaue (defaults to today) OUTPUT datenr: selected date value (empty if cancel) SEE ALSO dateselector
11-Oct-2005 09:40:50
3735 bytes
selectdir - Open the directory selector and wait for user reply CALL: pth = selectdir(obj,event,curdir,N) pth = selectdir(obj,event,curdir) pth = selectdir(obj,event) INPUT: obj,event: not used curdir: (string) initial directory. If curdir is not a valid directory, pwd will be assumed N: (integer) directoryTypeIdentifier. This number will be used to retreive and store the history of selected directories OUTPUT: pth: -1- if not empty: the name of a directory of which its existence has been verified. -2- NOTE: pth includes the "\" sign at the end -3- empty if user has cancelled. -4- When a directory is succesfully selected, selectdir issues a call to defaultpath using directoryTypeIdentifier N. The next time the directory selector opens this directory is presented as one of the alternatives. SEE ALSO: defaultpath
21-Feb-2010 15:40:15
8315 bytes
setMouseWheel - set callback for mouseWheel for figure CALL setMouseWheel(fcn) setMouseWheel(fcn,HWIN) INPUT fcn: calbback function HWIN: handle of figure Nanne van der Zijpp Modelit
15-Aug-2008 21:30:04
3569 bytes
setPassive - communicate with server in "passive" mode, even if this is not the server's default. Some DSL modums do not support the active ftp mode CALL setPassive(ftpobj) INPUT ftpobj <class ftp>: ftp connection OUTPUT This function returns no output arguments
16-Aug-2008 11:10:26
472 bytes
INPUT h : handle van te bewerken object href: handle van donor object voor kleur (default: gcf) ZIE OOK getuicpos
28-Jun-2008 16:56:41
513 bytes
seticon - change the icon of a matlab figure CALL seticon(HWIN,iconfile): set icon of HWIN to data in file "iconfile". Supported file formats: PNG, GIF, BMP,ICO (only GIF and PNG support transparancy data). This is the most common way to call seticon. seticon(HWIN): set icon of HWIN to previously used value seticon: set icon of current window to previously used value seticon(HWIN,cdata): set icon of HWIN to cdata. Note: cdata is not "remembered" so a next call to seticon without arguments will NOT reproduce this icon seticon(HWIN,X,MAP): set icon of HWIN to [X,map] Note: [X,map] is not "remembered" so a next call to seticon without arguments will NOT reproduce this icon seticon(0) Reset persistent icon (do not update figure) INPUT HWIN: figure to operate on iconfile: file to read icon from cdata: truecolor image [X,map]: indexed image OUTPUT This function returns no output arguments NOTES On windows, best results are obtained when using bitmaps of 16 x 16 pixels When transparant icons are required, use a GIF or PNG format This version has been tested with Matlab 7.0, 7.01 and 7.04 and the corresponding Matlab Compilers (see Details below) LIMITATIONS In Matlab version 7.04, seticon has no effect on figures for which the attribute 'visibility' is set to 'off'. It is expected that this problem can be solved in a later version. In earlier Matlab versions this problem does not occur. To obtain optimal results across versions one may invoke seticon twice, see example below. NOTE August 5 2005: the problems seems to be solved by introducing a timer that tries untill the window becomes visible EXAMPLE(1): set icon on 1 window HWIN=figure('vis','off') %hide window while construction is in progress seticon(HWIN,'modelit.png'); % (typical for Matlab v7.0/v7.01) <create graphs and uicontrols> set(HWIN,'vis','on'); drawnow; %<< (only required for Matlab v7.04) seticon(HWIN); %<< (only required for Matlab v7.04) EXAMPLE(2): set icon on each future window set(0,'DefaultFigureCreateFcn',@modelitIcon) function modelitIcon(obj,event) seticon(obj,'modelit.png'); COMPATIBILTY NOTE The behaviour of seticon may change when new Java or Matlab versions are installed. The Seticon utility relies on some undocumented Matlab features that may change or disappear in future Matlab versions. It is expected that seticon can be adapted to such changes. However no guarantees of whatever kind are given that a seticon version will be available for Matlab versions beyond 7.04. See also: imread, icon2png
17-Apr-2009 10:33:16
10715 bytes
shiftup(hfig) - move window with multiple of its size SUMMARY This function is typically used to place a second waibar directly above the first one. Note that nowadays multiwaitbar is available for displaying stacked waitbars. CALL: shiftup(hfig,direction) INPUT: hfig: figure handle direction: [vertical,horizontal] movement default: [1,0] OUTPUT: This function returns no output arguments See also: multiwaitbar
29-Sep-2009 17:38:02
772 bytes
showcolormap_direct - Plot colormap CALL showcolormap_direct(hax,range,cmap) INPUT hax: axes om in te plotten range: bereik van colormap cmap: te plotten colormap OUTPUT This function returns no output arguments NOTES - This function plots the colormap as collection of patches - a similar function , showcolormap, derives range from objects in axes See also: showcolormap
16-Aug-2008 10:22:14
1853 bytes
showcolortable - Toon colormap in axes CALL: showcolortable(opt,hax,hreferred) INPUT: opt: optie met alle colormap data ZIE OOK "legedit.m" een struct met default opties domein van de legenda ==> scalaire legenda ==> datum legenda opt.type: type van de legenda opt.type=1; %continu opt.type=2; %geklassificeerd opt.mapfun : colormapfunctie, bijv ='jet' opt.N=64 : aantal te onderscheiden stappen : ? opt.range : bereik van de legenda opt.range=1 ==> automatisch opt.range=2 ==> vast opt.min : indien bereik vast: minimum waarde opt.max : indien bereik vast: maximum waarde hax: axes waarin colorbar wordt geplot hreferred: axes waarvan clim property mag worden afgeleid OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, APPROACH: creer een imape met juist het goede aantal patches om colormap volledig te visualiseren, let op! vorige colormap wordt overschreven STAP 1: bepaal de range STAP 2: bepaal de weer te geven waardes
27-Sep-2005 17:49:44
3217 bytes
slashpad - complement path with filesep symbol CALL str=slashpad(str) INPUT str: filename OUTPUT setr: filename appended with file separator
15-Aug-2008 13:03:27
357 bytes
speed - return colormap for speed plots CALL cmap=speed cmap=speed(NUM) INPUT NUM: required height for the color map OTPUT cmap: [NUM x 3] colormap colormap for traffic applications highspeed ==> green midspeed ==> blue lowspeed ==> red
09-Apr-2009 22:34:52
1279 bytes
waitstatus - return false if waitbar has been removed or stopped CALL: stop = stopwaitbar(HWIN) INPUT: HWIN: <handle> of the figure with the waitbar(s) HWIN==-1: ignore mode OUTPUT stop: TRUE ==> stop FALSE ==> continue EXAMPLE: for k=1:10 hwait=multiwaitbar('loop1',10*k,sprintf('k=%d',k)); for r=1:5:100 if stopwaitbar(hwait),return;end multiwaitbar('loop2',r,sprintf('r=%d',r)); pause(0.01) end end multiwaitbar('loop1',-1); multiwaitbar('loop2',-1); See also multiwaitbar closewaitbar
07-Oct-2008 09:55:05
920 bytes
convert string to fieldname that can be used in Matlab structure
21-Feb-2006 13:10:21
554 bytes
struct2cellstr - converteer structure naar een cellarray met strings CALL: C = struct2cellstr(S, fields) INPUT: S: structure C: (optioneel) cellstr met te gebruiken velden OUTPUT: C: cell array met in kolom 1 de veldnamen en kolom 2 de waarden als string, omgezet met toStr See also: toStr
20-Jan-2008 11:32:34
550 bytes
struct2char - convert single structure to horizontally concatinated char array CALL: report = struct2char(S, flds) INPUT: S: structure flds: cell array of fields to display OUTPUT: report : string to display See also: rightalign, struct2str
20-Jan-2008 11:29:20
883 bytes
struct2treemodel - fast way to convert structure to treemodel CALL: model = struct2treemodel(S, model, parent) INPUT: S: array of structures model: paramter that can be passed to jacontrol with style JXTable parent: initial parent OUTPUT: model: paramter that can be passed to jacontrol with style JXTable EXAMPLE [table h] = jacontrol('style','JXTable',... 'scrollb',true,... 'ColumnControlVisible',true,... 'SelectionMode',3,... 'showgrid','none'); set(table,'Content',struct2treemodel(S));
16-Aug-2008 13:52:44
1722 bytes
structcat - concatinate deep level structure fields SUMMARY Similar to Matlab CAT command, but works on structures with multiple levels CALL result=structcat(DIM,S,FIELD1,FIELD2,..) INPUT DIM: direction for concatenation S: structure array from wich to retreive data FIELD1,FIELD2,..: path thta defines the data OUTPUT result: concatinated content of S.FIELD1.FIELD2 NOTE (1) (limitation) structcat only works on structures NOTE (2) structcat(N,S,FIELD) is equivalent to cat(N,S.FIELD)
15-Aug-2008 17:45:33
804 bytes
structref - shorthand way for creating substruct array for common cases CALL S=structref(flds) INPUT flds: cell array with fields OUTPUT S: substruct array EXAMPLE if nargin==0 S.a.b.c=1; flds={'a','b','c'}; S=subsasgn(S,structref(flds),11); disp(subsref(S,structref(flds))); return end
16-Aug-2008 14:21:39
447 bytes
strvscat - equivalent aan strvcat, maar beschouw '' als lege regel CALL: s = strvscat(a,b,c,...) INPUT: a,b,c,... <char array> OUTPUT: s: <char matrix> EXAMPLE: strvscat(strvcat('aa','bb'),'','d') ans = aa bb d SEE ALSO: strvcat
25-Jul-2006 16:51:58
443 bytes
texslash - prepare non TeX string for TeX interpreter SUMMARY prepare non TeX string for TeX interpreter so that it will display correctlty. This istypically done when file names that contain "\" symbols are plotted using the Matlab text command. texslash: replace "\" with "\\" so that Tex will recognize it as "\" replace "_" with "\_" so that Tex will recognize it as "_" CALL teXstr=texslash(str) INPUT str: input string that may or may not contain characters that TeX considers to be special, but should be plotted in a normal manner OUTPUT teXstr: adjusted string, that is plotted by TeX as "str"
16-Aug-2008 11:23:54
1301 bytes
ticp - CALL: [hwin,cp] = ticp(hwin) [hwin,cp,props] = ticp(hwin) [hwin,cp] = ticp [hwin,cp,props] = ticp INPUT: hwin: window handle OUTPUT: hwin : window handle, defaults to gcf cp : new pointer props : other suspended properties +----WindowButtonMotionFcn IMPORTANT NOTE The behavior of this function depends on the number of output arguments: when nargout>2 also the WindowButtonMotionFcn will be suspended EXAMPLE (simple) ticp; <various actions> tocp; EXAMPLE (thorough) [hwin,cp]=ticp; try <various actions> tocp(hwin,cp); catch tocp(hwin,cp); rethrow(lasterror); end See also: ticpeval
21-Oct-2009 06:54:10
1257 bytes
callback that changes pointer while executing CALL The function is designed to be used as apart of a HG callback. See example. INPUT obj,event: arg1 and arg2 to be passed to function fp fp: function handle or function name varargin: arg3, arg4, etc. To be passes to fp OUTPUT none EXAMPLE 1 OLD CODE: set(h,'callb',{@myfunc,arg1,arg2} NEW CODE: set(h,'callb',{@ticpeval,@myfunc,arg1,arg2} EXAMPLE 2 OLD CODE: ticp result=funcname(input) tocp NEW CODE: result=ticpexec(@funcname,input1,input2) See also ticp,tocp, ticpexec
02-Apr-2009 01:27:15
1173 bytes
callback that changes pointer while executing CALL The function is designed to be used in code. For use in callback see ticpevalkas apart of a HG callback. See example. INPUT fp: function handle or function name varargin: arg1, arg2, etc. To be passed to fp OUTPUT varargout: output of fp EXAMPLE 1 OLD CODE: set(h,'callb',{@myfunc,arg1,arg2} NEW CODE: set(h,'callb',{@ticpeval,@myfunc,arg1,arg2} EXAMPLE 2 OLD CODE: ticp result=funcname(input) tocp NEW CODE: result=ticpexec(@funcname,input1,input2) See also ticp,tocp, ticpexec
20-Feb-2008 23:11:57
960 bytes
toStr - convert object to string representation CALL: value = toStr(value) INPUT value: any matlab variable OUTPUT string: <string> corresponding string repersentation
16-Aug-2008 15:23:51
2147 bytes
CALL tocp tocp(hwin) tocp(hwin,cp) tocp(hwin,cp,props) INPUT hwin: window handle cp: new pointer EXAMPLE [hwin,cp]=ticp; <various actions> tocp(hwin,cp); OR ticp; <various actions> tocp;
20-Feb-2008 10:17:13
536 bytes
transact_gui - display transactions in GUI CALL: transact_gui(data,event,fp_getdata,C) INPUT: data: if nargin==1: this is the databse fp_getdata: function pointer to function that returns database structure. This can be a 3 line function like: function db=getdata global MAINWIN %handle of application's main window db=get(MAINWIN,'userdata') C: structure with GUI constants (colors, fontsize, etc.). If not specified, default settings are used. OUTPUT: Updated comments This function offers the option of modifying the comments fields of any transaction. The function mbdstore(db) is used to register these changes. See mbdundoobj.m : storehandle and storefield should be set when mbdundoobj is called to make this work Example MAINWIN=create_fig(...) data=struct(....) db=mbdundoobj(data,'storehandle',MAINWIN,'storefield','userdata') ASCII or HTML report EXAMPLE %install: transact_gui([],[],@fp_getdata,C) %update from database: %==================================== %update transaction log if ~isempty(findobj('tag','win_trnsct')) transact_gui(db); end %==================================== See also: logbookentry
26-Jan-2010 17:49:54
17180 bytes
transact_update - display transactions in GUI SUMMARY This function checks if the logbook GUI is posted. If it is, it will update this GUI. transact_update is typically called from displayfunctions in various applications. The objective is to update the logbook GUI is you leave this open for a longer time. If the logbook screen is modal, you may avoid calling this function, because the database cannot be modified as long as the logbook is posted. CALL: transact_update(data,ind) INPUT: data: database ind: subsref structure or string with value 'aal' or 'item' in case ind='all': all field will be updated in case ind='item': only the transaction list will be updated OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer EXAMPLE transact_update(udnew,'all');
26-Jan-2010 17:27:28
7090 bytes
truecolor - Maak een Matlab truecolor map uit een lineaire color map. CALL: cdata = truecolor(x,map) INPUT: x: lineaire color map (indices in colormap) map: colormap waar x naar verwijst OUTPUT: cdata: truecolor 3 dim array voor gebruik als cdata property van button. APPROACH: x is een vector van indices in map. Maak een array bestaande uit color vectoren uit map. Gebruik RESHAPE om dit array om te vormen tot een 3 dimensioneel array. NOTE: uint8 is much more compact than double. Inefficient code: cdata=truecolor(x,map) Efficient code: cdata=truecolor(x,uint8(255*map))
09-Jan-2007 15:55:50
955 bytes
solver for traveling salesman problem CALL p=tsp(D) INPUT D: distance matrix OUTPUT indx: index for optimal sort of datapoints NOTE the traveling salesman problem is NP hard. for small problems a brute force method is used for larger problems a randomized heuristic is used (derived from the Matlab TSP demo) The file also contains a branch and boud code, but this one is not in use. Allthough tests indicate it works.
01-Oct-2004 15:38:30
4657 bytes
UIGETFOLDER Standard Windows browse for folder dialog box. CALL folder = uigetfolder(title, initial_path) INPUT title title string (OPTIONAL) initial_path initial path (OPTIONAL, defaults to PWD) OUTPUT folder selected folder (empty string if dialog cancelled) EXAMPLE folder = uigetfolder - default title and initial path folder = uigetfolder('Select results folder') - default initial path folder = uigetfolder([], 'C:\Program Files') - default title See also: UIGETFILE, UIPUTFILE, UIGETDIR, SELECTDIR NOTE: uigetfolder has preceded uigetdir. After appropriate tsting calls to uigetfolder should be replaced with calls to uigetdir
20-Mar-2009 15:57:02
1855 bytes
05-Nov-2001 11:31:50
7168 bytes
utilspath - return string containing path to utils directort CALL pth=utilspath INPUT none OUTPUT pth: string containing path to utils directort See also: modelitpath
28-Jul-2008 22:03:24
372 bytes
validFileName - Remove symbols from FNAME that might cause problems when saving a file CALL FNAME=validFileName(FNAME,validsymbol) INPUT FNAME: proposed filename validsymbol: acceptable symbols (these may be application dependent) if not specified: use set that is acceptable to DOS OUTPUT FNAME: filename with illegal symbols removed BACKGROUND Possible Namespaces 0: POSIX This is the largest namespace. It is case sensitive and allows all Unicode characters except for NULL (0) and Forward Slash '/'. The maximum name length is 255 characters. N.B. There are some characters, e.g. Colon ':', which are valid in NTFS, but Windows will not allow you to use. 1: Win32 Win32 is a subset of the POSIX namespace and is case insensitive. It uses all the Unicode characters, except: '"' '*' '/' ':' '<' '>' '?' '\' '|' N.B. Names cannot end with Dot '.', or Space ' '. ==> EXCLUDE: '"*/:<>?\|' 2: DOS DOS is a subset of the Win32 namespace, allowing only 8 bit upper case characters, greater than Space ' ', and excluding: '"' '*' '+' ',' '/' ':' ';' '<' '=' '>' '?' '\'. N.B. Names must match the following pattern: 1 to 8 characters, then '.', then 1 to 3 characters. 3: Win32 & DOS This namespace means that both the Win32 and the DOS filenames are identical and hence have been saved in this single filename record.
15-Aug-2008 17:29:32
1882 bytes
validval - make sure uicontrol with style listbox has valid values for attributes "val" and "ListboxTop" CALL vl=validval(hlist,center) INPUT hlist: handle van uicontrol object center: center selected values (default: 0) OUTPUT attributes "val" and "ListboxTop" are modified if needed
15-Aug-2008 16:35:44
2493 bytes
varargin2struct - convert value-pair combinations to structure CALL: defaultOptions = varargin2struct(defaultOptions,ValidProps,... PROPERTY1,VALUE1,PROPERTY2,VALUE2,...) defaultOptions = varargin2struct(defaultOptions,ValidProps,... PROPERTY1,VALUE1,OPTSTRUCT,...) INPUT: defaultOptions: Struct with default values ValidProps: Allowable fields PROPERTY,VALUE: Property-Value pairs and/or OPTSTRUCT: Option structure that stores property value pairs +----PROPERTY1=VALUE1 +----PROPERTY2=VALUE2 OUTPUT: Options: structure waarin alle velden zijn overschreven waarvoor invoer beschikbaar is EXAMPLE: function do_some(varargin) defaultOptions=struct('a',1,'b',2); Options=varargin2struct(defaultOptions,fieldnames(defaultOptions),varargin{:}); See also: getproperty
26-Jun-2008 16:03:39
3971 bytes
varsize - compute the approximate size occupied by Matlab variable CALL sz=varsize(S) INPUT S: Matlab variable OUTPUT sz: size in number of bytes
15-Aug-2008 16:52:05
2034 bytes
waitbarc - plot conditional waitbar CALL hwait=waitbarc(PLOT,val,hwait,varargin) INPUT PLOT : plot waitbar if 1 val : display value hwait : handle str : title OUTPUT hwait: handle EXAMPLE tic hwait=[]; for k=1:L hwait=waitbarc(toc>5,1/L,hwait,'loop') < ... > end close(hwait); SEE ALSO shiftup
15-Aug-2008 16:22:29
677 bytes
shortcut code for modal warning dialog
27-Jun-2009 21:45:59
189 bytes
width - get matrix width, shortcut for size(str,2) CALL w=width(str) INPUT str: matrix OUTPUT w: matrix width SEE ALSO: size, length, height
16-Sep-2006 10:10:13
237 bytes
windowpostion - convert normalized window position to matlab window pixel coordinates so that matlab window inclusive border fits area NOTE: this function will become obsolete. Use windowposV7 instead. CALL inner_position=windowpixel(outer_position,menupresence) INPUT outer_position; required normalized position of window (with borders) menupresence [menu toolbar] menupresence(1): 1: if one or more drop down menus are present 0: otherwise menupresence(2): 1: if toolbar is present 0: otherwise OUTPUT inner_position: Matlab window position vector borders excluded (if 'menus' vector applies) wind: structure met de volgende veldeN: wind.BorderWidth, wind.TitleHeight, wind.MenuHeight, wind.ToolbarHeight FILES READ FROM height of border, toolbar and menus are retrieved with GETPRF1 zie screensetting NOTE since Matlab V7 the behaviour of Matlab is slightly changed. This behaviour is observed: When a toolbar or menubar is added, the height of teh figure increases. Matlab attempts to extend the figure at the top, but only does so if there is room available at the desktop. otherwise the figure will be expanded downwards. SEE ALSO: windowposV7 APPROACH haal de structure 'wind' op met GETPRF1. De structure 'wind' heeft de volgende velde: wind.BorderWidth, wind.TitleHeight, wind.MenuHeight, wind.ToolbarHeight Bepaal inner_position uit outer_pixel_position met de volgende aanpassingen: Ondergrens : ophogen met BorderWidth Linkerpositie: ophogen met BorderWidth Breedte : 2 maal BorderWidth eraf trekken Hoogte : BorderWidth,TitleHeight,ToolbarHeight eraf trekken%
15-Aug-2008 18:33:43
5367 bytes
windowposV7 - position figure on desktop. This function supersedes windowpos CALL: windowposV7(HWIN,NormPos,LMARGE) INPUT: HWIN: <handle> figure handle NormPos <vector of double> required position in normalized coordinates LMARGE <integer> required margin below (in pixels) OUTPUT: this function changes the "outerposition" property of HWIN REMARK: First install all menu's and toolbars, as these change the figure's outerposition, then call this function EXAMPLE: figure Htool = uitoolbar; uimenu(HWIN,'label','file'); windowposV7(HWIN,[0 0 1 1],20); See also: windowpos
11-Jan-2007 13:01:18
1440 bytes
writeoptions - CALL: writeoptions(optionsfile,strct,cmnt) INPUT: optionsfile: strct: cmnt: OUTPUT: no output
05-Dec-2006 01:57:26
908 bytes
writestr - schrijf character array weg naar file CALL writestr(fname,str) INPUT fname : weg te schrijven file str : weg te schrijven char array OUTPUT none EXAMPLE hwin=ticp hwait=waitbar(0,'Generate report'); strs={}; for k=1:N waitbar((k-.5)/N,hwait); strs{end+1}=makeReportLine(k,....); end writestr(fname,strs(:)); <<<Note! vertical concatination is needed to create multiline report close(hwait); tocp SEE ALSO: readstr
20-Oct-2005 15:28:47
1351 bytes
zeromat - create a matrix with zeros of specific types CALL v=zeromat(sz,type) INPUT sz : size of required matrix type : char str with type OUTPUT v: initialized matrix REMARK v=zeromat([10000 10000],'int8') is equivalent to v=int8(zeros(10000,10000)) but much faster REMARK2 v=repmat(int8(0),10000,10000) achieves the same SEE ALSO repmat
15-Aug-2008 17:30:11
665 bytes
zoomtool - install Modelit zoomtool CALL zoomtool zoomtool(1) zoomtool(1,option) zoomtool(N,<property1>,<value1>,<property2>,<value2>,...) zoomtool('set',hax,<property1>,<value1>,<property2>,<value2>) INPUT N: mode of operation 1 install zoom utility (default) 2 zoom in using rbbox 3 zoom back using history of zoom windows 3.1 Maximise X&Y 3.2 Maximise X 3.3 Maximise Y 4 clear zoom history 5 add current zoomwindow to menu 6 toggle sliders on/off 7 delete stored zoomwindows 8 temporaly disable zoom buttond 9 reinstall zoom buttond 10 zoom out (in this case axis&factor are supplied with arg2&arg3) 11 zoom to predefined values Example: zoomtool(11,'axes',hax,'xlim',xlim,'ylim',ylim) 12 execute callback of x slider 13 execute callback of y slider 14 set up X movie 16 force execution of synchronisation callback 17 pretend current view is result of zoom action (enables undo, xsync, ysync, scale, move, etc) 18 return zoomhandle 19 change view so that specific hg object fit 20 center view on selected objects, do not resize option: structure of specific zoom settings opt.axes : handle van zoom axes opt.parent : uses 'axes' or 'window'(default: axes) axes: install buttondown on axes window: install windowbuttondown on figure opt.xsync : handles of synchronized x-axes opt.ysync : handles of synchronized y_axes opt.patchsync : handle of patch object (usually in overview map) opt.scale : string containing name of function to call after scaling coordinates (will also be added to windowresize function) WARNING: opt.scale installs a resize function on top of current resize function. when axes is deleted this resize function is not disabled opt.move : string containing name of function to call after shifting coordinates ============ When ZOOMING on graph: first call opt.move, then call opt.scale When RESIZE on window: only call opt.scale When MOVE on grpah : only call opt.move ============ opt.shiftclick: function that is called after shift+click (windows) example: opt.shiftclick='rbrect_init(1,0,''line'');' opt.dblclick : function called when doubleclicked in axes opt.leftclick : specify function (hint: to prevent zooming at left mouseclick specify ' ') opt.xmovie : set to 'on' if Xmovie capability is needed (default: 'off') opt.label : Label van hoofd menu (default: Zoom) opt.visible : Label voor zoom 'on' or 'off' opt.fa_zoom : if 1: keep fixed aspect ratio opt.keypress : if 1: enable zooming by key press (this will overwite keypress function for current window) opt.wheel: if 0: disable mousewheel while zooming if 1: enable mousewheel zooming (standard mode) if <1: enable mousewheel zooming (slow) if >1: enable mousewheel zooming (fast) opt.xrange : zoom range (x-axis) opt.yrange : zoom range (y-axis)
22-Apr-2010 10:11:46
52804 bytes
about - maak een about object aan waarin een applicatie beschreven kan worden CALL obj = about(varargin) INPUT: varargin: OUTPUT: obj: <about-object>
17-Aug-2008 12:42:28
646 bytes
addItem - voeg een item toe aan het about-object CALL: obj = set(obj,property,value) INPUT: obj: <about-object> item: <(cell)string> met de nieuwe item(s) OUTPUT: obj: <about-object>
18-Aug-2005 09:12:32
441 bytes
display - de standaard display functie van matlab voor een about-object CALL: display(obj) INPUT: obj: <about-object> OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, informatie over het about-object wordt afgedrukt op de console
12-Sep-2005 10:03:36
583 bytes
get - get de waarde van een property uit het about-object CALL: obj = get(obj, property) INPUT: obj: <about-object> property: <string> met het te zetten veld in het about-object OUTPUT: value: <string> met de waarde van het gespecificeerde veld (property) in het about-object
16-Jul-2007 10:49:20
589 bytes
noItems - bepaal het totale aantal items in het about-object CALL: N = noItems(obj) INPUT: obj: <about-object> OUTPUT: N: <integer> met het totaal aantal items dat aanwezig is in het Item veld van het about-object
18-Aug-2005 07:56:34
337 bytes
removeItem - voeg een item toe aan het about-object CALL: obj = removeItem(obj,index) INPUT: obj: <about-object> index: <vector of int> met de indices van de te verwijderen items OUTPUT: obj: <about-object>
18-Aug-2005 09:34:56
710 bytes
set - set een property in het about-object CALL: obj = set(obj,property,value) INPUT: obj: <about-object> varargin: property-value paren: property: <string> met het te zetten veld in het about-object value: <string> met de waarde voor het veld(property) in het about-object OUTPUT: obj: <about-object>
10-Jan-2006 16:14:48
1353 bytes
view - de standaard display functie van matlab CALL: display(obj) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, informatie over het xml-object wordt afgedrukt op de console
15-Sep-2005 12:22:16
1526 bytes
delaywindow - CALL: obj = delaywindow(varargin) INPUT: varargin: properties to be passed on to the "figure" command (has no effect when figure already exists) SPECIAL KEYWORDS: - 'delay' seconds to popup - 'text' textstring to show left of animated arrow - 'title' figure name OUTPUT: active: <boolean> EXAMPLE 1: dw = delaywindow('text', 'Processing data', 'delay', 2, 'title', 'Waiting for Matlab'); start(dw); for k=1:10,k for r=1:10:100 if ~isactive(dw) return end pause(0.05) end end stop(dw); EXAMPLE 2: dw = delaywindow; start(dw); set(dw,'title','figurename'); set(dw,'text' ,'comment'); stop(dw)
22-Mar-2009 16:10:11
1765 bytes
get - get de waarde van een property uit het delaywindow-object CALL: obj = set(obj,property) INPUT: obj: <about-object> property: <string> met het te zetten veld in het about-object OUTPUT: value: <string> met de waarde van het gespecificeerde veld (property) in het delaywindow-object
16-Jul-2007 13:43:07
619 bytes
isactive - bepaal of het delaywindow is weggeklikt door de gebruiker CALL: obj = set(obj) INPUT: obj: <delaywindow-object> OUTPUT: b: <boolean> true, window is actief false, window is weggeklikt door de gebruiker See also: delaywindow
16-Jul-2007 13:43:07
347 bytes
set - zet properties van delaywindow object CALL: obj = set(obj, property, value) INPUT: obj: <about-object> varargin: property-value paren: property: <string> met het te zetten veld in het about-object value: <string> met de waarde voor het veld(property) in het delaywindow-object OUTPUT: obj: <delaywindow-object> APPROACH: beschikbare velden: title, text en delay See also: delaywindow
19-Jul-2007 22:36:22
1422 bytes
set - start delaywindow CALL: obj = set(obj) INPUT: obj: <delaywindow-object> OUTPUT: geen uitvoer, het delaywindow wordt geactiveerd na <delay> seconden See also: delaywindow
16-Jul-2007 13:43:08
257 bytes
set - stop delaywindow CALL: obj = set(obj) INPUT: obj: <delaywindow-object> OUTPUT: geen uitvoer, het delaywindow wordt gedeactiveerd See also: delaywindow
08-Jan-2008 18:49:26
286 bytes
filechooser - add a filechooser to a frame CALL: filechooser(C,D,hframe) INPUT: C: <struct> D: <struct> hframe: <handle> of the frame to which the filechooser has to be added fp_getfiletype: (optional) function pointer to function to determine filetype OUTPUT: none, a filechooser is created in the specified frame
25-Feb-2010 08:50:44
9048 bytes
get_opt - returns the filechooser's undoredo object CALL: opt = get_opt(obj) INPUT: obj: <filechooser-object> OUTPUT: opt: <undoredo-object>
18-Sep-2006 18:28:14
249 bytes
refresh - update the list with files in the filechooser CALL: refresh(obj) INPUT: obj: <filechooser-object> OUTPUT: none, the list with files in the filechooser is updated
12-Jun-2008 08:07:28
356 bytes
set_directory - change directory in the filechooser CALL: set_directory(obj,value) INPUT: obj: <filechooser-object> value: <string> new directory OUTPUT: none, the directory and the list with files in the filechooser are updated
26-Nov-2009 19:08:28
797 bytes
set_filter - change filefilter CALL: set_filter(obj,value) INPUT: obj: <filechooser-object> value: <string> new filter OUTPUT: none, the filter and the list with files in the filechooser are updated
02-Mar-2008 20:35:40
440 bytes
getDirStruct - return struct array with file information in specified directory CALL: fls = getDirStruct(directory,types,D) INPUT: directory: <string> with directory to be searched for files types: <string> filefilter D: <struct> with at least the field filetypes which contains a struct array with fields - label - filter - image and the fields - dirup: <javax.swing.ImageIcon] - folder: <javax.swing.ImageIcon] fp_getfiletype: function pointer to function to determine filetype, if empty local function is used OUTPUT: fls: <array of struct> See also: filechooser, dir
02-Mar-2008 20:13:34
3358 bytes
addInstallManual - add installation manual to help menu INPUT hlpobj: help center object menuStr: name for menu OUTPUT hlpobj: help center object, install manual has been added EXAMPLE hlpobj=addInstallManual(hlpobj,'Installatiehandleiding');
08-May-2007 11:43:01
522 bytes
addpdf - add pdf document to help form CALL obj=addpdf(obj,name,fname,<PROPERTY>,<VALUE>,<PROPERTY>,<VALUE>,...) INPUT obj: helpmenobj object name: name of document fname: corresponding filename <PROPERTY>,<VALUE> pairs Valid properties: path: Cell array path{1}: url (example path{2}: username ([] if anonymous) path{3}: password ([] if anonymous) path{4:end}: path to files
13-Jul-2005 00:21:07
1174 bytes
addfile - add file to help form CALL: obj = addfile(obj,name,fname,varargin) INPUT: obj: object of type helpmenuobj name: string with description of document; appears in menu fname: string with url point to file OUTPUT: obj: object of type helpmenuobj
28-Oct-2009 17:52:36
548 bytes
addhtml - add html document to help form CALL: obj = addhtml(obj,name,fname,varargin) INPUT: obj: <object> van het type helpmenuobj name: <string> met de naam van het document fname: <string> met de bestandsnaam varargin: <cell array> met mogelijke velden: - varargin{1} url (example - varargin{2} username ([] if anonymous) - varargin{3} password ([] if anonymous) - varargin{4:end}: pad naar bestand OUTPUT: obj: <object> van het type helpmenuobj
10-Jan-2006 10:18:14
982 bytes
addinstall - add object of type "install" to help menu object CALL obj=addinstall(obj,name,fname,<PROPERTY>,<VALUE>,<PROPERTY>,<VALUE>,...) INPUT obj: helpmenobj object name : (part of) name of installer. For example: name=setup.exe wil also select install205.exe. The heighest version number will be selected. fname: corresponding filename <PROPERTY>,<VALUE> pairs Valid properties: path: Cell array path{1}: url (example path{2}: username ([] if anonymous) path{3}: password ([] if anonymous) path{4:end}: path to files EXAMPLE hlpobj=addinstall(hlpobj,'Meest recente software versie','setupMatlab.exe',... 'path',{'','uname','pw','setup'}); See also: helpmenu
13-Dec-2007 19:42:47
3163 bytes
addlabel - add label to help form CALL obj=addlabel(obj,labelstr) INPUT obj: helpmenu object labelstr: label string to display OUTPUT obj: helpmenu object after update.
17-Aug-2008 12:50:24
407 bytes
addpdf - add pdf document to help form CALL: obj=addpdf(obj,name,fname,<PROPERTY>,<VALUE>,<PROPERTY>,<VALUE>,...) INPUT: obj: helpmenobj object name: name of document fname: corresponding filename <PROPERTY>,<VALUE> pairs Valid properties: path: Cell array path{1}: url (example path{2}: username ([] if anonymous) path{3}: password ([] if anonymous) path{4:end}: path to files SEE ALSO addInstallManual
09-Jun-2007 12:01:25
904 bytes
addwebsite - add url to help form CALL obj=addwebsite(obj,name,url) INPUT obj: helpmenobj object name: name of document url: website to be opened
19-Jun-2005 11:54:51
403 bytes
addzip - add zipped document to help form CALL obj=addzip(obj,name,fname,<PROPERTY>,<VALUE>,<PROPERTY>,<VALUE>,...) INPUT obj: helpmenobj object name: name of document fname: corresponding filename <PROPERTY>,<VALUE> pairs Valid properties: path: Cell array path{1}: url (example path{2}: username ([] if anonymous) path{3}: password ([] if anonymous) path{4:end}: path to files SEE ALSO helpmenu
07-Feb-2008 00:43:34
4912 bytes
addzip - add zipped document to help form CALL obj=addzip(obj,name,fname,<PROPERTY>,<VALUE>,<PROPERTY>,<VALUE>,...) INPUT obj: helpmenobj object name: name of document fname: corresponding filename <PROPERTY>,<VALUE> pairs Valid properties: path: Cell array path{1}: url (example path{2}: username ([] if anonymous) path{3}: password ([] if anonymous) path{4:end}: path to files SEE ALSO helpmenu
08-Feb-2008 13:05:42
4924 bytes
helpmenu CALL: D = helpmenu(obj,event,hlpobj,C,D) INPUT: obj: <handle> van de aanroepende uitcontrol event: <leeg> standaard matlab callback argument hlpobj: < C: D: OUTPUT: D:
17-Dec-2009 07:46:02
9275 bytes
helpmenuobj - CALL: obj = helpmenuobj(varargin) INPUT: <PROPERTY>,<VALUE> pairs Valid properties: path: Cell array path{1}: url (example path{2}: username ([] if anonymous) path{3}: password ([] if anonymous) path{4:end}: path to files NOTE helpmenu method opens help window EXAMPLE / TEST CODE HWIN=figure Htool = uitoolbar(HWIN); hlpobj=helpmenuobj('path',{'','rikz','rikz','MARIA','manuals'}); hlpobj=addlabel(hlpobj,'Algemeen'); hlpobj=addpdf(hlpobj,'Installatie','InstallatieHandleiding.pdf'); hlpobj=addpdf(hlpobj,'Algemene handleiding','Handleiding_final.pdf'); hlpobj=addlabel(hlpobj,'Specifieke onderwerpen'); hlpobj=addpdf(hlpobj,'Inlezen WESP files','Handleiding_Inlezen_WESP.pdf'); % hlpobj=addpdf(hlpobj,'Aanmaken SWAN bodemkaart','Handleiding_Inlezen_WESP.pdf'); hlpobj=addpdf(hlpobj,'CEN editor','GeodataHelp.pdf'); hlpobj=addpdf(hlpobj,'Controle meerjarige reeksen','jaarcontroleHelp.pdf'); hlpobj=addpdf(hlpobj,'Aanmaken contouren voor kustmetingen','Raaicontour.PDF'); hlpobj=addlabel(hlpobj,'Websites'); hlpobj=addwebsite(hlpobj,'Modelit website',''); uipushtool(Htool,'cdata',getcdata('help'),... 'separator','on',... 'tooltip','Open help file (download wanneer nodig)',... 'clicked',{@helpmenu,hlpobj}); METHODS addlabel addpdf newcolumn See also: helpmenu
08-Feb-2007 15:35:52
1873 bytes
newcolumn - start new coulum in help menu CALL obj=newcolumn(obj) INPUT obj: object of class helpmenuobj OUTPUT obj: object of class helpmenuobj after updates
17-Aug-2008 12:47:41
359 bytes
emptyopt - private functuin for class helpmenuobj SUMMARY Create appendable structure for storage in struct array of helpmenu object. CALL S=emptyopt INPUT none OUTPUT S: initial structure , that can be appended.
17-Aug-2008 12:53:20
459 bytes
WIJZ ZIJPP 20100415 This file was modified to obtain a more robust behaviour in compiled mode Preference files are now stored in local directory (pwd) File is identical to "addpref" but all calls to "prefutils" are replaced by calls to "prefutilsModelit"
15-Apr-2010 11:45:39
1535 bytes
WIJZ ZIJPP 20100415 This file was modified to obtain a more robust behaviour in compiled mode Preference files are now stored in local directory (pwd) File is identical to "getpref" but all calls to "prefutils" are replaced by calls to "prefutilsModelit"
15-Apr-2010 11:42:10
4014 bytes
WIJZ ZIJPP 20100415 This file was modified to obtain a more robust behaviour in compiled mode Preference files are now stored in local directory (pwd) File is identical to "ispref" but all calls to "prefutils" are replaced by calls to "prefutilsModelit"
15-Apr-2010 11:40:20
1614 bytes
Identical to prefultils but retrieve preference files from pwd location in compiled mode.
15-Apr-2010 12:48:24
3572 bytes
WIJZ ZIJPP 20100415 This file was modified to obtain a more robust behaviour in compiled mode Preference files are now stored in local directory (pwd) File is identical to "setpref" but all calls to "prefutils" are replaced by calls to "prefutilsModelit"
15-Apr-2010 12:18:15
2168 bytes
CrdCnv - convert coordinates CALL [crd_out,errorcode] = CrdCnv(crd_type_in,crd_in,crd_type_out) INPUT crd_type_in :<string> input coordinate type crd_in : input coordinates (2 element vector) crd_type_out:<string> output coordinate type OUTPUT crd_out: output coordinates (2 element vector) errorcode: if error occurs, the errorcode from the C source is returned NOTE: This function calls a mex file To build: mcc -x -d build CrdCnv crdcnv_external.c crdcnvmd.c C prototype CrdCnvMD ( char crd_type_in[4], long crd_in_1, long crd_in_2, char crd_type_out[4], long *crd_out_1, long *crd_out_2, long *error )
16-Aug-2008 18:47:24
1734 bytes
GetIndex - Bepaal indices die bij x horen z.d.d. x0+(index-1)*stap < x < x0+index*stap CALL ind=Get1DIndex(x,x0,stap) INPUT x: lijst met waarden (evt int datatype) x0: beginwaarde grid stap: stapgroote grid OUTPUT ind: berekende indices Let op! NaN waardes wordenop index==0 afgebeeld!! VOORBEELD Get1DIndex(1.0000,1,1)=1 Get1DIndex(1.9999,1,1)=1 Get1DIndex(2.0000,1,1)=2 AANPAK - bepaal offset tov referentie en deel door stapgrootte - converteer tijdelijk naar doubles - voer de berekening in stappen van 500 000 uit om het claimen van teveel geheugen te vermijden
15-Aug-2008 16:44:57
1449 bytes
Get2DIndex - Bepaal de lineaire indices die bij x,y paren horen CALL ind=Get2Dindex(xy,x0,xstap,y0,ystap,sz) INPUT xy: lijst met xy paren x0: beginwaarde grid (x richting) xstap: stapgroote grid (x richting) y0: beginwaarde grid (y richting) ystap: stapgroote grid (y richting) sz: sz(1) aantal stappen in ygrid sz(2) aantal stappen in xgrid OUTPUT ind: berekende indices AANPAK - Deze functie is alleen toepasbaar op grids met een vaste stapgrootte - Bepaal de indices in de aparte dimensies (Get1DIndex) - Bereken 2D index op basis van 1D indices (sub2ind) - Voer de berekening in gedeeltes uit om het claimen van teveel geheugen te vermijden SEE ALSO: Get1DIndex GetGridIndex
04-Feb-2004 14:35:43
3189 bytes
arcgridread - lees data in uit ARC grid formaat CALL arcgridread(fname) INPUT fname: naam van de invoer file OUTPUT S : structure met de volgende velden xllcorner : Links Onder X coordinaat yllcorner : Links Onder Y coordinaat cellsize : gridstap NODATA_value : In te vullen waarden bij hiaten data : matrix met data punten (in INT32 formaat) (mits succesvol, anders:) S=0 ==> file 'fname' bestaat niet S=-1 ==> file 'fname' heeft niet herkend formaat AANPAK Deze functie is geimplementeerd als mex file. De file arcgridread_external.c bevat de corresponderende C-code Gebruik: mcc -x arcgridread arcgridread_external.c om deze mex file te bouwen De ASCIIGRID files bevatten een aantal kolommen en een aantal rijen De waardes xllcorner, yllcorner, cellsize, ncols en nrows bepalen het xgrid en ygrid Het Getal dat in het Ascii grid linksboven staat hoort bij de cel xgrid(1), ygrid(end) LET OP! Deze procedure leest alleen de ruwe data in. Vanwege de opslag conventie van Matlab arrays was het handiger om de matrix in transpose vorm en 'op zijn kop' in te lezen. De c-routine leest de matrix daarom in 'transpose' vorm in. De matrix dient dus naderhand getransponeerd te worden. Om te zorgen dat uiteindelijk de celwaarde (1,1) hoort bij xgrid(1), ygrid(1) moet de matrix ook nog een keer 'op z'n kop' gezet worden. Ook deze handeling blijft in het c programma achterwege en moet naderhand in Matlab uitgevoerd worden.
31-Mar-2005 12:45:06
4043 bytes
31-Mar-2005 12:06:48
20480 bytes
29-Oct-2004 15:35:50
36864 bytes
findhull: find hull that encloses all x,y points SUMMARY this function is used to create stylistic plots of grids CALL: [xcntr,ycntr,xcntr_in,ycntr_in]=findhull_discrete(N,f_hiaat) INPUT: x: vector of x values y: vector of y values gridsize_x: round to nearest multiple (x-direction) gridsize_y: round to nearest multiple (y-direction) OUTPUT xcntr,ycntr: Outer contour. This encloses data points. Multiple contours are returned seperated by NaN values. xcntr_in,ycntr_in Inner contour. Anything inside is excluded Multiple contours are returned seperated by NaN values. APPROACH: De methode gaat als volgt: Maak een grid met een vrij te kiezen stapgrootte (bij benadering de zoekstraal) Bepaal op basis van de xy punten welke gridcellen gevuld zijn (deze cellen worden 1, rest 0) Elke gridwaarde correspondeerd met de cel rechtsboven het punt Het aantal x waarden is gelijk aan het aantal gridcellen Het aantal y waarden is gelijk aan het aantal gridcellen Zie voorbeeld 0000000 0011111 0011100 0011100 0011111 0000000 Breidt het grid uit tot een grid waarvan de cellen 1 zijn als een tenminste het vierkant LB, RB,LO of RO gevuld is met 1 of meer datapunten. Dit grid correpondeeert met de randpunten van de bovenstaande gridcellen. Het aantal x waarden is gelijk aan het aantal gridcellen+1 Het aantal y waarden is gelijk aan het aantal gridcellen+1 Zie voorbeeld 00000000 00111111 00111111 00111100 00111111 00111111 00000000 Zoek een startpunt. Bijvoorbeeld: het meest linkse punt (bij meerdere de bovenste). Probeer steeds het volgende: kun je naar boven (^)? ja: volgend punt gevonden nee: kun je naar rechts (>)? ja: volgend punt gevonden nee: kun je naar onder (v)? etc etc Ga door tot je op het zelfde punt terug bent. Sla steeds de lineaire index van het gevonden punt op. Zie voorbeeld. 00000000 00>>>>>v 00^ v<< 00^ v00 00^ >>v 00^<<<<< 00000000 Eventueel na het vinden van 1 eiland cellen op nul zetten en volgende eiland vinden.
16-Aug-2008 11:07:26
11784 bytes
lod_smooth - Smoothing with divided differences of order 2 and adaptive weights CALL z = lod_smooth(x, y, lambda, alpha,fdummy); INPUT x: positions of data points [m] y: heights of data points [m] lambda: smoothing parameter alpha: smoothing parameter fdummy: indices van niet mee te wegen datapunten
15-Aug-2008 13:41:25
1926 bytes
mbd_changeframe - Visualisatie aangeroepen DBOBJ object. Ook bij UNDO en REDO. CALL: mbd_changeframe(signature, udnew, ind) INPUT: gg : structure met als enige veld de structure "opt" ind: een CELL array met struct arrays met velden 'type' 'subs' queued{k}(2).subs bevat naam van te updaten veld.
19-Mar-2009 17:50:30
7384 bytes
mbd_frameedit - start frame editor GUI SUMMARY Algemene frame editor, voor willekeurige frames. Bij installatie wordt een functiepointer meegegeven. Deze wordt later via feval aangeroepen met als argument het "frame" . "frame" is een datastructuur die alle editable eigenschappen van het frame en de onderliggende objecten bevat. Het frame zelf heeft een eigen undo datastructuur. In deze datastructuur is naast de "frame" datastructuur ook een dastructuur met settings opgenomen die het volgende toe te voegen of te wijzigen element van toepassing kunnen worden verklaard. Naast deze frame editor bestaat er een algemene functie mbd_paintframe die na het opgeven van een framehandle en de "frame" datastructuur het frame tekent. Fasering bij het bouwen: - eerst wordt de frame editor onafhankelijk gebouwd; - vervolgens wordt de frame editor vanuit een applicatie aangeropen - tenslotte moeten ook acties als aanklikken en slepen van objecten ondersteund worden. CALL HWIN=mbd_frameedit(framedata) INPUT framedata: frame data OUTPUT HWIN: handle van GUI figure
16-Aug-2008 15:31:23
28938 bytes
mbd_paintframe - paint objects vreated with frame editor CALL hframe,framedata,doresize INPUT hframe <handle> handle of frame framedata frame properties framedata +----frame +----appdata: application data voor dit frame +----uicdata : handle graphics data voor dit frame doresize <logical> if true: call mbdresize afterwards OUTPUT h_text handles of created objects NOTE: This file has been moved from MBDresizedir (jun 2008, Zijpp)
16-Aug-2008 15:45:27
3921 bytes
plot_geo - plot topografie en kaartbladen CALL plot_geo(h_kaart,kaartblad,setlabels,coord,mode) INPUT h_kaart <axes handle>: handles of axes objects that will hold plotted objects defaults to gca kaartblad <logical>: if True, plot "kaartblad" layer defaults to True setlabels <logical> if True add labels that will appear in legend defaults to True coord <string> coordinate system of axes "h_kaart". If anaything else then RD, coordinates will be transformed. defaults to 'RD' mode <string> if mode=="noordzee" additional stylistic info is plotted mode defaults to nederland" INDIREC INPUT File: 'Kaartbladen.w3h' OUTPUT This function returns no output arguments
13-Apr-2010 19:06:35
4842 bytes
rootpath - prepend exeroot for files that are specified without path in disployed mode CALL fname=rootpath(fname) INPUT fname: file specified without a path OUPUT fname If not deployed mode or fname was specified with path: input.fname Otherwise: fname =fullfile(exeroot,input.fname)
20-Apr-2009 11:34:58
995 bytes
02-Sep-2004 14:38:36
20480 bytes
CALL rc=checkRKS(RKS) INPUT RKS structure with RKS data OUTPUT rc 0 : ok -20001 : lBegdat not ok -20002 : lEnddat not ok -20003 : iBegtyd not ok -20004 : iEndtyd not ok -20005 : end before start
02-Aug-2010 18:10:27
1736 bytes
datenum2long - Convert Matlab datenum to date with format YYYYMMDD, time with format HHmm and time with format HHmmSS. CALL: [Date, Time, LongTime] = datenum2long(D, timeunit) INPUT: D: Scalar, vector or matrix with datenum data. timeunit: Opional argument with possible values: - 'mnd': Donar uses different format for months. - otherwise: Use standard Donar date format. OUTPUT: Date: Corresponding date(s) in YYYYMMDD. Time: Corresponding time(s) in HHmm. LongTime: Corresponding time(s) in HHmmSS. APPROACH: Round D to whole minutes: - Add 30 seconds to D and call datevec. - Ignore 'second' output argument. NOTE: .m source of this funciton is used in mwritedia.c. See also: long2datenum
17-Aug-2008 14:59:28
2448 bytes
diafieldnames - This function specifies the fields in the Matlab structure for all the 'regelidentificaties' in the Donar file. CALL: S = diafieldnames INPUT: No input required. OUTPUT: S: Structure with fields: +----W3H | +----OGI (char array) | +----BHI (char array) | +----ANI (char array) | +----BMI (char array) | +----MUX (char array) | +----WNS (char array) | +----PAR (char array) | +----EHD (char array) | +----CPM (char array) | +----HDH (char array) | +----ORG (char array) | +----SGK (char array) | +----IVS (char array) | +----BTX (char array) | +----BTN (char array) | +----LOC (char array) | +----GBD (char array) | +----GRD (char array) | +----RAI (char array) | +----ANA (char array) | +----BEM (char array) | +----BEW (char array) +----RKS +----TYD (char array) +----PLT (char array) +----SYS (char array) +----VGS (char array) +----STA (char array) +----BGS (char array) +----BLS (char array) +----INV (char array) +----VZM (char array) +----SVZ (char array) +----SSV (char array) +----SSS (char array) See also: readdia_R14
17-Jun-2010 14:00:06
4030 bytes
emptyMUX - Make default MUX (Multiplex-administratie) block. CALL: MUX = emptyMUX INPUT: No input required. OUTPUT: MUX: Structure with fields: +----iKannum (double) +----lWnsnum (double) +----sParcod (char) +----sParoms (char) +----sStaind (char) +----nCpmcod (double) +----sCpmoms (char) +----sDomein (char) +----sEhdcod (char) +----sOrgcod (char) +----sOrgoms (char) +----sHdhcod (char) +----sHdhoms (char) +----sSgkcod (char) See also: emptyblok
18-Aug-2008 13:21:00
894 bytes
emptyRGH - Make default MUX (Raaigeldigheid-administratie) block. CALL: RGH = emptyRGH(blok) INPUT: blok: (Optional) structure with DIA block, if specified create RGH blok based on known RGH blocks. OUTPUT: RGH: Structure with fields: +----lBegdat: begin datum +----lEnddat: einddatum (0: oneindig) +----Raaitype (sRaityp): | H: hulpstrandhoofdraai | S: strandhoofdraai | N: normale raai +----Raaiklasse (sRaikls): | L: landelijke raai | V: vaklodingsraai | P: ? See also: emptyblok
18-Aug-2008 13:37:16
1703 bytes
emptyRKS - Make default RKS (Reeksadministratie) block. CALL: RKS = emptyRKS INPUT: No input required. OUTPUT: RKS: Structure with fields: +----sRefvlk (char) +----lBemhgt (double) +----lBegdat (double) +----iBegtyd (double) +----sSyscod (char) +----sTydehd (char) +----iTydstp (double) +----lXcrdgs (double) +----lYcrdgs (double) +----lVakstp (double) +----lEnddat (double) +----iEndtyd (double) +----sRkssta (char) +----lBeginv (double) +----lEndinv (double) +----sVzmcod (char) +----sVzmoms (char) +----sSvzcod (char) +----sSvzoms (char) +----sSsvcod (char) +----sSsvoms (char) +----sSsscod (char) +----sSssoms (char) +----lXcrdwb (double) +----lYcrdzb (double) +----lXcrdob (double) +----lYcrdnb (double) +----lXcrdmn (double) +----lYcrdmn (double) +----lXcrdmx (double) +----lYcrdmx (double) See also: emptyblok
18-Aug-2008 12:42:04
3518 bytes
emptyW3H - Make default W3H (W3H administratie) block. CALL: W3H = emptyW3H INPUT: No input required. OUTPUT: W3H: Structure with fields: +----sMuxcod (char) +----sMuxoms (char) +----lWnsnum (double) +----sParcod (char) +----sParoms (char) +----sCasnum +----sStaind (char) +----nCpmcod (double) +----sCpmoms (char) +----sDomein (char) +----sEhdcod (char) +----sHdhcod (char) +----sHdhoms (char) +----sOrgcod (char) +----sOrgoms (char) +----sSgkcod (char) +----sIvscod (char) +----sIvsoms (char) +----sBtccod (char) +----sBtlcod (char) +----sBtxoms (char) +----sBtnnam (char) +----sAnicod (char) +----sAnioms (char) +----sBhicod (char) +----sBhioms (char) +----sBmicod (char) +----sBmioms (char) +----sOgicod (char) +----sOgioms (char) +----sGbdcod (char) +----sGbdoms (char) +----sLoccod (char) +----sLocoms (char) +----sLocsrt (char) +----sCrdtyp (char) +----lXcrdgs (double) +----lYcrdgs (double) +----lGhoekg (double) +----lRhoekg (double) +----lMetrng (double) +----lStraal (double) +----lXcrdmp (double) +----lYcrdmp (double) +----sOmloop (char) +----sAnacod (char) +----sAnaoms (char) +----sBemcod (char) +----sBemoms (char) +----sBewcod (char) +----sBewoms (char) +----sVatcod (char) +----sVatoms (char) +----sRkstyp (char) See also: emptyblok
16-Oct-2008 13:01:24
4607 bytes
emptyWRD - Make default WRD (Waarde) block. CALL: WRD = emptyWRD INPUT: No input required. OUTPUT: WRD: Structure with fields: +----taxis (double) +----lKeynr2 (double) +----Wrd (double) +----nKwlcod (double) See also: emptyblok
18-Aug-2008 12:30:44
503 bytes
emptyblok - Make an empty Donar data block. CALL: blok = emptyblok INPUT: No input required. OUTPUT: blok: Donar data block, with the following required partial data blocks: - W3H - RKS - WRD (must contain at least one row of data) optional partial data blocks: - MUX - TYP - TPS See also: readdia_R14, writedia_R14, emptyDia, emptyW3H, emptyWRD, emptyMUX, emptyTPS
18-Aug-2008 13:29:16
766 bytes
emptydia - Create an empty dia. CALL: S = emptydia(n) INPUT: n: Number of blocks filled with default values, default value: 0. OUTPUT: S: Dia Structure, with fields: +----IDT | +----sFiltyp (char) | +----sSyscod (char) | +----lCredat (double) | +----sCmtrgl (char) +----blok +----W3H (struct): see emptyW3H +----MUX (struct): empty, see emptyMUX +----TYP (struct): empty +----RGH (struct): empty, see emptyRGH +----RKS (struct): see emptyRKS +----TPS (struct): empty, see emptyTPS +----WRD (struct): see emptyWRD APPROACH: This function inializes the structure with the correct fields. Besides correct fields there are several other conditions a Dia structure must satisfy. EXAMPLE: s=emptydia(1); <CHANGE STRUCTURE s> writedia_R14(s,'dia.dia'); See also: readdia_R14, writedia_R14, emptyblok, emptyW3H, emptyWRD, emptyMUX, emptyTPS
18-Aug-2008 13:48:52
1551 bytes
long2datenum - Convert two Longs with date with format YYYYMMDD and time with format HHmm to Matlab datenum format. CALL: taxis = long2datenum(taxisdatum, taxistime, timeunit) INPUT: taxisdate: Vector of Long with format YYYYMMDD. taxistime: Vector of Long with format HHmm. OUTPUT: taxis: Vector with corresponding values in Matlab datenum format. APPROACH: Using the Matlab 'rem' en 'round' operators Year, Month, Day, Hour and minute are extracted, followed by a call to datenum to get the Matlab datenum format of the specified dates. See also: datenum2long
17-Aug-2008 14:51:44
1262 bytes
meta2str - Print BLOK header to string. CALL: str = meta2str(BLOK, Blokfields) INPUT: BLOK: Donar data block structure. Blokfields: Structure with fields to be printed, see routine diafieldnames. OUTPUT: str: String with block header with metainfo. See also: diafieldnames
19-Aug-2008 08:10:30
2397 bytes
readdia_R14 - Read a DIA file to a Matlab structure. CALL: data = readdia_R14(fname) INPUT: fname: String with the name of the DIA file to be read. OUTPUT: data: Dia Structure (empty on error), with fields: +----IDT | +----sFiltyp (char) | +----sSyscod (char) | +----lCredat (double) | +----sCmtrgl (char) +----blok +----W3H (struct): see emptyW3H +----MUX (struct): empty, see emptyMUX +----TYP (struct): empty +----RGH (struct): empty, see emptyRGH +----RKS (struct): see emptyRKS +----TPS (struct): empty, see emptyTPS +----WRD (struct): see emptyWRD See also: writedia_R14
18-Aug-2008 12:10:58
1394 bytes
14-Aug-2008 10:06:50
118784 bytes
readqinsy - read or scan Qinsy datafile using mex-file CALL: locs = readqinsy(fname) (scan file) locs = readqinsy(fname, locs) (read file) INPUT: fname: <string> name of quinsy file. If this is the only input argument, the output argument will only contain the header data. locs: <struct array> This value must be equal to or a subset of the output of an earlier call to readqinsy. It tells the function which data to retrieve from file. OUTPUT: locs: Struct array with 1 record per location: +----sLoccod (char array) +----marker (double) +----aantal (double) +----lBegdat (double) +----iBegtyd (double) +----lEnddat (double) +----iEndtyd (double) +----xy (double) +----z (double) If "readqinsy" was called with 1 argument only the headeer data will be nonempty (sLoccod, marker and aantal). If called with 2 input arguments also the remaining (data) fields are returned nonempty. EXAMPLE locs = readqinsy(fname); data= readqinsy(fname,locs(2:2:end)); See also: readrwslod
11-Jun-2010 22:01:25
4559 bytes
10-Jun-2010 17:22:14
20480 bytes
27-May-2009 18:07:30
20480 bytes
readrwslod - scan or read rwslod data file using mex file CALL: locs = readrwslod(fname) (scan file) locs = readrwslod(fname, locs) (read file) INPUT: fname: <string> name of rwaslod file. If this is the only input argument, the output argument will only contain the header data. locs: <struct array> This value must be equal to or a subset of the output of an earlier call to readrwslod. It tells the function which data to retrieve from file. OUTPUT: locs: <struct array> If called with only filename (scanning mode), readrewslod will only return the header fields. A struct array with the following fields is returned: +----longdate (double) +----sLoccod (char array) +----raailocatie (double array) +----aantal (double) +----marker (double) If called with 2 argumenets (read mode) a more elaborate struct array is returned: +----longdate (double) +----sLoccod (char array) +----raailocatie (double array) +----aantal (double) +----marker (double) +----xy (int32 array) +----z (int32 array) +----lBegdat (double) +----iBegtyd (double) +----lEnddat (double) +----iEndtyd (double) EXAMPLE: locs = readrwslod(fname); data= readrwslod(fname,locs(2:2:end)); See also: readqinsy revisions: 20100730 WIJZ ZIJPP: bug hersteld inlezen meervopudige raai
30-Jul-2010 13:01:11
5115 bytes
01-Sep-2004 17:11:09
20480 bytes
01-Sep-2004 16:42:22
20480 bytes
readstruct - Alternative for readdia_R14. Read only Donar MetaInfo. CALL: Defaultopt = readstruct(fname) INPUT: fname: (Optional) name of headerfile, default value = 'defaultheader.hdr'. OUTPUT: Defaultopt: Structure with metainfo. APPROACH: Read the headerfile one line at the time. Ignore comments. Fill a structure with the fields specified in the lines. At this moment only a subset of alle valid metainfo fields is supported. See also: readdia_R14
19-Mar-2009 16:47:06
8103 bytes
writedia - Write DIA structure to file. CALL: rc = writedia_R14(S, fname) INPUT: S: Dia structure to save, fields: Dia Structure, with fields: +----IDT | +----sFiltyp (char) | +----sSyscod (char) | +----lCredat (double) | +----sCmtrgl (char) +----blok +----W3H (struct): see emptyW3H +----MUX (struct): empty, see emptyMUX +----TYP (struct): empty +----RGH (struct): empty, see emptyRGH +----RKS (struct): see emptyRKS +----TPS (struct): empty, see emptyTPS +----WRD (struct): see emptyWRD fname: String with the name of the file to create. OUTPUT: rc: Integer returncode: rc == 0 operation successful. rc ~= 0 error, rc contains the DIM errorcode. See also: readdia_R14 verifyDia
02-Aug-2010 17:52:17
4278 bytes
14-Aug-2008 10:06:34
98304 bytes
ExportTable - Exporteer geselecteerde rijen en kolommen van een tabel als een Excel bestand. CALL: ExportTable(T, N) INPUT: T: jacontrol object of type jxtable N: (optional) default categorie file t.b.v. bewaren default directory (defaultwaarde: 1) OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, een Excel bestand met de geselecteerde rijen en kolommen is weggeschreven
01-Dec-2008 13:43:54
1341 bytes
add - CALL: obj = add(obj, jac, y, x, varargin) INPUT: obj: jacontrol of type jpanel jac: jacontrol to be added to jpanel y: row x: column varargin: parameter value pairs: possible values: - gridwidth, gridheight Specify the number of columns (for gridwidth) or rows (for gridheight) in the component's display area. These constraints specify the number of cells the component uses, not the number of pixels it uses. The default value is 1. Use GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER to specify that the component be the last one in its row (for gridwidth) or column (for gridheight). Use GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE to specify that the component be the next to last one in its row (for gridwidth) or column (for gridheight). We recommend specifying the gridwidth and gridheight values for each component rather than just using GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE and GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; this tends to result in more predictable layouts. Note: GridBagLayout does not allow components to span multiple rows unless the component is in the leftmost column or you have specified positive gridx and gridy values for the component. fill Used when the component's display area is larger than the component's requested size to determine whether and how to resize the component. Valid values (defined as GridBagConstraints constants) include NONE (the default), HORIZONTAL (make the component wide enough to fill its display area horizontally, but do not change its height), VERTICAL (make the component tall enough to fill its display area vertically, but do not change its width), and BOTH (make the component fill its display area entirely). ipadx, ipady Specifies the internal padding: how much to add to the size of the component. The default value is zero. The width of the component will be at least its minimum width plus ipadx*2 pixels, since the padding applies to both sides of the component. Similarly, the height of the component will be at least its minimum height plus ipady*2 pixels. insets: vector: [top, left, bottom, right) Specifies the external padding of the component i.e. the minimum amount of space between the component and the edges of its display area. By default, each component has no external padding. anchor Used when the component is smaller than its display area to determine where (within the area) to place the component. Valid values (defined as GridBagConstraints constants) are CENTER (the default), PAGE_START, PAGE_END, LINE_START, LINE_END, FIRST_LINE_START, FIRST_LINE_END, LAST_LINE_END, and LAST_LINE_START. Here is a picture of how these values are interpreted in a container that has the default, left-to-right component orientation. ------------------------------------------------- |FIRST_LINE_START PAGE_START FIRST_LINE_END| | | | | |LINE_START CENTER LINE_END| | | | | |LAST_LINE_START PAGE_END LAST_LINE_END| ------------------------------------------------- Version note: The PAGE_* and *LINE_* constants were introduced in 1.4. Previous releases require values named after points of the compass. For example, NORTHEAST indicates the top-right part of the display area. We recommend that you use the new constants, instead, since they enable easier localization. weightx, weighty Specifying weights is an art that can have a significant impact on the appearance of the components a GridBagLayout controls. Weights are used to determine how to distribute space among columns (weightx) and among rows (weighty); this is important for specifying resizing behavior. Unless you specify at least one non-zero value for weightx or weighty, all the components clump together in the center of their container. This is because when the weight is 0.0 (the default), the GridBagLayout puts any extra space between its grid of cells and the edges of the container. Generally weights are specified with 0.0 and 1.0 as the extremes: the numbers in between are used as necessary. Larger numbers indicate that the component's row or column should get more space. For each column, the weight is related to the highest weightx specified for a component within that column, with each multicolumn component's weight being split somehow between the columns the component is in. Similarly, each row's weight is related to the highest weighty specified for a component within that row. Extra space tends to go toward the rightmost column and bottom row.
21-Jun-2010 16:19:04
6393 bytes
addGap - add space to toolbar CALL: addGap(toolbar, space) INPUT: toolbar: <jacontrol object> of type JToolBar space: <integer> size of space in pixels OUTPUT: no output, space is added to the end of the toolbar See also: addGlue, addSeparator
09-Feb-2009 19:41:50
609 bytes
addGlue - add stretchable space to toolbar CALL: addGlue(toolbar) INPUT: toolbar: <jacontrol object> of type JToolBar OUTPUT: no output, stretchable space is added to the end of the toolbar See also: addGap, addSeparator
09-Feb-2009 16:53:40
542 bytes
INPUT Htool: matlab toolbar handle, returned from call to "uitoolbar" N: number of pixels required for gap
18-Sep-2007 12:18:54
474 bytes
findNode - CALL: treePath = findNode(tree,names) INPUT: tree: <java object> javax.swing.JTree names: <cellstring> met de namen van de op te zoeken knopen in de boom OUTPUT: treePath
24-Oct-2005 20:51:58
2293 bytes
getTableValue - this function can be used to retrieve the column and row in the original datamodel for which a edit action took place. this function is typically used in a callback. CALL: [value, row, col, colname, index] = getTableValue(obj, event) INPUT: obj: <nl.modelit.mdlttable.mdltTable object> the table on which the event took place. (argument of the datacallback of a table) event: <nl.modelit.mdlttable.event.TableChangedEvent> description of the event giving information about the row and column of the table in which the cell was editied (starting from row == 1 and column == 1) (argument of the datacallback of a table) OUTPUT: value: the value of the tablecell which was edited. row: <integer> row of changed cell in the original datamodel counting from 1. col: <integer> column of changed cell in the original datamodel counting from 1. colname: <string> with columnname
03-May-2010 20:44:42
1568 bytes
isopen - return true if user has double clicked CALL ok=isopen ok=isopen(HWIN) ok=isopen(event) INPUT HWIN: window handle event: event from jxtable OUTPUT ok: TRUE if user has doubleclikked NOTE this function is needed to evbaluate doubleclick status in tabels because "selectiontype" property does not return correct values in these cases. This function also works if called outside of table.
30-Mar-2009 15:49:18
1271 bytes
jatypes - list all acceptable values for the "style" property of a jacontrol object CALL: flds = jatypes INPUT: no input OUTPUT: flds: <cellstring> acceptable styles for a jacontrol object See also: jacontrol
18-May-2010 15:06:02
760 bytes
matlab2javadateformat - convert string with matlab dateformat to a java dateformat, mainly to use with tables CALL: format = matlab2javadateformat(format) INPUT: format: string with matlab dateformat OUTPUT: format: string with java dateformat APPROACH: Matlab format: yyyy full year, e.g. 1990, 2000, 2002 yy partial year, e.g. 90, 00, 02 mmmm full name of the month, according to the calendar locale, e.g. "March", "April" in the UK and USA English locales. mmm first three letters of the month, according to the calendar locale, e.g. "Mar", "Apr" in the UK and USA English locales. mm numeric month of year, padded with leading zeros, e.g. ../03/.. or ../12/.. m capitalized first letter of the month, according to the calendar locale; for backwards compatibility. dddd full name of the weekday, according to the calendar locale, e.g. "Monday", "Tuesday", for the UK and USA calendar locales. ddd first three letters of the weekday, according to the calendar locale, e.g. "Mon", "Tue", for the UK and USA calendar locales. dd numeric day of the month, padded with leading zeros, e.g. 05/../.. or 20/../.. d capitalized first letter of the weekday; for backwards compatibility HH hour of the day, according to the time format. In case the time format AM | PM is set, HH does not pad with leading zeros. In case AM | PM is not set, display the hour of the day, padded with leading zeros. e.g 10:20 PM, which is equivalent to 22:20; 9:00 AM, which is equivalent to 09:00. MM minutes of the hour, padded with leading zeros, e.g. 10:15, 10:05, 10:05 AM. SS second of the minute, padded with leading zeros, e.g. 10:15:30, 10:05:30, 10:05:30 AM. FFF milliseconds field, padded with leading zeros, e.g. 10:15:30.015. PM set the time format as time of morning or time of afternoon. AM or PM is appended to the date string, as appropriate. Java format G Era designator Text AD y Year Year 1996; 96 M Month in year Month July; Jul; 07 w Week in year Number 27 W Week in month Number 2 D Day in year Number 189 d Day in month Number 10 F Day of week in month Number 2 E Day in week Text Tuesday; Tue a Am/pm marker Text PM H Hour in day (0-23) Number 0 k Hour in day (1-24) Number 24 K Hour in am/pm (0-11) Number 0 h Hour in am/pm (1-12) Number 12 m Minute in hour Number 30 s Second in minute Number 55 S Millisecond Number 978 z Time zone General time zone Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00 Z Time zone RFC 822 time zone -0800 Conversion table: y -> y m -> M M -> m d -> d H -> H S -> s F -> S PM -> a
01-May-2009 14:05:34
3412 bytes
node2treepath - CALL: treepath = node2treepath(node) INPUT: node: OUTPUT: treepath
24-Oct-2005 20:33:30
553 bytes
tableWindow - maak scherm met tabel aan en vul deze met tableComposer CALL: table = tableWindow(tableComposer) INPUT: tableComposer: <function handle> dit is een function met uitvoer een struct om de lijst mee te vullen, heeft de volgende vorm: 'data' cell array met waarden 'header' cellstr met de namen van de kolommen <table struct> af te beelden tabel, zie ook istable args: <cell array> met argumenten voor tableComposer OUTPUT: HWIN: handle van aangemaakt figuur table: jacontrol van het type jxtable See also: jacontrol
24-Dec-2009 13:11:18
4857 bytes
display - display method for the jacontrol object CALL: display(obj) INPUT: obj: object of type jacontrol OUTPUT: no direct output, information about the jacontrol object is plotted on the console See also: jacontrol
07-May-2008 16:05:28
392 bytes
get - get methode van het jacontrol object CALL: prop_value = get(obj, prop_name) INPUT: obj: jacontrol object prop_name: string met op te vragen property OUTPUT: prop_value: waarde van de property See also: jacontrol/set, jacontrol
12-Jun-2010 09:49:38
60960 bytes
getTableValue - haal de waarde voor een geedit veld op van een sorttable CALL: [value,row,col] = getTableValue(obj,event) INPUT: obj: <nl.modelit.jacontrol.table.mdltTable object> de sorttable waar het event heeft plaatsgevonden event: <nl.modelit.jacontrol.table.event.TableChangedEvent> beschrijving van het event met onder andere de rij en kolom waar het event plaatsvond (beginnend van row == 1 en col == 1) OUTPUT: value: de waarde van het veld dat geedit was row: <integer> rij in het achterliggende datamodel van de tabel, tellend vanaf 1 col: <integer> kolom in het achterliggende datamodel van de tabel, tellend vanaf 1
30-Jun-2006 12:04:50
1020 bytes
overload setappdata for jacontrol objects INPUT
19-Mar-2008 11:39:32
226 bytes
help - overloaded help for jacontrol objects CALL: str = help(obj, prop_name) INPUT: obj: jacontrol object prop_name: string with object's fieldname for which help is needed OUTPUT: str: string with help See also: jacontrol, jacontrol/set, jacontrol/private/jafields
07-May-2010 17:14:28
11203 bytes
hideColumn - hide a column in a sorttable CALL: hideColumn(sorttable, columnname, hide) INPUT: jac: <jacontrol> type jxtable columnname: <string> with name of colums to hide hide: <boolean> OUTPUT: no output, the specified column is hidden See also: jacontrol
23-May-2007 17:59:20
879 bytes
inspect - show table with the object's property value pairs CALL: inspect(obj) INPUT: obj: jacontrol object OUTPUT: no output, a window with a table with property value pairs is displayed See also: jacontrol, tableWindow
26-Mar-2008 10:09:02
3649 bytes
overload setappdata for jacontrol objects INPUT
07-Oct-2004 21:49:27
166 bytes
ishandle - ishandle implementation for jacontrol objects CALL rc=ishandle(obj) INPUT obj jacontrol object OUTPUT rc true is uicontainer that is of jacontrol object still is valid handle
20-Aug-2008 22:43:12
390 bytes
jacontrol - create a jacontrol object and set user defined fixed properties CALL: [obj, hcontainer] = jacontrol(hParent,propertyName,propertyValue,...) [obj, hcontainer] = jacontrol(propertyName,propertyValue,...) INPUT: hParent: usually: cuurent figure varargin: property-value pairs, see jacontrol/set for valid properties OUTPUT: obj: the jacontrol object hcontainer: the returned container from the call to javacomponent EXAMPLES: %jacontrol object work together with mbdarrange [spinner,h] = jacontrol('style','jspin',... 'tag','minframeh',... 'steps',20,... 'toolt',toolt); set(spinner,'callb',{@set_setting2_0,spinner,'','minframeh'}); setappdata(spinner,'opt',struct('type','int','minimum',200,... 'maximum',1000,'required',1,... 'minstr',toolt,... 'maxstr',toolt)); mbdlinkobj(h,h_inner); mbdarrange(h_inner,'VMARGE',1,'HMARGE',5); %jacontrol works together with mbdparse %jacontrol works together with gcjh: [spinner,h] = jacontrol('style','jspin',... 'tag','minframeh',... 'steps',20,... 'toolt',toolt); h_jacontrol = gcjh('minframeh') See also: gcjh, javacomponent
18-Jun-2010 16:41:32
18087 bytes
set - set methode van het jacontrol object CALL: obj = set(obj, varargin) INPUT: obj: jacontrol object varargin: <option>, <argument> paren OUTPUT: obj: jacontrol object See also: jacontrol/get, jacontrol
19-Aug-2010 11:09:05
186987 bytes
setPieceBarColors - set colors for PieceBarRenderer in sorttable CALL: hideColumn(sorttable, columnname, hide) INPUT: jac: <jacontrol> type jxtable key: <double> key value for corresponding color, size is Nx1 colors: <boolean> color corresponding to key, size is Nx3 OUTPUT: no output, the colors for the PieceBarCellRenderer are set See also: jacontrol
28-Aug-2007 14:12:50
971 bytes
setValue - zet waarde in een sorteerbare tabel, deze nieuwe waarde moet wel van hetzelfde type zijn als de oude waarde CALL: setValue(jac,arg,row,col) INPUT: jac: <object> van het type jacontrol met style SortTable arg: de waarde die in de tabel gezet moet worden row: <integer> rij waarin de waarde gezet moet worden col: <integer> kolom waarin de waarde gezet moet worden OUTPUT: geen directe uitvoer, de waarde is in de tabel gezet in de opgegeven rij en kolom (rij en kolom beginnen bij 1)
12-Jan-2007 23:29:36
1115 bytes
overload setappdata for jacontrol objects INPUT
19-Mar-2008 11:39:34
229 bytes
tableFormat - converteert jacontrol naar een structure aan met een data veld met een cell array en een header veld met de kolomnamen in een cellstring, dit formaat kan gebruikt worden om het component te visualiseren in een jxtable CALL: S = tableFormat(obj) INPUT: obj: jacontrol object OUTPUT: S: structure met velden 'header' - cellstring met kolomnamen 'data' - cellarray met data
20-Jan-2008 11:51:28
765 bytes
test - hulpfunctie voor jacontrol testroutines
11-Apr-2009 12:32:22
4353 bytes
Return all feasible propery names for getproperty Call
20-Jul-2009 19:28:46
271 bytes
helpjacontrol - scan jacontrol/set voor help, resultaten worden weggeschreven in een .mat bestand CALL: S = helpjacontrol INPUT: action: (optional) string if nargin == 1 the save .mat file is updated OUTPUT: S: struct met property help voor elke jacontrol stijl See also: jacontrol
26-Mar-2008 13:01:12
3822 bytes
Enumerate fields of handle graphics object that holds jacontrol Note: UserData has been omitted from this list and is bypassed through objfields Note: BackgroundColor is moved to jafields
20-Jul-2009 18:57:19
547 bytes
IM2JAVA Convert image to Java image for RGB values with transparancy JIMAGE = IM2JAVA(RGB) converts the RGB image RGB to an instance of the Java image class, java.awt.Image. Input-output specs ------------------ RGB: 3-D, real, full matrix size(RGB,3)==3 double (NaN values will be interpreted as transparant) logical ok but ignored JIMAGE: java.awt.Image
10-Oct-2004 00:54:04
1182 bytes
inspect - show a window with a treetable with jacontrol types and fields CALL: jacontroltree INPUT: no input OUTPUT: no output, a window with a treetable with jacontrol types and fields is displayed See also: jacontrol, tableWindow
21-Apr-2009 13:37:38
4585 bytes
jafields - Enumerate fieldnames for which a translation to java objects exists CALL: flds = jafields(style) INPUT: style: string met jacontrol stijl OUTPUT: flds: cellstring met properties van betreffende jacontrol stijl See also: jacontrol, jacontrol/get, jacontrol/set, jacontrol/help, jacontrol/private/jatypes
12-Jun-2010 09:49:56
13080 bytes
Enumerate fields for jacontrol object
20-Jul-2009 19:25:06
382 bytes
allPanels - return a list of panels for specified figure CALL objlist = allPanels(HWIN, tag) INPUT: HWIN: handle of figure in which one or more panels are defined tag: limit output to panel object with matching tag OUTPUT: objlist: array of panel objects. See also: @panel
21-Apr-2010 11:15:40
942 bytes
debug utility: display items to update SUMMARY For debugging purposes it may be usefull to include a line with "dispupd(upd)" in the display function. This results in displaying a list of items that will be updated and facilitates troubleshooting. In a deployed environment no debug information will be plotted CALL dispupd(upd) INPUT upd: the update structure, as returned from evaldepend OUTPUT this function returns no output arguments but displays information in the command window See also: evaldepend
10-Aug-2008 19:07:15
1229 bytes
evaldepend - evaluate update structure for combination of object and figure SUMMARY This function evaluates the update structure for the combination of: - 1 or more undoredo objects registered with setdepend - a figure Prior to calling this function the dependency tree must be specified using the setdepend command. CALL: upd = evaldepend(HWIN, ind, signature) upd = evaldepend(HWIN, ind) INPUT: HWIN: figure handle ind: subscripts applied to modify object data signature: signature of modified undoredo object OUTPUT: upd: <struct> that contains the screen elements that should or should not be updated ==> do not update screen element ==> updates screen element EXAMPLE The code below provides a template for usage of dependency trees In the present example 2 undoredo objects are used. Typically this is needed when the application depends on: -1- workspace data -2- user preferences %Include in the main body of the application: db=undoredo(initdb,'disp',@dispdata); setdepend(HWIN, db, data2applic); opt=undoredo(initopt,'disp',@dispsettings); setdepend(HWIN, opt, settings2applic); function s=initdb -user definded function- function s=initopt -user definded function- function db=get_db -user definded function- function opt=get_opt; -user definded function- function dispdata(signature,db,ind) upd = evaldepend(HWIN, ind, signature) opt=get_opt; view(db,opt,upd); function dispsettings(signature,opt,ind) upd = evaldepend(HWIN, ind, signature) db=get_db; view(db,opt,upd); function view(db,opt,upd) -user definded function- if upd.element1 -user definded action- end if upd.element2 -user definded action- end See also: setdepend, mdlt_dependencies
28-Jun-2010 16:50:47
4083 bytes
getdepend - retrieve dependency tree for combination of object and figure CALL: deptree = getdepend(HWIN, obj) or deptree = getdepend(HWIN, signature) INPUT: HWIN: figure handle argument 2: obj: undoredo object (in this case the overloaded version of getdepend will be called) or signature: signature value (double) OUTPUT: deptree: dependency tree that has been registered for this combination of object and figure, see also setdepend. NOTE: This function exist also as an overloaded function See also: setdepend, evaldepend
28-Aug-2009 08:39:50
1587 bytes
isregistered - returns true if undoredo object is registered on figure CALL: b = isregistered(obj, fig) INPUT: signature: <double> with undoredo object's signature fig: <handle> of figure OUTPUT b: <boolean> true if undoredo object is registered on figure false otherwise See also: undoredo, evaldepend
07-Mar-2007 11:23:24
719 bytes
retrieve - retrieve undoredo object using specified name "dbname" CALL: db = retrieve(HWIN, dbname) db = retrieve(HWIN) db = retrieve INPUT: HWIN: handle dbname: database name. Typically "db" or "opt" EXAMPLES: db=undoredo(initdb,'dbname',db) .... db=retrieve('db') See also: unodoredo
20-Apr-2009 10:52:18
1030 bytes
store - replacement for undoreo/store.m that will be called if flush returns empty set in common ststements line "store(flush(db)). CALL store(obj) INPUT obj : any object See also: undoredo/flush
20-Mar-2008 12:34:48
282 bytes
undomenu - execute undo, redo of undo-menu CALL undomenu(obj,event,operation,fp_getdata,HWIN) undomenu(obj,event,operation,'opt',HWIN) NOTE: this is not a method of undoredo function, but a generally accesible function INPUT obj,event: standaard Matlab callback arguments operation operation==1 ==> undo operation==2 ==> redo operation==3 ==> multiple undo/redo als operation==3 verschijnt popuplijst waarin gebruiker keuze aangeeft operation==4 ==> reset undo/redo history fp_getdata: -1- function pointer to user-specified function that returns database structure. This can be a 3 line function like: function ud=getdata global MAINWIN %handle of application's main window ud=get(MAINWIN,'userdata') -2- CHAR string conting "opt" or "db" HWIN: input argument for fp_getdata (usually figure handle) USER INPUT selectie in undolist scherm OUTPUT NAAR SCHERM geen APPROACH operation==1 ==> undo Dit gebeurt met object method UNDO operation==2 ==> redo Dit gebeurt met object method REDO operation==3 ==> multiple undo/redo Dit gebeurt met object methods UNDO en REDO
01-Dec-2009 00:34:36
2700 bytes
arglist - auxiliary function for undoredo/subref that implements cat method SUMMARY This method is needed for undoredo object to be able to respond to syntax stsr=strvcat(db.arry.fld) CALL obj = arglist(data) INPUT data any Matlab variable OUTPUT obj arglist object that encapsulates data
17-Aug-2008 15:15:26
488 bytes
cat - concatinate data stored in arglist object CALL data = cat(dim, obj) INPUT dim: 1 or 2, dimension for which concatenation is required obj: arglist object OUTPUT data = cat(dim, obj)
09-May-2009 14:07:06
620 bytes
12-Jun-2007 14:13:32
29 bytes
12-Jun-2007 14:22:38
37 bytes
12-Jun-2007 14:14:10
28 bytes
add - register toolbar to other element such as toolbar or menu
05-Jul-2010 15:56:53
694 bytes
addbutton - register panel with toolbar or menu INPUT panelobj: panel object handle: handle of toolbar varargin: properties to be added to function that creates button REQUIRED PROPERTIES OF panelobj cdata icon for button tooltip tooltip to display showlocation relapth object that specifies location of parameter that controls panel-visibility
19-Aug-2010 13:31:41
1167 bytes
obj - display information
05-Feb-2009 13:47:55
422 bytes
frameOnOff - hide or show panel CALL [sInfo,handles]=frameOnOff(panelobj,sInfo,handles,... buttonTag,Visible,fpFrame,C,HWIN) INPUT panelobj: panel that needs to be hidden or shown sInfo : information structure to be passed on, possibly modified by panel constructor. buttonTag: tag from button in toolbar (empty if no such button exists) Visible: True ==> panel show panel, False ==> hide panel fpFrame: "define" function for panel. If fpFrame is cell array: ==> constructor will be called as: [handles,sInfo]=feval(fpFrame{1},>> sInfo <<INSERTED,fpFrame{2:end}) In all other cases: ==> constructor will be called as: [handles,sInfo]=feval(fpFrame,sInfo) Note: fpFrame must supply handles outpput: handles +----frame: frame handle OUTPUT sInfo: sInfo argument returned from panel constructor. This provides a mechanism to share data between the display function and the constructor. handles: handles returned from the frame constructor.
06-Jul-2010 18:40:09
3364 bytes
panel/get - return data from panel object CALL prop=get(obj,propname) INPUT obj panel object propname property to retrieve OUTPUT prop required property value
05-Jul-2010 16:29:26
492 bytes
getPanelTag - export field "tag" CALL tag=getPanelTag(obj) INPUT obj panel object OUTPUT tag tag that is stored with panel See also: get, set
17-Aug-2008 13:35:30
288 bytes
panel - constructor voor het panel object CALL: obj = panel(HWIN,<paramname>,<paramval>,<paramname>,<paramval>,..) obj = panel(HWIN,<paramname>,<paramval>,<paramstruct>) INPUT: All input arguments are optional and passed on as parameter/value pairs See also: setDefault, setInit, setUpdate, showPanels2 <paramname>,<paramval> defaultvalue: class function pointer signature: function opt=defaultvalue(opt,modus) description: Function that returns struct containing values that will be initialized at first time use. "modus" can be any string, but conventions are that following values are used: modus='opt': initialize setting modus='db' : initialize workspace variable initvalue: class function pointer signature: function opt=initvalue(opt,modus) description: Identical to property "defaultvalue", but this property is used to initialize overruling properties update: class function pointer signature: function agtree=update(agtree,modus) description: Function that returns struct containing values for dependency tree show: class function pointer signature: <for function showpanels> DORESIZE=show(C,upd,opt,db,varargin) <for function showpanels2> [DORESIZE,infostruct]=showPanels2(objlist,infostruct,C,upd,opt,db,varargin) note: This function is invoked by the method "showPanels". By convention, the arguments "C,upd,opt,db,varargin" are passed on from showPanels. DORESIZE=showPanels(allpanels(HWIN),C,upd,opt,db,...) description: Function that updates the GUI after the changes in the datamodel have occured userdata: class structure description: information that can be passed on inside objects. Typically the parentframe and rank of the frame can be passed on to the "define" function. tag: class char string description: string that is stored in the object. allPanels(HWIN,tag) retrieves panels that match tag toolBarButtonHandle: class handle description: handle of object that will be modified by the method "frameOnOff" (and possibly other methods) using the statement: set(panelobj.toolBarButtonHandle,... 'State',offon(Visible)); example panel('toolBarButtonHandle',gch('BTNxxx',HWIN),... cdata cdata for icon, see getcdata tooltip tooltip for menu showlocation relpath object contain path to database that controls panel visibility EXAMPLE function createPanel panel(HWIN,... 'defaultvalue',@fp_default,... 'initvalue', @fp_init,... 'update', @fp_update,... 'show', @fp_show,... 'tag', 'tagstring')
05-Jul-2010 15:46:33
8744 bytes
This is a template for a panel creation function Copy this code and adapt it to you needs. When done save under a different name
29-Jul-2009 15:35:36
3337 bytes
Replace currently stored panel with current one CALL retrieve(this) INPUT this: panel object EXAMPLE set(thispanel,'handles',createFrame) store(thispanel) <Some other code> p=retrieve(thispanel) %get panel including modified properties See also: panel/store
30-Jun-2010 02:03:07
614 bytes
panel/set - return data from panel object CALL obj=set(obj,propname,propvalue) INPUT obj panel object propname any of {'parent','tag' or 'handles'} propvalue property value that will be applied OUTPUT obj panel object after update
17-Aug-2008 13:23:39
666 bytes
setDefault - Initialize default values for panels CALL init=setDefault(objlist,init,modus) INPUT objlist list of panel object to process init structure with initial data before update modus by convention this value is "db" or "opt" OUTPUT init structure with initial data after update EXAMPLE (1) %initialize database structure ud=setDefault(allPanels(HWIN),ud,'db') EXAMPLE (2) %set default fields for all declared panels: defopt=setDefault(allPanels(HWIN),defopt,'opt'); % sttFile returns name of stt file for this m-module opt =ur_getopt(defopt,sttFile); %set initial fields for all declared panels: opt =setInit(allPanels(HWIN),opt,'opt') See also panel allPanels setInit
23-Jun-2010 10:25:03
1390 bytes
setInit - Initialize initial values for panels the fields in the option structure "init" will be overrided by the initial fields defined with each panel CALL init=setInit(objlist,init,modus) INPUT objlist list of panel objects init structure with initial values before update modus extra argument for the function "initvalue" OUTPUT init structure with initial values after update EXAMPLE see panel constructor for example
23-Jun-2010 11:01:02
902 bytes
setUpdate - evaluate update structure for panel CALL upd=setUpdate(objlist,upd,modus) INPUT objlist: list of panel objects upd: update structure before update modus: if specified, this argument will be passed to the update function of the specified panels. Typically this field contal the string "all" OUTPUT upd: update structure fater update EXAMPLE upd.visible.updobj={'visible'}; upd=setUpdate(allPanels(HWIN),upd,'opt')
23-Jun-2010 10:25:58
2567 bytes
showPanels - function to visualize all panels CALL DORESIZE=showPanels(objlist,C,upd,opt,db,varargin) INPUT objlist <array of class panel> list of panel objects that need updating. Typically this list is retreived using the AllPanes function. C by convention this structure is the third input of the "show" function that is stored in the object. Typically this structure stores a number of constants. upd by convention this structure is the fourth input of the "show" function that is stored in the object. Typically it holds the upd stucture that is returned from evaldepend. opt by convention this structure is the fifth input of the "show" function that is stored in the object. Typically it holds the user preference data. db by convention this structure is the seventh input of the "show" function that is stored in the object. Typically it holds the user workspace data. varargin any furter arguments that need to be passed to the update function OUTPUT DORESIZE <logical> if any of the called diplay function returns "DORESIZE=true" this value will be true as well. Otherwise it will be false. NOTE the function showpanels2 is more powerful and more extendible. EXAMPLE %update all declared panels: DORESIZE=DORESIZE | showPanels(allPanels(HWIN),C,upd,opt,db); See also: showpanels2
17-Aug-2008 13:32:43
1931 bytes
showPanels2 - alternate function to visualize all panels CALL [DORESIZE,infostruct]=showPanels2(objlist,infostruct,C,... upd,opt,db,varargin) INPUT objlist <array of class panel> list of panel objects that need updating. Typically this list is retreived using the AllPanes function. infostruct +----W: waitbar handle (optional). loop will abort if empty. by convention this structure is the second input of the "show" function that is stored in the object. This structure will be returned from the "show" function. Typically this structure stores a number of parameters that are needed outside the "show" function. C by convention this structure is the third input of the "show" function that is stored in the object. Typically this structure stores a number of constants. upd by convention this structure is the fourth input of the "show" function that is stored in the object. Typically it holds the upd stucture that is returned from evaldepend. opt by convention this structure is the fifth input of the "show" function that is stored in the object. Typically it holds the user preference data. db by convention this structure is the seventh input of the "show" function that is stored in the object. Typically it holds the user workspace data. varargin any furter arguments that need to be passed to the update function OUTPUT DORESIZE <logical> if any of the called diplay function returns "DORESIZE=true" this value will be true as well. Otherwise it will be false. infostruct structure that contains all the updates taht are applied in the called displayfunctions NOTE: [DORESIZE,infostruct]=showPanels2(objlist,infostruct,C,upd,opt,db,varargin) calls: [drsz,infostruct]=feval(,obj,infostruct,C,upd,opt,db,varargin{:}); EXAMPLE %update all declared panels: DORESIZE=DORESIZE | showPanels(allPanels(HWIN),C,upd,opt,db);
30-Jun-2010 02:00:34
2828 bytes
Replace currently stored panel with current one CALL store(this) INPUT this: panel object EXAMPLE set(thispanel,'handles',createFrame) store(thispanel) <Some other code> p=retrieve(thispanel) %get panel including modified properties See also: panel/retrieve
29-Jun-2010 14:56:55
655 bytes
applymenu - execute undo, redo of undo-menu CALL applymenu(obj,operation) OR undomenu(obj,event,operation,fp_getdata) INPUT operation operation==1 ==> undo operation==2 ==> redo operation==3 ==> multiple undo/redo als operation==3 verschijnt popuplijst waarin gebruiker keuze aangeeft operation==4 ==> reset undo/redo history USER INPUT selectie in undolist scherm OUTPUT NAAR SCHERM geen APPROACH operation==1 ==> undo Dit gebeurt met object method UNDO operation==2 ==> redo Dit gebeurt met object method REDO operation==3 ==> multiple undo/redo Dit gebeurt met object methods UNDO en REDO
15-Aug-2008 15:46:05
2995 bytes
delete all cache- and autosave files that belong to undoredo object SUMMARY Depending on the properties specied upon object creation, different files may be associated with an undoredo object, such as cache files and backup files. cleanupdisk removes these files and should be called when the undoredo object is no longer needed. CALL cleanupdisk(obj) INPUT obj: undoredo object OUTPUT This function return no output arguments EXAMPLE %Insert some where in main body: set(gcf,'deletef',@deleteFcn) function deleteFcn (obj,event) % application delete function %retrieve undoredo object: db = get_db; %(get_db must be provided) %remove all filles associated with undoredo object: cleanupdisk(db); %Destroy figure: delete(obj)
20-Apr-2009 11:34:51
1044 bytes
closegroup - close a group of transactions. SUMMARY In the undo redo menu, all transactions in a group are presented as one line. The closegroup are used to separate different groups of transactions. Normally the closegroup command is not needed as the undoredo/store command closes a group of transactions before storing the undoredo object. closegroup is needed in the specific case where you are performing a series of operations that should appear seperately in the undo list, but there is no reason to the store the database in between. CALL db=closegroup(db) INPUT db: undoredo object OUTPUT db: undoredo object after update See also: store
08-Aug-2008 11:20:06
1327 bytes
deletequeue - make display queue empty without calling display function SUMMARY The undoredo object keeps track of the items that should be upodated by the displayfunction bu storing substruct arguments passed on to the subsasgn method in a cell array. When the flush method is called this queue is passed on the display function and the queue is made empty. If you are working on an application that uses two undoredo objects that can be modified independentlty, for example 1 for data and 1 for user preferences, situations might occur where: - both undoredo objects have a nonempty queue - calling flush for 1 of the undoredo objects makes calling the flush method for the other object no longer needed In this case you may invoke deletequeue to tell the other object that it can empty its queue. If you omit this, no real harm will be done, but the next time flush is called for this object. Some object will be repainted, causing un undesired user experience. CALL db=deletequeue(db) INPUT/OUTPUT db: undoredo object EXAMPLE to prevent calling display function twice, make queue empty Typical use: change settings (ur_assign,DRAWNOW,0) delete queue change data (ur_assign, DRAWNOW,1) <==this one calls display function SEE ALSO flush
08-Aug-2008 15:16:02
1547 bytes
display - overloaded function for disp SUMMARY The undoredo object is designed so that the analogies with a "normal" Matlab variable are maximized. When the function disp is invoked on an undoredo object, disp( will be called. A line "undoredo object" is displayed to notify the user of the calls of the object. CALL disp(db) INPUT db: undoredo object OUTPUT this function returns no output arguments
08-Aug-2008 15:16:08
560 bytes
fieldnames - determine the fields of the undoredo-object that can be changed by the user CALL: fields = fieldnames(obj) INPUT: obj: <undoredo-object> OUTPUT: fields: <cellstring> with the fields of the undoredo object APPROACH: this function is also important for autocomplete in the command window SEE ALSO: undoredo, fieldnames
19-Sep-2006 21:29:50
468 bytes
Perform all paint actions that are requered for the transactions since last flush CALL obj=flush(obj) obj=flush(obj,'all') obj=flush(obj,extra) INPUT obj: undoredo object extra: extra item to be passed on in cell-array 'queued' typical use: obj=flush(obj,'all'): update all elements Note that the displayfunction that is used should be able to deal with this extra argument OUTPUT obj: updated version of obj (the paint queue will be empty) EXAMPLE % paint all screen elements with changes in underlying data: flush(obj) % paint all screen elements: flush(obj,'all') %mimic change of specific field without actually changing data: flush(guiopt,substruct('.','showodpair')); TIPS AND TRICKS The next code fragment shows how complex argument checking can be implemented. If a user enters a number of arguments that are mutually inconsistent. The user should be warned and the previous GUI state must be restored. function someCallback db=get_db; db=processUserInput; db=flush(db) if isempty(db) %repaint interface based on previous data warndlg(<somewarning>); db=get_db; db=flush(db,'all'); %you might want to refine here end store(db) See also store deletequeue isemptyqueue
28-May-2010 13:41:14
3267 bytes
getdata - Retreive data content from undoredo object SUMMARY In most cases data is retrieved from an object by subscripting, for example: obj=undoredo(1:8) a=obj(3) ==> a=3 However there is no subscript that retrieves the complete datastructure. For this purpose the use the data() operator: obj=undoredo(data1) data2=data(obj) ==> data2 is an exact copy of data1 CALL data=getdata(obj) INPUT obj: undoredo object OUTPUT data: data content of undoredo object EXAMPLE If OBJ is an undoredo object, the following example shows how the clear the undoredo history of an object: OBJ=undoredo(data(OBJ)); NOTE There is a subtle difference between data=getdata(db) and data=db(:). The (:) operator always returns a Mx1 vector with M=numel(db). If db contains a data with size m x n, getdata is needed to retrieve data content and data size. SEE ALSO undoredo/size
20-Apr-2009 11:34:51
1124 bytes
getdepend - retrieve dependency tree for combination of object and figure (overloaded method) CALL setdepend(HWIN,obj) INPUT HWIN: figure handle obj: undoredo object OUTPUT deptree: dependency tree that has been registerd for this combination of object and figure, see also setdepend EXAMPLE The code below provides a template for usage of dependency trees %Include in the main body of the application: db=undoredo(initdb,'disp',@dispdata); setdepend(HWIN, db, data2applic); function s=initdb -user definded function- function db=get_db -user definded function- function dispdata(signature,db,ind) upd = getdepend(HWIN, db) if upd.element1 -user definded action- end if upd.element2 -user definded action- end
20-Apr-2009 11:34:52
1170 bytes
getprop: return property of undoredo object SUMMARY: This methods implements a "get" method for fields of an undoredo that normally are not visible. The function is intentinally not documented. CALL prop_value=get(obj,prop_name) INPUT obj: undoredo object prop_name: property to retrieve (incomplete string accepted) OUTPUT prop_value: property See also: setprop EXAMPLE Q=getprop(db,'que') db.prop=value db=setprop(db,'que',Q); %prevent update store(db); NOTE this function has name getprop, so Matlab set need not be overloaded (this saves approx 0.001 sec per call)
20-Apr-2009 11:34:52
1024 bytes
getsignature - retrieve data content from undoredo object CALL: signature = getsignature(obj) INPUT: obj: <undoredo object> OUTPUT: signature: <double> with object's signature
13-Dec-2005 23:51:28
285 bytes
retrieve name of settings file CALL str = getsttname(obj) INPUT obj: undoredo object See also : sttsave
05-May-2009 11:22:24
348 bytes
iscommitted - return status of object SUMMARY When an undoredo object is created or its contents ar reassigned using setdata, the status "comitted" is set to TRUE. Each command that changes the data content also sets the status "comitted" to false. The status "comitted" is used in the application program to decide if the user should be ask to save data when the application is closed. This is typically implemented in the closerequest function. When the user saves intermediate results the application should include a statement that sets the comitted status to TRUE. CALL committed=iscommitted(obj) INPUT obj: undoredo object OUTPUT comitted: Comitted status (TRUE or FALSE) Comitted status is TRUE ==> all transactions have been comitted (saved to disk of stored otherwise) Comitted status is FALSE ==> one or more transaactions have not been comitted EXAMPLE (code example save data) ud = getdata(db); save(fname,'ud'); %WIJZ ZIJPP OKT 2006 db=setcommitted(db); store(db); (code example close request function) function closereq(hFig,event) db = get_db; if isempty(db)||iscomitted(db) delete(hFig); return end %Ask and store unsaved data switch questdlg('Save data?,'Close application','Yes','No','Cancel','Yes') case 'Yes' savedata(db); delete(hFig); case 'No' delete(hFig); return case 'Cancel' return; end See also undoredo/setcommitted undoredo/subsasgn undoredo/mbdvalue undoredo/isopen
17-Aug-2008 15:21:03
2145 bytes
Overloaded method for isempty within class undoredo CALL/INPUT/OUPUT type "help isempty" for help on this topic
17-Aug-2008 16:03:36
182 bytes
Return true is visualization queue of object is empty CALL rc=isemptyqueue(obj) INPUT obj: undoredo object OUTPUT rc: true if nothing left to paint EXAMPLE % callback of OK button: callback of edits have changed database, but % changes are not yet fully shown because db has not been flushed if isemptyqueue(obj) return end store(flush(obj)) See also store flush deletequeue
11-Apr-2008 00:11:29
556 bytes
Overloaded method for isfield within class undoredo CALL/INPUT/OUPUT type "help isfield" for help on this topic
17-Aug-2008 16:03:57
203 bytes
return - group status of undoredo object CALL isopen=isopen(obj) INPUT obj: undoredo object OUTPUT isopen: status of group isopen = 1 ==> the group is open. a next ur_assign statement would add to this group (newgroup=0) isopen = 0 ==> the group is closed. a next ur_assign statement initializes a new group (newgroup=1) SEE ALSO: ur_assign mbdflush ur_label REMARK mbdsubsasgn needs a newgroup argument. When mixing ur_assign and mbdsubsasgn statements use newgroup=~isopen(db) or equivalent: newgroup=db.nextisnew
28-Jan-2005 13:50:37
1013 bytes
09-Aug-2008 14:23:57
1386 bytes
logbookentry- update transaction log (add entry) CALL: db = logbookentry(db,content,type,undolabel,comment) INPUT: db : undoredo object (to be updated) content : value for content property (CELL or CHAR array) type : value for type property (default: empty) undolabel: label for undo menu (default: empty) Include this if transact-set defines the only element of an update group comment : value for comment property (default: empty) OUTPUT obj : undoredo object (update complete) The field "transaction" is inititialized or appended with the following data structure: transaction +----date (double) +----content (char array) +----type (char array) +----comment (char) SEE ALSO : logbookgui (currentlty transact_gui) EXAMPLE data.value=1:10 db=undoredo(data); data.value(5)=50; db=logbookentry(db,'element 5 has been updated','updated'); disp(getdata(db))
09-Aug-2008 11:39:04
2230 bytes
mbdredo - redo modifications to undoredo object CALL obj=redo(obj,N) INPUT obj : undoredo object N : number of redo steps (default: N=1) OUTPUT obj : updated undoredo object See also: undo
15-Aug-2008 15:46:05
624 bytes
setcommitted - set 'committed' status of object to SUMMARY When an undoredo object is initialized its committed status is initialized als TRUE. Each time the undoredo object is modified, its committed status is set to FALSE. If an application contains a function that saves the data to disk, a call to setcomitted can be used to indicate that data have been saved. If the application is closed a call to setcommitted can reveal if modifications have been made since last save. CALL obj=setcommitted(obj) obj=setcommitted(obj,comitted) INPUT obj: undoredo object comitted: Comitted status (TRUE or FALSE) Comitted status is TRUE ==> all transactions have been comitted (saved to disk of stored otherwise) Comitted status is FALSE ==> one or more transaactions have not been comitted OUTPUT obj: updated version of undoredo object EXAMPLE (code example save data) ud = getdata(db); save(fname,'ud'); %WIJZ ZIJPP OKT 2006 db=setcommitted(db); store(db); (code example close request function) function closereq(hFig,event) db = get_db; if isempty(db)||iscomitted(db) delete(hFig); return end %Ask and store unsaved data switch questdlg('Save data?,'Close application','Yes','No','Cancel','Yes') case 'Yes' savedata(db); delete(hFig); case 'No' delete(hFig); return case 'Cancel' return; end See also undoredo/iscommitted undoredo/subsasgn undoredo/mbdvalue undoredo/isopen
08-Aug-2008 22:06:13
2178 bytes
setdata - overload method for "=" operator SUMMARY The subsasgn method provides no way to replace the datacontent of an undoredo object with a new matlab variable. This method does the job. The extra argument may be used to indicate whether or not the undo history whould be cleared or not CALL obj=setdata(obj,data) obj=setdata(obj,data,reset) INPUT obj: undoredo object data: new data for object reset: (optional, defaults to true) if true reset the undo history of the object See also: getdata subsasgn
02-Dec-2008 19:50:22
3851 bytes
setdepend - register dependency tree for object with window SUMMARY A dependency tree is used by evaldepend to derive the so-called update structure using the substruct arguments used in vatious assignments to an undoredo object. A dependency tree is specified in a user defined function that returns a structure that resembles the datamodel of an application. At each node of this structue a field "updobj" may be added. This field should contain a cell array with the name or names of the update actions that are required when an assignment is made that effects this node or any of its children. See the example for an illustration. CALL setdepend(db,HWIN,deptree) INPUT HWIN : figure handle db : undoredo object deptree: dependency tree OUTPUT This function returns no output arguments, but registers the dependency tree in the application data "ur_depend" of the figure EXAMPLE function example %initialize data.a=1; data.b.c=2; HWIN=figure; %create application figure db=undoredo(data,'disp',@view,'storeh',HWIN,'storef','userdata'); %define database deptree.a.updobj={'update_a'}; deptree.b.updobj={'update_b'}; deptree.b.c.updobj={'update_c'}; deptree.b.d.updobj={'update_d'}; setdepend(HWIN,db,deptree); %register dependency tree %end of initialize %do some assignments and view what happens, make sure the function %"view" (see below) is available db.b.c=1; db=flush(db); % ==>upd = % update_a: 0 % update_b: 1 % update_c: 1 % update_d: 0 db.b=1; db=flush(db); % ==>upd = % update_a: 0 % update_b: 1 % update_c: 1 % update_d: 1 db.a=1; db=flush(db); % ==>upd = % update_a: 1 % update_b: 0 % update_c: 0 % update_d: 0 function view(signature,S,ind) upd=evaldepend(gcf,ind,signature) See also: getdepend, evaldepend Create the structure that should be stored
20-Apr-2009 11:34:53
3352 bytes
setlabel - set label for undo menu for current group SUMMARY In the undo/redo menu, all transactions in a group are presented as one line. The closegroup commans is used to separate different groups of transactions. Normally the closegroup command is not needed as the store method closes a group of transactions before storing the undoredo object. closegroup is needed in the specific case where you are performing a series of operations that should appear seperately in the undo list, but there is no reason to the store the database in between. CALL: obj = setlabel(obj, menustring) INPUT: obj: <undoredo object> menustring: <string> for undo/redo menu (default value: menustring='Modify object') NOTE: a new goup must be initialized with a call to ur_assign. Example: Wrong: db=setlabel(db,'My group') db=ur_assign(...); (Result: this group has label "My group") Right: db=ur_assign(...); db=setlabel(db,'My group') (Result: this group has no label) See also: ur_closegroup, ur_assign EXAMPLE: db=ur_assign(db,substruct('.','raai','()',{refindx}),... []); db=ur_assign(...); db=setlabel(db,'str') db=ur_closegroup(db);
17-Aug-2008 15:20:21
1801 bytes
setprop - implement set method for undoredo object SUMMARY: This methods implements a "set" method for fields of an undoredo that normally are not visible. The function is intentinally not documented. INPUT <option>,<argument> OUTPUT none
17-Aug-2008 15:22:01
1281 bytes
show - directlty caal the display function of an undoredo object. SUMMARY Usage of this function allows one to paint (part of) the interface without changing the data. Note: usage of this function is not recommended programming practice. In almost any case the objective cabn be reached by using the flush method. CALL show(db,ind) INPUT db: undoredo object ind: struct array with fields (defaultvalue='all') type: '()'/'[]'/{}','.' subs: cell array EXAMPLE typical use: visualise parts of the GUI that does not depend on the database but instead on the value of for example a uicontrol FAQ SECTION Problem: show(db,'all') does not give the expected result (nothing happens) Cause: the 'all' argument (string) is passed on as {'all'} (cell array) Remedy: use show(db). This will call the display function with 'all' as an argument
10-Aug-2008 19:07:05
1404 bytes
store - store object with specified handle and field SUMMARY When an undoredo object is created the properties "storehandle" and "storefield" may be specified. This allows an undoredo object to store itself. The store operator is similar to the commit action known in databases. Before an undoredo object is stored the group of transactions is closed, so that the next change will initialize a new group. CALL store(obj) INPUT obj : undoredo object OUTPUT this function returns no output arguments, but updates userdata or applicationdata of specified handle See also: closegroup
17-Aug-2008 15:19:40
1177 bytes
subsasgn - equivalent to Matlab subsasgn but fo undo objects CALL obj=subsassgn(obj,ind,data) INPUT obj: current object obj: undoredo object obj.history: all data that is needed to perform undo and redo actions on object data contents of object ind: substruct array with fields (see substruct) type: '()'/'[]'/{}','.' subs: cell array data: the contents of this field depend on the mode of operation: SEE ALSO getdata label flush store
20-Jan-2007 19:40:41
3980 bytes
subsref - overloaded subsref function for undoredo object CALL [data,varargout]=subsref(obj,ind) INPUT obj: undoredo object ind: suvsref expression OUTPUT result from subseref statement on object NOTES KNOWN RESTRICTIONS In most cases undoredo objects can be applied using the same synatax as normal matlab variables. A few exceptions exist: STRVCAT %Observe the following behavior: U.a=struct('b',{'first','second','third'}) % U.a is a 3 element struct array str1=strvcat(U.a.b) %str1 is a 3x6 char array UU=undoredo(U) str2=strvcat(UU.a.b)%str2 = 'first' %Work-around: aa=UU.a %returns "normal" struct array st3=strvcat(aa.b)%str2 = 'first' %str3 is a 3x6 char array %Background: If S is a Nx1 struct array, S.b returns N outputs. Undoredo objects only return 1 output.
08-May-2009 08:41:38
5878 bytes
subsref - overloaded subsref function for undoredo object
25-Jul-2007 14:00:01
4438 bytes
undo - undo modifications to undoredo object CALL obj=undo(obj,N) INPUT obj : undoredo object N : number of undo steps (default: N=1) OUTPUT obj : updated undoredo object See also: redo
15-Aug-2008 15:46:06
520 bytes
undoredo - constructor for undoredo object CALL: undoredo(data,<property1>,<value1>,<property2>,<value2>,...) INPUT data: initial data content of undoredo object PROPERTIES:(BY CATEGORY, ALL PROPERTIES ARE OPTIONAL) Display properties - displayfunction: function to call when content of undoredo object changes Possible values : string with name of function or function-pointer Default value : '' (no display function will be called) Remark : this function is called in the following way: feval(signature,update,data,queued); with: update: function (string or pointer) data : full data structure queued: cell array containing information on modified fields - signature: approximate time of object creation. Used as a reference to the undoredo object (without requiring to pass on the full object and its data). Signatureis passed on to the objects displayfunction). Specify this property if the content of the workspace is replaced, but no new call is applied. - dbname: typically "opt" or "db", but any string that qualifies as a structure-fieldnmae is allowed. This field may be used in calls using "retrieve". Examples: db =retrieve(HWIN,'db') opt=retrieve(HWIN,'opt') Autobackup properties - backupfile: name of autobackup file (empty string: do not make backups) Possible values : char str (Current path will be added to filename) Default value : '' (no automatic backups) See also : ur_cleanupdisk - timeoflastbackup: moment of last backup Possible values : Matlab datenum Default value : now() - backupinterval: time between timed backups (1/1440= 1 minute) Possible values : Any numeric value>0 Default value : 10/1440 (10 minutes between backups) Undo/Redo properties - mode: undo mode Possible values : 'simple', 'memory', 'cached' Simple: No undo. Use this option is no undo is required. memory: undo info stored in memory. Use this option if no massive datasets are needed cached: undo info cached to disk if needed. Use this option if workspace contains many MB Default value : 'memory' Undo/Redo properties (continued)): Autocache properties - cachefile: (applies only if mode=='cached') Possible values : char str Default value : 'urcache' See also : ur_cleanupdisk Remark : the name of the cache files will be derived from this parameter - maxbytes : maximum number of bytes stored in memory before saving to disk Possible values : integers>0 Default value : 64 Mb Autostore properties - storehandle: handle of GUI object with which undoredo object is saved Possible values : a valid handle of a GUI object (for example a figure handle) Default value : [] See also : mbdstore - storefield: name of application data field to store undo redo object in Possible values : char array Default value : '' See also : mbdstore Remark : setting storefield=='userdata' causes undoredo data to be saved as: set(storehandle,'userdata',obj) setting storefield~='userdata' causes undoredo data to be saved as: setappdata(storehandle,storefield,obj) Other properties - comitted: commited to disk. This value is set to 0 if contents of undoredo changes Possible values : 0,1 Default value : 1 See also : iscommited, setcomitted Remark : if this parameter equals zero, there may be unsaved data OUTPUT obj: undoredo object obj.history: all data that is needed to perform undo and redo actions on object data contentst of object EXAMPLE u=undoredo(struct('field1',1','field2',2),... 'backupfile',C.autosave,... 'backupinterval',C.backupint',... 'displayfunction',@guishow,... 'storehandle',gcf,... 'storefield','undodata'); store(u); %store data
05-May-2009 11:19:29
5663 bytes
ur_assign - equal to subsasgn SUMMARY Before undoredo class was defined, undo functionality was implemented by the mbdundo function. The method ur_assign works on the objects created in this way, and still may exist in some code. NOTE Any call to ur_assign should be replaced by equivalent call to subsasgn CALL/INPUT/OUTPUT see undoredo/subsasgn
17-Aug-2008 16:10:05
549 bytes
NOTE: this function will be phased out and will be replaced by evaldepend this function is intentionally left undocumented
09-Aug-2008 15:22:38
2253 bytes
THIS METHOD IS FOR INTERNAL USE IN UNDOREDO TOOLBOX add2cache - check if item needs to be added to cache file CALL obj=add2cache(obj) INPUT obj: undoredo object obj.history.cur_transact equals the last completed transaction OUTPUT obj: undoredo object, cache file modified
17-Aug-2008 16:10:27
1463 bytes
autosave - timed backup of data CALL autosave(fname,data) INPUT fname name of cache file data data that will be saved OUTPUT none NOTE: this function is called from undoredo/subsasgn and undoredo/setdata
17-Aug-2008 17:10:49
631 bytes
cachecleanup - The first time an undoredo object is changed after on or more undo's all cache files that refer to later transactions are deleted CALL obj=cachecleanup(obj) INPUT obj: undoredo object obj.history.cur_transact equals the last completed transaction OUTPUT obj: undoredo object, cache file modified
27-May-2006 14:15:07
2352 bytes
cachename - return name for cache file CALL str=cachename(obj,N,type) INPUT obj undoredor object N integer type string OUTPUT str
17-Aug-2008 17:12:32
339 bytes
currentcache - determine current cache file (if existent) CALL [f,indexf]=currentcache(obj,targetstep) INPUT obj: undoredo object targetstep: step to complete OUTPUT f indexf
17-Aug-2008 17:15:06
1070 bytes
deletecachefile - delete file for undoredo object CALL deletecachefile(fname) INPUT fname: filename to delete OUTPUT none
17-Aug-2008 17:17:35
668 bytes
THIS METHOD IS FOR INTERNAL USE IN UNDOREDO TOOLBOX emptyhistory - create an empty history array for an undo object CALL history=emptyhistory(data,mode) INPUT obj: undoredo object: the following fields are used obj.mode data: initial data for object mode: mode of operation (simple,memory,cached) OUTPUT history: history structure CALLED FROM mbdundomenu, mbdundoobj
27-May-2006 15:53:28
1643 bytes
emptytransact - initialize transaction record with empty data CALL S=emptytransact INPUT none OUTPUT transaction record with empty data
17-Aug-2008 17:19:22
514 bytes
mbdundoobj - ininitialize undoredo object FUTURE NAME: this function will be superseeded by undoredo CALL: mbdundoobj(data,<property1>,<value1>,<property2>,<value2>,...) INPUT data: initial data content of undoredo object PROPERTIES:(BY CATEGORY, ALL PROPERTIES ARE OPTIONAL) Display properties - displayfunction: function to call when content of undoredo object changes Possible values : string with name of function or function-pointer Default value : '' (no display function will becalled) Remark : this function is called in the following way: feval(signature,update,data,queued); with: update: function (string or pointer) data : full data structure queued: cell array containing information on modified fields - signature: approximate time of object creation. Used as a reference to the undoredo object (without requiring to pass on the full object and its data). Signatureis passed on to the objects displayfunction). Specify this property if the content of the workspace is replaced, but no new call is applied. - dbname: typically "opt" or "db", but any string that qualifies as a structure-fieldnmae is allowed. This field may be used in calls using "retrieve". Examples: db =retrieve(HWIN,'db') opt=retrieve(HWIN,'opt') Autobackup properties - backupfile: name of autobackup file (empty string: do not make backups) Possible values : char str (Current path will be added to filename) Default value : '' (no automatic backups) See also : ur_cleanupdisk - timeoflastbackup: moment of last backup Possible values : Matlab datenum Default value : now() - backupinterval: time between timed backups (1/1440= 1 minute) Possible values : Any numeric value>0 Default value : 10/1440 (10 minutes between backups) Undo/Redo properties - mode: undo mode Possible values : 'simple', 'memory', 'cached' Simple: No undo. Use this option is no undo is required. memory: undo info stored in memory. Use this option if no massive datasets are needed cached: undo info cached to disk if needed. Use this option if workspace contains many MB Default value : 'memory' Undo/Redo properties (continued)): Autocache properties - cachefile: (applies only if mode=='cached') Possible values : char str Default value : 'urcache' See also : ur_cleanupdisk Remark : the name of the cache files will be derived from this parameter - maxbytes : maximum number of bytes stored in memory before saving to disk Possible values : integers>0 Default value : 64 Mb Autostore properties - storehandle: handle of GUI object with which undoredo object is saved Possible values : a valid handle of a GUI object (for example a figure handle) Default value : [] See also : mbdstore - storefield: name of application data field to store undo redo object in Possible values : char array Default value : '' See also : mbdstore Remark : setting storefield=='userdata' causes undoredo data to be saved as: set(storehandle,'userdata',obj) setting storefield~='userdata' causes undoredo data to be saved as: setappdata(storehandle,storefield,obj) Other properties - comitted: commited to disk. This value is set to 0 if contents of undoredo changes Possible values : 0,1 Default value : 1 See also : iscommited, setcomitted Remark : if this parameter equals zero, there may be unsaved data OUTPUT obj: undoredo object obj.history: all data that is needed to perform undo and redo actions on object data contentst of object EXAMPLE u=mbdundoobj(struct('field1',1','field2',2),... 'backupfile',C.autosave,... 'backupinterval',C.backupint',... 'displayfunction',@guishow,... 'storehandle',gcf,... 'storefield','undodata'); mbdstore(u); %store data KNOWN RESTRICTIONS In most cases undoredo objects can be applied using the same synatax as normal matlab variables. A few exceptions exist: STRVCAT %Observe the following behavior: U.a=struct('b',{'first','second','third'}) % U.a is a 3 element struct array str1=strvcat(U.a.b) %str1 is a 3x6 char array UU=undoredo(U) str2=strvcat(UU.a.b)%str2 = 'first' %Work-around: aa=UU.a %returns "normal" struct array st3=strvcat(aa.b)%str2 = 'first' %str3 is a 3x6 char array %Background: If S is a Nx1 struct array, S.b returns N outputs. Undoredo objects only return 1 output.
01-Dec-2009 00:03:00
11753 bytes
mbdvalue - evaluate value of undo object for specific transaction number CALL obj=mbdvalue(obj,targetstep) INPUT obj: undo object obj.history.cur_transact: currently completed step targetstep: number of modifications to include OUTPUT obj: undoredo object after applying required undo/redo operations
17-Aug-2008 17:24:04
8796 bytes
This function is now obsolete
20-Apr-2009 11:34:53
5406 bytes
THIS METHOD IS FOR INTERNAL USE IN UNDOREDO TOOLBOX CALL status=undostatus(obj) INPUT obj: undo structure OUTPUT status: structure with undo information status.selected: currently selected item status.list: char array with menu choices
17-Aug-2008 17:25:27
1448 bytes
undovalue - evaluate value of undo object for specific transaction number CALL obj=mbdvalue(obj,targetstep) INPUT obj: undo object obj.history.cur_transact: currently completed step targetstep: number of modifications to include OUTPUT obj: undoredo object after applying required undo/redo operations NOTE undovalue and mbdvalue seem identical, mbdvalue needs to be removed eventually
17-Aug-2008 17:27:55
8890 bytes
ur_cleanupdisk - delete all cache- and autosave files that belong to object CALL ur_cleanupdisk(obj) INPUT obj undoredo object. Cache files and backup files will be deleted OUTPUT none
20-Mar-2009 15:56:59
635 bytes
ur_deletecache - delete all cache files from disk CALL ur_deletecache(obj) INPUT obj: undoredo object. Cache files will be detected and deleted OUTPUT none
17-Aug-2008 17:31:36
713 bytes
ur_load - load data from file for undoredo object CALL data=ur_load(obj,cache_nr,type) INPUT obj undoredo object cache_nr number of cache file type type of cache file OUTPUT data retrieved data
20-Mar-2009 15:57:00
1025 bytes
ur_save - save cache data data: use correct file- and variable name CALL ur_save(obj,cache_nr,type,data) INPUT obj: undoredo object cache_nr: cache file number type: cache file type data: data that need saving OTPUT none
17-Aug-2008 17:36:16
1083 bytes
FUTURE NAME: ur_depend CALL upd=mdlt_dependencies(ind,thistree,othertree1,othertree2,...) INPUT ind : substruct met te wijzigen velden OF waarde "all" thistree : tree waarop "ind" betrekking heeft othertree: wordt alleen gebruik om velden te inventariseren OUTPUT upd: een structure waar per scherm optie staat of deze geupdate moeten worden (1) of niet (0)
28-Jun-2010 17:11:46
1954 bytes
mdlt_initupd - initialize update fields structure with INIT value FUTURE NAME: ur_depend_init % CALL upd=mdlt_initupd(agtree,INIT,oldupd) INPUT agtree dependency tree INIT Initialize all fields of output structuer with this value. Defaults to false. oldupd if specified. The output argument "upd" is initialized with this value. OUTPUT upd update structure after initialization EXAMPLE case 'install' HWIN=create_fig; %create GUI objects tree=GUIstructure; %define dependencies in GUI agtree=mdlt_mastertree(tree); %aggregate tree (for fast searching) setappdata(HWIN,'mastertree',agtree) %store result with this window for future use .. % SOME USER ACTION % "ind" now indexes in changed data fields .. agtree=setappdata(HWIN,'mastertree') %retrieve result upd=mdlt_initupd(agtree,0); %initialize all with 0 upd=mdlt_look4change(upd,agtree,ind); %find out which GUI elements need to be updated show(upd); %call some function that selectively updates GUI See also: mdlt_mastertree: generate aggregate dependency tree mdlt_initupd: initialize update structure mdlt_look4change: find out which field must be updated as a result of a structure update COPYRIGHT Nanne van der Zijpp Modelit Jan 2002
17-Aug-2008 14:01:49
2114 bytes
mdlt_look4change: find out which field must be updated as a result of a structure update FUTURE NAME: ur_depend_apply CALL upd=mdlt_look4change(upd,ind,agtree) INPUT upd: previous update structure ind: subs array into struct agtree: tree containing list of screen attributes to be updated CODE EXAMPLE case 'install' HWIN=create_fig; %create GUI objects tree=GUIstructure; %define dependencies in GUI agtree=mdlt_mastertree(tree); %aggregate tree (for fast searching) setappdata(HWIN,'mastertree',agtree) %store result with this window for future use .. % SOME USER ACTION % "ind" now indexes in changed data fields .. agtree=setappdata(HWIN,'mastertree') %retrieve result upd=mdlt_initupd(agtree,0); %initialize all with 0 upd=mdlt_look4change(upd,agtree,ind); %find out which GUI elements need to be updated show(upd); %call some function that selectively updates GUI SEE ALSO mdlt_mastertree: generate aggregate dependency tree mdlt_initupd: initialize update structure mdlt_look4change: find out which field must be updated as a result of a structure update REVISIONS JUNE 2005: major redesign. This may affect details of the functionality. The field updobjAggreg is introduced. This field contains the content of updobj of the child nodes EXCLUDING current node (downward aggregation). updobj contains the content of updobj of this node and its parents (upward aggregation)
20-Apr-2009 11:34:56
3481 bytes
mdlt_mastertree - aggregate "updobj" over structure FUTURE NAME: ur_depend_set CALL tree=mdlt_mastertree(tree) INPUT tree: dependency tree that defines which object need to be updated if field changes OUTPUT tree: dependency tree that defines which object need to be updated if field changes the field updob has now been updated NOTE: atributes need not be defined at the lowest level, attributes passed on at a higher level will be superimposed with the lower level attributes CODE EXAMPLE case 'install' HWIN=create_fig; %create GUI objects tree=GUIstructure; %define dependencies in GUI agtree=mdlt_mastertree(tree); %aggregate tree (for fast searching) setappdata(HWIN,'mastertree',agtree) %store result with this window for future use .. % SOME USER ACTION % "ind" now indexes in changed data fields .. agtree=setappdata(HWIN,'mastertree') %retrieve result upd=mdlt_initupd(agtree,0); %initialize all with 0 upd=mdlt_look4change(upd,agtree,ind); %find out which GUI elements need to be updated show(upd); %call some function that selectively updates GUI SEE ALSO setdepend: part of undoredo toolbox evaldepend: part of undoredo toolbox mdlt_mastertree: generate aggregate dependency tree mdlt_initupd: initialize update structure mdlt_look4change: find out which field must be updated as a result of a structure update REVISIONS JUNE 2005: major redesign. This may affect details of the functionality. The field updobjAggreg is introduced. This field contains the content of updobj of the child nodes EXCLUDING current node (downward aggergation). updobj contains the content of updobj of this node and its parents (upward aggregation)
17-Aug-2008 13:57:44
4705 bytes
ur_getopt - initialize GUI options by reading them from file SUMMARY User preferences are settings that apply to the appearance of a specific figure. When a figure is closed and opened later on users typically expect that the figure re-appears with identical settings. To accomplish this, the user preferences should be saved when the figure closes and loaded again when the figure is created. Saving the data can best be doen in the figure's deletefunction. Loading the data typically is done in a function that by convention has the name "initOpt" (but any other name is allowed) This function initializes the data structure that represents the user preferences. This is done in 3 steps: • create a structure that contains the factory defaults. This is to make sure that no errors will occur if the figure is openened for the first time; • load the user preference s as saved when the figure was closed last time (see function template "deletef"), and overwrite the factory defaults with the values that are loaded from file. This is done by the function "ur_getopt"; • set any values that are specific for the current session. For example, you may store object handles in the user-preference structure. CALL opt=ur_getopt(defopt,OPTFILE,varname) INPUT defopt : default options (current function overwerites these) OPTFILE: binary file in which options have been saved earlier varname: variable name in which options are stored (defaults to "opt) OUTPUT opt: options structure in which data from defopt and OPTFILE are combined SEE ALSO ur_cleanupdisk EXAMPLE Specify this delete function: Specify this initopt function: function opt=initopt defopt=struct('field1',100,'field2',200); %define default options opt=ur_getopt(defopt,'options.stt'); %use saved options function opt=deletef try opt=getdata(retrieve(gcf,'opt')) save(opt.sttBackupName,'opt'); catch end
01-Dec-2009 00:31:10
3001 bytes
ur_undomenu - execute undo, redo of undo-menu CALL undolist(operation) INPUT obj,event: standaard Matlab callback arguments operation operation==1 ==> undo operation==2 ==> redo operation==3 ==> multiple undo/redo als operation==3 verschijnt popuplijst waarin gebruiker keuze aangeeft operation==4 ==> reset undo/redo history fp_getdata: function pointer to function that returns database structure. This can be a 3 line function like: function ud=getdata global MAINWIN %handle of application's main window ud=get(MAINWIN,'userdata') FILES WRITTEN TO userdata hoofdscherm USER INPUT selectie in undolist scherm OUTPUT NAAR SCHERM geen APPROACH operation==1 ==> undo Dit gebeurt met object method UNDO operation==2 ==> redo Dit gebeurt met object method REDO operation==3 ==> multiple undo/redo Dit gebeurt met object methods UNDO en REDO
20-Apr-2009 11:34:57
3437 bytes
fr_divider - insert draggable divider CALL: [hframe, jseparator] = fr_divider(hparent, varargin) INPUT: hparent: handle of parent frame property,value: property value pair VALID PROPERTIES: rank: rank of frame, any number mode: resize mode, choose one of the following proportional: increase size of all lower frames proportional at the cost of aall above frame neighbour : increase size of only next frame at the cost of only the frame directly above OUTPUT: hframe: handle of frame that contains divider jseparator: jacontrol of type jseparator
19-Oct-2009 16:00:20
8014 bytes
lm_exittext - set exit button in frame CALL fr_exitbutton(h_frame,BDCALL,align,str) INPUT h_frame: frame handle BDCALL : function to call when button is pressed align : set this parameter to 1 for alternative alignment. Defaults to 0 str : String to display. Defaults to "x". Other values to consider: "close", "cancel" etcetera OUTPUT no output arguments, a text object will be created, and if needed also the axes that dsiplaye it EXAMPLE hframe=lm_createframe(hparent,'rank',1,... 'normsize',[1 1],... 'lineprops',mbdlineprops,... <<< AVOID 'border',1 because this obscures symbol 'minmarges',[5 5 5 5],... 'title','Example'); BDCALL={@set_setting,'showexample',0}; fr_exitbutton(h_frame,BDCALL);
17-Aug-2008 10:29:26
1534 bytes
fr_link2toolbar - compact code to link buttons to toolbar CALL pixelpos=fr_link2toolbar(h,hframe,pixelpos,normpos,direction) INPUT h : list of toolbar button handles hframe : handle of frame to print these buttons in pixelpos : initial pixelposition normpos : normalized position direction : direction to plot buttons in 1: Left to Right, -1: Right to Left OUTPUT pixelpos : final pixel position NOTE: This function was created before Java toolbars became generally available. It has been superseeded by other functions. on 2008 08 05 this function seems to be no longer in use The function will be preserved as an undocumented function. EXAMPLE: hframe = mbdcreateframe(h_main,... 'rank',0,... 'pixelsize',[0 C.BSIZE+3],... 'minmarges',[2 0 2 0],... 'normsize',[1 0]); % Creeer buttons %button die alles opvult (is nodig omdat ivm slider waardoor buttons door toolbar dreigen te vallen) h=uicontrol('style','frame','enable','off','hittest','off'); mbdlinkobj(h,hframe,'normpos',[0 0 1 0],'pixelpos',[0 0 0 C.BSIZE+4]); %redo and undo h=[]; %%button UNDO h(end+1)=uicontrol('cdata',getcdata('sundo'),'tooltip','Undo',... 'callb',{@ur_undomenu,1,@get_db_maria}); %%button REDO h(end+1)=uicontrol('cdata',getcdata('sredo'),'tooltip','Redo',... 'callb',{@ur_undomenu,2,@get_db_maria}); pixpos=fr_link2toolbar(h,hframe,[3 2 C.BSIZE C.BSIZE],[0 0 0 0],1); %To incluse separator: pixpos = fr_insertseparator(hframe,C.FRAMECOLOR,pixpos,[0 0 0 0],1); %OR: pixpos = fr_insertseparator(hframe,C.FRAMECOLOR,pixpos); %To create buttons on the right: pixpos=fr_link2toolbar(h,hframe,[-C.BSIZE-1 3 C.BSIZE C.BSIZE],[1 0 0 0],-1); SEE ALSO fr_insertseparator
17-Aug-2008 10:18:06
2217 bytes
lm_title - set or get the title of a frame CALL: h = lm_title(hframe): return handle to title object h = lm_title(hframe, str, varargin): install title in frame INPUT: hframe: handle of frame str: title to be displayed in frame varargin: valid property-value pairs for a uicontrol with style “text” OUTPUT: h: handle to title object (uicontrol with “text”) APPROACH: (default settings applied) -1- create a uicontrol with properties: tag = 'frmTitle' userdata = <handle of frame> -2- call mbdlinkobj with properties: pixpos = <depends on extent of title> normpos = [0 1 0 0] clipping = true clipframe = <parent of frame> keepypos = true
11-Aug-2008 22:53:54
2059 bytes
lm_isparent - Find out if a given frame is a child of any of a list of candidate parent frames CALL: istrue = isparentframe(h, hframes) INPUT h: Frame handle (scalar) hframes: Handles of potential parent frames OUTPUT: istrue: Boolean, true if any of hframes is the parent of h See also: lm_parentframe
11-Aug-2008 22:22:02
1521 bytes
lm_listFrameHandles - retrieve frame handles and frame data for the specified figure CALL: [FrameHandles, FrameData] = lm_listframeHandles(hfig) INPUT: hfig: figure handle (defaults to gcf) OUTPUT: FrameHandles: Nx1 list of frame handles FrameData: Nx1 struct array with corresponding application data
20-Apr-2009 11:34:58
2452 bytes
mbd_defaultframeprop - define default properties for frame editor CALL frameopt=mbd_defaultframeprop INPUT none OUTPUT frameopt[] struct array with (dutch) labels fro frame editor See also mbd_defaulttextprop
17-Aug-2008 10:25:50
1268 bytes
delete frame and all dependent items CALL mbd_deleteframe(hframes) INPUT hframes: list of frame handles OUTPUT none See also: lm_deleteframecontent
04-Aug-2008 15:02:47
1454 bytes
mbd_deleteframecontent - delete contents of frame, but leave frame in place CALL mbd_deleteframecontent(hframes,h_excepted) INPUT hframes: frame or frames to be deleted (all frames must be a member of the same figure) h_excepted: handles of objects that should not be deleted OUTPUT none See also: mbd_deleteframe
17-Aug-2008 10:28:50
2068 bytes
mbd_initialize_axis - CALL: h = mbd_initialize_axis(HWIN,LAYER) initialize pixel axes for this window INPUT HWIN: window for which pixel axes will be set (defaults to gcf) LAYER: Layer number. If needed, multiple axes objects can be created to enable plotting in different layers. Frames plotted in the current axes obscure lines and text objects in other layers OUTPUT h: handle of pixel axes for layer LAYER EXAMPLE hax=mbd_initialize_axis; h=text(1,1,'my text','parent',hax); mbdlinkobj(h,hframe,'pixelpos',[ 10 10 20 20]);
14-Oct-2006 00:21:48
1437 bytes
mbdarrange - arrange uicontrol objects in rows and columns CALL mbdarrange(hframe,property,value,...) mbdarrange(hframe,propertystruct) INPUT input comes in parameter-name,value pairs (parameter name not case sensitive) LMARGE, value: margin left (Default =10) LMARGE is a scalar RMARGE, value: margin right (Default =10) RMARGE is a scalar HMARGE, value: margin between, horizontal (Default =5) HMARGE may be specified as a vector or scalar TMARGE, value: margin top (Default =15) TMARGE is a scalar BMARGE, value: margin below (Default =6) BMARGE is a scalar VMARGE, value: margin between, vertical (Default =1) VMARGE may be specified as a vector or scalar PIXELW, value: pixel width of frame (default: compute) PIXELH, value: pixel height of frame (default: compute) NORESIZE, value: if set, do not resize frame HEQUAL, value: if set, distribute Horizontally (default: 0) VEQUAL, value: if set, distribute Vertically (default: 0) HNORM, (0,1) if 1: normalize horizontally (use full frame width) VNORM, (0,1) if 1: normalize vertically (use full frame height) HCENTER, (0,1,2) if 0: left align if 1: center items in horizontal direction if 2: right align items in horizontal direction NOTE: if HNORM==1 the HCENTER option is ignored VCENTER, (0,1,2) if 0: top align if 1: center items in vertical direction if 2: bottom align NOTE: if VNORM==1 the VCENTER option is ignored INDIRECT INPUT object application data: keeppixelsize: set to 1 to prevent changing pixelsize ignoreh : set to 1 to prevent using height to compute row pixel height ignorew : set to 1 to prevent using width to compute column pixel width pixelpos : if set, pixelpos is not recomputed normpos : if option HNORM is active, element 3 of normpos is used (EXCEPTION: if object is spread over more columns, its normalized width is not used) object attributes pos type extent OUTPUT pixpos:[pixpos(1) pixpos(2] extent van objecten, inclusief marges raster: Coordinates of raster. Suppose raster is M x N: raster.x.pixelpos (length N+1) raster.x.normpos (length N+1) raster.y.pixelpos (length M+1) raster.y.normpos (length M+1) AANPAK
08-Jun-2010 18:46:17
23598 bytes
mbdcreateexitbutton - Add exit button to frame. SUMMARY Add exit button to frame. By default this button is placed in yhe UR corner of a frame. CALL h = mbdcreateexitbutton(hparent,BACKG,callback) INPUT: hparent: handle van parent frame BACKG: color for transparant part of button callback: additional function to call when frame is closed OUTPUT: h: handle van button EXAMPLE: positioneer button rechts onder h=mbdcreateexitbutton(hparent) h=mbdcreateexitbutton(h_hlp) setappdata(h,'normpos',[ 1 1 0 0]); setappdata(h,'pixelpos',[-14 -14 12 12]); SEE ALSO: fr_exitbutton mbdframeonoff
17-Aug-2008 10:27:33
1873 bytes
mbdcreateframe - maak een mbdresize frame aan CALL h=mbdcreateframe(handle,'property', value, 'property', value) h=mbdcreateframe('property', value, 'property', value) INPUT handle: handle van parent frame. Als er geen parenthandle wordt opgegeven, dan wordt het current figuur de parent 'property'/value : Niet default eigenschappen van het frame. Deze hoeven alleen te worden opgegeven voor de niet-default waarden. Mogelijke properties: PROPERTY BETEKENIS ====================================================================== 'active' zichtbaarheid van het frame en alle children true==> zichtbaar false==> niet zichtbaar 'border' (default=true) zichtbaarheid van de rand van het frame en het frame zelf true==> zichtbaar false==> onzichtbaar LET OP!: de rand van het frame wordt op de inborder getekend 'enable' enable properties van dit frame en alle children 'exitbutton' (default=false) aanwezigheid van exitbutton 'exitfunction' functie die wordt aangeroepen indien frame gedeactiveerd wordt 'lineprops' (default: []) Eigenschappen van de line die het frame markeert zie Matlab - line voor meer informatie VOORBEELD: ...,'lineprops',mbdlineprops('color','k','shadowed',0 ),... ...,'lineprops',mbdlineprops,... 'shadowed' eigenschap: (default true) Wanneer property lineprops is gezet zorgt shadowed ervoor dat er consequent een schaduw wordt getekend. 'maxpixelsize' (default=[inf inf]) When pixelsize is set this defines the maxvalue (per dimension) 'minmarges' marge in pixels voor dit frame [LINKS ONDER RECHTS BOVEN] TEN OPZICHTE VAN PARENT FRAME!! (dus niet tov van child frames) LET OP!: de rand van het frame wordt op de inborder getekend 'normposition' positie van topframe tov van figure (normalized) 'normsize' (default=[1 1]) Afmetingen van het frame in genormaliseerde coordinaten LET OP: door de pixelsize NaN op te geveb wordt deze berekend als de som van de ACTIEVE subframes 'parenthandle' handle van parent frame (meestal alseerste argument doorgegeven) nodig indien een top frame in een niet-current scherm wordt aangemaakt 'patchprops' (default: []) Eigenschappen van de patch die het frame markeert zie Matlab - patch voor meer informatie VOORBEELD: ...,'patchprops',mbdpatchprops('facec',C.WINCOLOR,'linew',1),... 'pixelposition' positie van topframe tov van figure (in pixels) 'pixelsize' (default=[0 0]) Afmetingen van het frame in pixel coordinaten 'rank' (default=0) Plaats van het scherm: bij horizontale splitsing: hoe hoger hoe meer naar rechts bij verticale splitsing: hoe hoger hoe meer naar beneden 'slider' handle van een slider object de children frames en objecten worden afhankelijk van de slider instelling geplaatst. 'splithor' (default= omgekeerde van splitsings richting van parent) true==> splits horizontaal false==> splits verticaal 'title' af te drukken titel string OUTPUT h: de handle van het gemaakte frame EXAMPLES Example -1- Create a figure that sizes to fit contents exactly: hfig=mbdcreateframe(HWIN,'splithor',0,'pixelsize',[NaN NaN],'normsize',[0 0]); Example -2- Create a figure that sizes to fit contents but does not shrink the figure: hfig=mbdcreateframe(HWIN,'splithor',0,'pixelsize',[NaN NaN],'normsize',[1 1]);
08-Mar-2008 12:49:30
20660 bytes
Creeer een frame dat kan worden geminimaliseerd CALL [h_ItemFrame,h_frame]=mbddoubleframe(h_parent,titlestr,outer_frame_opt,inner_frame_opt) INPUT h_parent : parent frame titlestr : titel outer_frame_opt : cell array met opties voor buitenste frame Default properties: 'normsize',[1 0],... 'pixelsize',[0 NaN],... 'border',0,... 'splithor',0 inner_frame_opt : cell array met opties voor binneste frame Default properties: 'normsize',[1 1],... 'lineprops',mbdlineprops,... 'active',1 OUTPUT h_ItemFrame: frame waarin getekend kan worden h_frame: buitenste frame ZIE OOK equivalent aan mbdcreateframe EXAMPLE mbddoubleframe(h_parent,'Edit object',{'rank',1,'tag','EDITOR'},{}) mbddoubleframe(h_parent,'Edit object',{'tag','EDITOR'}) mbddoubleframe(h_parent,'Edit object')
15-Aug-2008 18:35:09
3041 bytes
lm_frameonoff - toggle visible status of frame CALL: active = mbdframeonoff(option,resize,framehandle) INPUT: option: <string> (optional) - 'toggle' (default) - 'on' - 'off' resize: <boolean> (optional) - 1 ==> call resize function immediately (default) - 0 ==> suspend resize function obj: <handle> (optional) of the calling object (button or other graphics object) OUTPUT: active: <boolean> EXAMPLE: %Create some frame h_legenda = mbdcreateframe(h_legaslid,... 'rank',1,... 'normsize',[1 1],... 'border',0,... 'splithor',0); %read image for button %create button, SET PROPER CALLBACK AND USERDATA! h=uicontrol('val',1,... 'style','toggle',... 'cdata',getcdata('sheaders'),... 'tooltip','activate/deactivate frame',... 'callb','mbdframeonoff',... 'userd',h_legenda); %<<<< ESSENTIAL CODE !!!!!!!!!!! %Position button in toolbar mbdlinkobj(h,hheader,'normpos',[1 0 0 0],'pixelpos',pixpos); REVISION: 21-Mar-2005 - third argument 'obj' added to make callback from uitoggletool possible
04-Aug-2008 23:54:31
3228 bytes
mbdinnerpixelsize - Change pixelsize property of frame SUMMARY Change pixelsize property of frame so that the size of the innerframe matches a given size. This utility is useful if the size of what goes into the frame is known and one wants to shrink the outer frame so that it exactly fits its contents. CALL: outbordersize = mbdinnerpixelsize(hframe, innerborderpixelsize) INPUT: hframe: handle van MBD frame innerpixelsize: required pixel size (inner border) OUTPUT outbordersize: computed outer border size
13-Oct-2009 19:20:08
979 bytes
lm_lineprops - return default line options for frame border (line) SUMMARY This function returns a structure tha can be passed to the Matlab "line" command. If called without arguments it will produce the settings that are needed to plot a "standard" border. Any property value pair that can be passed to the line command can also be passed to lm_lineprops. Additionally the argument "shadowed" may be passed. This argument tells the layout manager to plot not one, but two lines. This results in a shadow effect. CALL s=lm_lineprops(property,value,...) INPUT property, value: any line property 'shadowed',B: B=1==> apply shadow B=0==> do not apply See also: lm_patchprops, lm_createframe
17-Aug-2008 10:33:55
2060 bytes
mbdlinkobj - linkt een object aan een mbdframe CALL mbdlinkobj(hobj, hframe, property, value, property, value,...) mbdlinkobj(hobj, hframe, struct(property, value)) INPUT hobj : object or array of handles or jacontrol object hframe: frame to link to property: char string containg property name value: corresponding property value. Note: property/value combinations may als be passed on as a tructure. <propertye, value> clipframe see mbdresize clipping [0 or 1] clip object if out of frame borders enable Default: enable status is copied from application data "enable" from frame. Note <on> and <off> is supported. <inactive> is not supported. Object | Frame enabled | enabled status 'Frame=on' 'Frame=off' 'Frame=inactive' ========================================== 0 ==> 'off' 'off' <not supported> 1 ==> 'on' 'off' <not supported> 2 ==> 'inactive' 'off' <not supported> 3 ==> 'off' 'off' <not supported> 4 ==> 'on' 'on' <not supported> 5 ==> 'inactive' 'inactive' <not supported> keeppixelsize : is 1 maintain pixel height and width while alignigning in matrix keepypos: if 1 ==> position of slider has no effect on this object normpos [X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT] normalized position relative to LL corner of frame pixelpos [X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT] pixel position relative to LL corner of frame visible 0 ==> do not show 1 ==> show row: align on position (row,col) in matrix col: align on position (row,col) in matrix OUTPUT none AFFECTED OBJECTS -1- affected application data of frame: when an object is linked to a frame, this will affect the following fields of application data of this frame: uichildren textchildren children javachildren -2- affected properties of object: parent: when object-parent differs from frame-parent units : set to "pixel" when object is of type text,uicontainer,hgjavacomponent -3- affected application data of object, required: normpos pixelpos visible enable clipping keepypos -4- affected application data of object, optional: clipframe row col keeppixelsize
20-Mar-2008 19:33:01
11693 bytes
lm_linkslider2frame - make y-position of frame content dependent on a vertical slider CALL: lm_linkslider2frame(hslid, targetframe) INPUT: hslid: handle of uicontrol of style "slider" targetframe: handle of target frame. The contents of this frame can be moved by using the slider OUTPUT: no direct output. The slider handle is stored in the target frame in the property "slider"
19-Mar-2010 09:43:20
2739 bytes
mbdpatchprops - return default line options for frame border (patch) SUMMARY This function returns a structure tha can be passed to the Matlab "patch" command. If called without arguments it will produce the settings that are needed to plot a "standard" border for a frame that is showedusing a patch object. The advantage of using a patch is that it provides a background color (like a uicontrol frame) but does not obscure axeses and objects plotted in it. CALL s=mbdpatchprops(varargin) INPUT property, value: any patch property See also: lm_lineprops, lm_createframe
17-Aug-2008 10:36:50
2060 bytes
lm_pixelsize - get pixelsize of frame CALL: pixelsize = lm_pixelsize(hframe) INPUT: hframe: frame handle OUTPUT: pixelsize: vector [height, width] with the pixelsize of the frame EXAMPLE: position figure in the middle of the screen HWIN = figure; hmain = lm_createframe(HWIN,'splithor',0,'pixelsize',[300 200]); lm_resize(HWIN); pixelsize = lm_pixelsize(hmain); scrsz = get(0,'screensize'); mid = scrsz(3:4)/2; set(HWIN,'pos',[mid 0 0]+[-pixelsize/2 pixelsize]);
12-Aug-2008 12:12:34
1272 bytes
lm_resize - resize the figure and position all the objects it contains CALL: lm_resize(hfig, event) INPUT: hfig : figure handle event: standard Matlab callback argument, not used OUTPUT: All frames created with "lm_createframe" and all the objects linked to these frames with "lm_linkobj" are positioned in the figure. EXAMPLE: lm_resize(HWIN); set(HWIN,'Visible','on','ResizeFcn',@lm_resize); APPROACH: - maak een lijst van alle zichtbare mbdresize frames - zet alle objecten die in de MBD frames zitten uit - zet alle exit buttons uit - pas de sliderheight aan als de hoogte van het figuur groter is dan de sliderheight - pas de sliderheight aan - bereken de nieuwe posities van de mbdresize frames (inclusief de exit buttons) - zet de exit buttons van de zichtbare MBD frames weer aan - bepaal de sliderpositie - scroll het scherm tot de slider value weer klopt met het zichtbare scherm - bepaald voor alle zichtbare mbdresize frames de posities van de bijhorende objecten
17-Apr-2010 09:53:46
37783 bytes
lmshiftrank - change the rank of a frame. If the 'splithor' property of the parent frame is set to true this causes the frame to move to the left or right or up or down if this property is set to false CALL: hchange = mbdshiftrank(option, resize) INPUT: option: string with shift direction, possible values: - 'up' increase rank of frame - 'down' decrease rank of frame resize: boolean, if true call lm_resize afterwards OUTPUT: hchange: handles of the frames whose position has changed. APPROACH: The handle of the frame for which the rank must be changed must be stored in the userdata field of the uicontrol whose callback is executed.
12-Aug-2008 14:46:22
3323 bytes
lm_sortframes - create a sorted list of frames which are create with lm_createframe, the frames are sorted based on level in hierarchy, parent and rank CALL: [FrameData, parentIndex] = lm_sortframes(hfig) INPUT: hfig: figure handle OUTPUT: FrameData: structarray with collected information per frame +----stack[]: debug informatie | +----file (char array) | +----name (char array) | +----line (double) +----treetop (logical) +----parenthandle (double) +----rank (double) +----normsize (double array) +----pixelsize (double array) +----maxpixelsize (double array) +----normposition (double array) +----pixelposition (double array) +----enable (logical) +----splithor (double) +----border (double) +----exitbutton (logical) +----exitfunction (char) +----active (logical) +----exitbuttonhandle (double) +----minmarges (double array) +----children (double) +----textchildren (double) +----javachildren (double) +----uichildren (double) +----slider (double) +----patchhandle (double) +----linehandle (double) +----shadowlinehandle (double) +----level (double) +----showslider (double) +----handle (double) +----inborderpos (double) +----outborderpos (double) +----activenode (double) +----enablednode (logical) parentIndex: list with the parent indices corresponding to each element in FrameData APPROACH: - maak een lijst van alle frames - verwijder alle frames die niet met createMBDframe zijn aangemaakt uit de lijst - bepaal het level van de overgebleven frames - sorteer deze levels oplopend - bereken eigenschap "pixelsize"
12-Aug-2008 14:59:38
11163 bytes
callback - Internal component of dateselector object. CALL/INPUT/OUTUT: not for external use
17-Aug-2008 10:47:42
232 bytes
dateselector - create dateselector component (Calendar object) CALL obj=dateselector(property, value,...) INPUT PROPERTY DEFAULT MEANING Parent gcf Parent of Calendar frame. May be other frame or figure handle Backg figcolor Color used for pseudo transparant items Tag '' Tag of Calendar frame Rank 1 Rank of Calendar frame Value now datenum value Maximize 1 if maximized: show calendar, otherwise show date only Callback [] Callback function pointer. This function will be called when user selects a date. Arguments: arg1: object arg2: event +----calendar: user clicked on calendar +----month: user clicked on month +----year: user changed year field +----date: user changed date field arg2: value. The current date OUTPUT obj: Calendar object. The private fields of the object mainly contain | information on handles. Object data subject to | change (like value and maximize property) are | stored as application data. +----h_all: handle of frame object +----h_hdr: handle of header frame +----h_daytype: handle of daytype field +----h_day: handle of date field +----h_mnth: handle of month field +----h_yr: handle of year field +----h_expand: handle of expand button +----BackgroundColor: pseudo transparant color (identical to | background) +----h_cal: handle of calendar table frame +----h_dates: [6x7 double] handles of date buttons OBJECT METHODS obj.set obj.get obj.callback SEE ALSO selectdate EXAMPLE: if nargin==0 %test NM='test window'; delete(findobj('name',NM)); figure('name',NM); h_fr=mbdcreateframe(gcf,'splithor',0); mbdcreateframe(h_fr,'border',1,'splithor',0,'rank',2,'normsize',[1 10]); %initialize dateselector('Parent',h_fr,'tag','Example'); set(gcf,'resizef',@mbdresize); %update for k=1:100 h_frame =findobj('tag','Example'); obj =get(h_frame,'userdata'); curvalue =get(obj,'value'); set(obj,'value',curvalue+1); pause(.1); end return end Create dateselector object and set user defined fixed properies:
17-Aug-2008 10:39:14
7921 bytes
dateselector/get - get property of calendar object CALL prop_value=get(obj,prop_name) INPUT prop_name: Name of property that is retreived OUTPUT prop_value: Value of property that is retreived SEE ALSO dateselector/get
17-Aug-2008 10:44:05
1164 bytes
dateselector/set - change property of calendar object CALL set(obj,property,value,...) set(obj,propertystruct,...) INPUT <option>,<argument> See dateselector constructor for list of possible options OUTPUT obj: Calendar object after update SEE ALSO dateselector/get
17-Aug-2008 10:42:02
3335 bytes
getDefopt - Private function of dateselector object CALL/INPUT/OUTUT: not for external use
17-Aug-2008 10:47:48
347 bytes
lm_arrange - arrange uicontrol objects in rows and columns CALL lm_arrange(hframe,varargin) INPUT input comes in parameter-name,value pairs (parameter name not case sensitive) LMARGE, value: margin left (Default =10) LMARGE is a scalar RMARGE, value: margin right (Default =10) RMARGE is a scalar HMARGE, value: margin between, horizontal (Default =5) HMARGE may be specified as a vector or scalar TMARGE, value: margin top (Default =15) TMARGE is a scalar BMARGE, value: margin below (Default =6) BMARGE is a scalar VMARGE, value: margin between, vertical (Default =10) VMARGE may be specified as a vector or scalar PIXELW, value: pixel width of frame (default: compute) PIXELH, value: pixel height of frame (default: compute) NORESIZE, value: if set, do not resize frame HEQUAL, value: if set, distribute Horizontally (default: 0) VEQUAL, value: if set, distribute Vertically (default: 0) HNORM, (0,1) if 1: normalize horizontally (use full frame width) VNORM, (0,1) if 1: normalize vertically (use full frame height) HCENTER, (0,1,2) if 0: left align if 1: center items in horizontal direction if 2: right align items in horizontal direction NOTE: if HNORM==1 the HCENTER option is ignored VCENTER, (0,1,2) if 0: top align if 1: center items in vertical direction if 2: bottom align NOTE: if VNORM==1 the VCENTER option is ignored INDIRECT INPUT object application data (See also lm_set): keeppixelsize: set to 1 to prevent changing pixelsize ignoreh : set to 1 to prevent using height to compute row pixel height ignorew : set to 1 to prevent using width to compute column pixel width pixelpos : if set, pixelpos is not recomputed normpos : if option HNORM is active, element 3 of normpos is used (EXCEPTION: if object is spread over more columns, its normalized width is not used) object attributes pos type extent OUTPUT pixpos:[pixpos(1) pixpos(2] extent van objecten, inclusief marges raster: Coordinates of raster. Suppose raster is M x N: raster.x.pixelpos (length N+1) raster.x.normpos (length N+1) raster.y.pixelpos (length M+1) raster.y.normpos (length M+1) AANPAK
15-Apr-2010 10:23:34
3670 bytes
lm_createframe - maak een lm_resize frame aan CALL h=lm_createframe(handle,'property', value, 'property', value) h=lm_createframe('property', value, 'property', value) INPUT handle: handle van parent frame. Als er geen parenthandle wordt opgegeven, dan wordt het current figuur de parent 'property'/value : Niet default eigenschappen van het frame. Deze hoeven alleen te worden opgegeven voor de niet-default waarden. Mogelijke properties: PROPERTY BETEKENIS ====================================================================== 'active' zichtbaarheid van het frame en alle children true==> zichtbaar false==> niet zichtbaar 'border' (default=true) zichtbaarheid van de rand van het frame en het frame zelf true==> zichtbaar false==> onzichtbaar LET OP!: de rand van het frame wordt op de inborder getekend 'enable' enable properties van dit frame en alle children 'exitbutton' (default=false) aanwezigheid van exitbutton 'exitfunction' functie die wordt aangeroepen indien frame gedeactiveerd wordt 'lineprops' (default: []) Eigenschappen van de line die het frame markeert zie Matlab - line voor meer informatie VOORBEELD: ...,'lineprops',lm_lineprops('color','k','shadowed',0 ),... ...,'lineprops',lm_lineprops,... 'shadowed' eigenschap: (default true) Wanneer property lineprops is gezet zorgt shadowed ervoor dat er consequent een schaduw wordt getekend. 'maxpixelsize' (default=[inf inf]) When pixelsize is set this defines the maxvalue (per dimension) 'minmarges' marge in pixels voor dit frame [LINKS ONDER RECHTS BOVEN] TEN OPZICHTE VAN PARENT FRAME!! (dus niet tov van child frames) LET OP!: de rand van het frame wordt op de inborder getekend 'normposition' positie van topframe tov van figure (normalized) 'normsize' (default=[1 1]) Afmetingen van het frame in genormaliseerde coordinaten LET OP: door de pixelsize NaN op te geveb wordt deze berekend als de som van de ACTIEVE subframes 'parenthandle' handle van parent frame (meestal alseerste argument doorgegeven) nodig indien een top frame in een niet-current scherm wordt aangemaakt 'patchprops' (default: []) Eigenschappen van de patch die het frame markeert zie Matlab - patch voor meer informatie VOORBEELD: ...,'patchprops',lm_patchprops('facec',C.WINCOLOR,'linew',1),... 'pixelposition' positie van topframe tov van figure (in pixels) 'pixelsize' (default=[0 0]) Afmetingen van het frame in pixel coordinaten 'rank' (default=0) Plaats van het scherm: bij horizontale splitsing: hoe hoger hoe meer naar rechts bij verticale splitsing: hoe hoger hoe meer naar beneden 'slider' handle van een slider object de children frames en objecten worden afhankelijk van de slider instelling geplaatst. 'splithor' (default= omgekeerde van splitsings richting van parent) true==> splits horizontaal false==> splits verticaal 'title' af te drukken titel string OUTPUT h: de handle van het gemaakte frame EXAMPLES Example -1- Create a figure that sizes to fit contents exactly: hfig=lm_createframe(HWIN,'splithor',0,'pixelsize',[NaN NaN],'normsize',[0 0]); Example -2- Create a figure that sizes to fit contents but does not shrink the figure: hfig=lm_createframe(HWIN,'splithor',0,'pixelsize',[NaN NaN],'normsize',[1 1]);
29-Jun-2008 23:54:19
5180 bytes
lm_divider - CALL: [hframe, jseparator] = lm_divider(hparent, varargin) INPUT: hparent: handle of parent frame property,value: property value pair VALID PROPERTIES: rank: rank of frame, any number mode: resize mode, choose one of the following proportional: increase size of all lower frames proportional at the cost of aall above frame neighbour : increase size of only next frame at the cost of only the frame directly above OUTPUT: hframe: handle of frame that contains divider jseparator: jacontrol of type jseparator
04-Aug-2008 18:46:53
1254 bytes
lm_initaxes - CALL: h = lm_initaxes(HWIN,LAYER) initialize pixel axes for this window INPUT HWIN: window for which pixel axes will be set (defaults to gcf) LAYER: Layer number. If needed, multiple axes objects can be created to enable plotting in different layers. Frames plotted in the current axes obscure lines and text objects in other layers OUTPUT h: handle of pixel axes for layer LAYER EXAMPLE hax=lm_initaxes; h=text(1,1,'my text','parent',hax); lm_linkobj(h,hframe,'pixelpos',[ 10 10 20 20]);
29-Jun-2008 23:56:52
1061 bytes
Shadowed : 1==> apply shadow 0==> do not apply SEE ALSO: lm_patchprops s=struct('xdata',[],'ydata',[],'facecolor','none','hittest','off','faceli','gouraud'); s=struct('XData',[],'YData',[],'Color',[ 0.6758 0.6602 0.6016],'HitTest','off','LineWidth',1,'Shadowed',1); %hoofdletters zijn belangrijk ivm mbd_frame_edit
29-Jun-2008 23:54:19
750 bytes
lm_linkobj - linkt een object aan een mbdframe CALL lm_linkobj(hobj, hframe, property, value, property, value,...) lm_linkobj(hobj, hframe, struct(property, value)) INPUT hobj : object or array of handles or jacontrol object hframe: frame to link to property: char string containg property name value: corresponding property value. Note: property/value combinations may als be passed on as a tructure. <propertye, value> clipframe see lm_resize clipping [0 or 1] clip object if out of frame borders enable Default: enable status is copied from application data "enable" from frame. Note <on> and <off> is supported. <inactive> is not supported. Object | Frame enabled | enabled status 'Frame=on' 'Frame=off' 'Frame=inactive' ========================================== 0 ==> 'off' 'off' <not supported> 1 ==> 'on' 'off' <not supported> 2 ==> 'inactive' 'off' <not supported> 3 ==> 'off' 'off' <not supported> 4 ==> 'on' 'on' <not supported> 5 ==> 'inactive' 'inactive' <not supported> keeppixelsize : is 1 maintain pixel height and width while alignigning in matrix keepypos: if 1 ==> position of slider has no effect on this object normpos [X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT] normalized position relative to LL corner of frame pixelpos [X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT] pixel position relative to LL corner of frame visible 0 ==> do not show 1 ==> show row: align on position (row,col) in matrix col: align on position (row,col) in matrix OUTPUT none AFFECTED OBJECTS -1- affected application data of frame: when an object is linked to a frame, this will affect the following fields of application data of this frame: uichildren textchildren children javachildren -2- affected properties of object: parent: when object-parent differs from frame-parent units : set to "pixel" when object is of type text,uicontainer,hgjavacomponent -3- affected application data of object, required: normpos pixelpos visible enable clipping keepypos -4- affected application data of object, optional: clipframe row col keeppixelsize
29-Jun-2008 23:54:19
4131 bytes
lm_linkslider2frame - maak y-positie van content van frame afhankelijk van slider INPUT hslid: handle van slider object targetframe: target frame. De inhoud van dit frame wordt verticaal veplaatst als functie van slider OUTPUT geen directe output. slider handle wordt opgeslagen in target frame onder property "slider"
29-Jun-2008 23:54:19
816 bytes
lm_listframeHandles - retrieve frame handles and data INPUT hfig: figure handle (defaults to gcf( OUTPUT FrameHandles: Nx1 list of frmae handles FrameData: Nx1 struct array with corresponding application data
20-Apr-2009 11:34:57
693 bytes
SEE ALSO: lm_lineprops s=struct('xdata',[],'ydata',[],'facecolor','none','hittest','off','faceli','gouraud');
29-Jun-2008 23:54:19
525 bytes
get pixelsize of frame that depends on children INPUT hframe: frame handle OUTPUT pixelsize: pixel size of frame EXAMPLE 1: keep centre of figure unchanged hmain=lm_createframe(HWIN,'splithor',0,'pixelsize',[NaN NaN],'norms',[0 0]); lm_createframe(hmain,'pixelsize',[47 20],'norms',[1 1]); lm_createframe(hmain,'pixelsize',[20 58],'norms',[1 1]); pixelsize=lm_pixelsize(hframe); pos=get(HWIN,'pos'); mid=pos(1:2)+pos(3:4)/2'; set(HWIN,'pos',[mid 0 0]+[-pixelsize/2 pixelsize]); lm_resize EXAMPLE 2: position figure in the middle of the screen pixelsize=lm_pixelsize(h_main); scrsz=get(0,'screens'); mid=scrsz(3:4)/2; set(HWIN,'pos',[mid 0 0]+[-pixelsize/2 pixelsize]);
29-Jun-2008 23:54:19
1214 bytes
lm_resize - resize het figuur en alle objecten in het figuur CALL callback functie voor ResizeFcn INPUT hfig : figure handle event: not used OUTPUT All frames created with "lm_createframe" and all objects linked to frames with "lm_linkobj" are positioned in a figure. EXAMPLE lm_resize(HWIN); set(HWIN,'Vis','on','ResizeFcn',@lm_resize); AANPAK - maak een lijst van alle zichtbare lm_resize frames - zet alle objecten die in de MBD frames zitten uit - zet alle exit buttons uit - pas de sliderheight aan als de hoogte van het figuur groter is dan de sliderheight - pas de sliderheight aan - bereken de nieuwe posities van de lm_resize frames (inclusief de exit buttons) - zet de exit buttons van de zichtbare MBD frames weer aan - bepaal de sliderpositie - scroll het scherm tot de slider value weer klopt met het zichtbare scherm - bepaald voor alle zichtbare lm_resize frames de posities van de bijhorende objecten
29-Jun-2008 23:54:19
1468 bytes
lm_set - change property of individual object after properties for a group have been set lm_link_obj. CALL lm_set([h1,h2..],... 'normpos',NP,... 'pixelpos',PP,... 'visible',V,... 'enable',E,... 'clipping',C,... 'clipframe',CF,... 'keepypos',K,... 'keeppixelsize',KP) INPUT: [h1,g2,..] Array of handles for which properties will be changed Property-Value pairs See lm_linkobj for descriptions See also: lm_linkobj
29-Jun-2010 15:22:36
2131 bytes
29-Jun-2008 23:54:19
403 bytes
sortframes - maak een gesorteerde lijst van lm_resize frames CALL h=sortframes INPUT OUTPUT FrameData[]: verzamelde informatie per frame +----stack[]: debug informatie | +----file (char array) | +----name (char array) | +----line (double) +----treetop (logical) +----parenthandle (double) +----rank (double) +----normsize (double array) +----pixelsize (double array) +----maxpixelsize (double array) +----normposition (double array) +----pixelposition (double array) +----enable (logical) +----splithor (double) +----border (double) +----exitbutton (logical) +----exitfunction (char) +----active (logical) +----exitbuttonhandle (double) +----minmarges (double array) +----children (double) +----textchildren (double) +----javachildren (double) +----uichildren (double) +----slider (double) +----patchhandle (double) +----linehandle (double) +----shadowlinehandle (double) +----level (double) +----showslider (double) +----handle (double) +----inborderpos (double) +----outborderpos (double) +----activenode (double) +----enablednode (logical) parentIndex[]: corresponderende lijst met parent indices AANPAK - maak een lijst van alle frames - verwijder alle frames die niet met createMBDframe zijn aangemaakt uit de lijst - bepaal het level van de overgebleven frames - sorteer deze levels oplopend - bereken eigenschap "pixelsize"
29-Jun-2008 23:54:19
3296 bytes
assert - check condition. If false call error(msg) CALL: assert(condition) assert(condition, msg) INPUT: condition: boolean msg: error message that will be displayed if condition==false OUTPUT: This function returns no output arguments EXAMPLE: assert(exist(fname,'file'),'input file does not exist')
16-Aug-2010 13:43:57
559 bytes
structarray2table - convert array of structures to stucture of arrays CALL: T = structarray2table(S, VERBOSE) INPUT: S(N): array of structures (structarray) +----M1(1) +----M2(1) +----M3(1) OUTPUT: T(1): structure of arrays (tablestruct) +----M1(N,1) +----M2(N,1) +----M3(N,1) See also: table2structarray
17-Apr-2010 11:10:20
3580 bytes
table2dlmfile - convert struct of arrays to Excel SUMMARY convert struct of arrays to table that may be imported in EXCEL. Output contains 1 row per field INPUT fname: name of file to be saved T : tablestruct sep : separator (default ;). Use '\t' for tab flds : fields to be saved DoHeader: TRUE/FALSE if TRUE: display field names in row 1 OUTPUT no output See also: dlmfile2table
16-Aug-2008 14:28:11
2298 bytes
table2string - convert the structure use to fill table to a string CALL: str = table2string(Contents) INPUT: Contents: <struct> in table format with fields header: <cellstring> with header data: <cellarray> with data OUTPUT: str: <string> string representation of table See also: composeDiaList
11-Sep-2009 13:43:52
664 bytes
table2int32 - replace table cells with numeric values. SUMMARY This function replaces each cell with its index in the set of unique rows. This is useful when determinig unique rows in a table of membership of 1 table in another. CALL M=table2uint32(table,flds) INPUT table: structure of equal height arrays (table) +----fld1(N,:) +----fld2(N,:) flds: [cell array of chars] fields to sort on (optional) (default: fieldnames(table)) OUTPUT M(N,P): [int32] P=length(flds). Matrix with rank indices EXAMPLE [1.7;8;-1;8] will be replaced with [2,3,1,3]. In other words: sort will be supplied. If you need different behavior, for example output [ 1 2 3 2], use table2ID See also: table2ID
24-Dec-2009 12:03:12
1750 bytes
tablecat - apply cat to each field INPUT: S,T: struct of arrays(tablestruct) flds: cellstr OUTPUT: S: struct of arrays See also: table2structarray, tableselect
14-Apr-2010 16:15:03
1755 bytes
tableheight - get height (number of rows) of table CALL: N = tableheight(S) INPUT: S: <struct> a table structure OUTPUT N: <integer> height of table See alos: istable
16-Jan-2007 17:07:16
388 bytes
tableselect - select data from struct of arrays (both rows and columns) CALL: T = tableselect(S,indx,flds) T = tableselect(S,indx) T = tableselect(S,flds) INPUT: S: struct of arrays(tablestruct), all fields must be (N x 1) indx: index array or logical vector flds: cell array OUTPUT: S: struct of arrays (tablestruct), all fields must be (N x 1) See also: table2structarray, tableunselect, structarrayselect
06-Nov-2009 15:18:14
2538 bytes
tablesort - get unique rows of table CALL: [indx,M]=tablesort(table,flds,mode) INPUT: table: first structure of arrays (table) +----fld1(N1,:) +----fld2(N1,:) flds={key1,key2,key3,...} mode: array of integer (optional) sorting direction, allowed values: 1 --> 'ascend' (default) -1 --> 'descend' OUTPUT: indx: sorted order of rows M: output of call to subroutine "table2uint32" on input parameter "table" See also: table2uint32, tableunique EXAMPLE: indx=tablesort(S); T=tableselect(S,indx);
01-Sep-2009 18:40:44
1739 bytes
serializeDOM - serialise a DOM by transformation to a string or file CALL: String = serialize(DOM) serialize(DOM,fileName) INPUT: DOM: <java-object> org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl fileName: <string> (optional) valid filename OUTPUT: String: <string> if nargin == 1 the serialised DOM <boolean> if nargin == 2, 0 -> saving to fileName not successful 1 -> saving to fileName successful EXAMPLE: obj = xml %create an empty xml object = now %add fields with values obj.type = 'test' save(obj,'test.xml') obj('test.xml') inspect(obj) See also: xml, xml/inspect, xml/view, xml/save Revisions 20100825 (ZIJPP): modified help info
25-Aug-2010 12:27:56
2165 bytes
29-Aug-2010 18:02:31
5162 bytes
addns - add a namespace definition to the xml-object CALL: obj = addns(obj,S) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> S: <struct> fieldnames --> namespace variable values --> namespace value <cell array> nx2, first column --> namespace variable second column --> namespace value OUTPUT: obj: <xml-object> EXAMPLE %create an xml-object obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','namespaces.xml')) %try to get attribute obj.width.('@nsdim:dim') %add namespace addns(obj,{'nsdim',''}) %get attribute obj.width.('@nsdim:dim') See also: xml, xml/listns, xml/clearns, xml/removens, xml/getns
08-Jun-2006 06:19:02
947 bytes
clearns - remove all the namespace definitions from the xml-object CALL: obj = addns(obj,S) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> S: <struct> fieldnames --> namespace variable values --> namespace value <cell array> size: nx2, first column --> namespace variable second column --> namespace value OUTPUT: obj: <xml-object> with no namespace definitions EXAMPLE %create an xml-object obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','namespaces.xml')) %add namespaces addns(obj,{'ns',''}) addns(obj,{'nsdim',''}) %list namespaces listns(obj) %clear all defined namespaces clearns(obj) %list namespaces listns(obj) See also: xml, xml/listns, xml/addns, xml/removens, xml/getns
08-Jun-2006 06:21:52
1002 bytes
display - display information about an xml-object on the console CALL: display(obj) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> OUTPUT: none, information about the xml-object is displayed on the console EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) %display function was automatically called by Matlab See also: xml, display
08-Jun-2006 06:34:26
1764 bytes
fieldNames - get the names of the direct children of the root node c.f. the function fieldnames for structures CALL: fields = fieldnames(obj) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> OUTPUT: fields: <cellstring> with the nodenames of the children of the root node EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) fieldnames(obj) book1 = fieldnames(book1{1}) See also: xml, xml/getRoot, xml/noNodes, xml/isfield
26-Jun-2008 00:12:41
1527 bytes
get - get the value of the specified property for an xml-object (from the object itself not from the xml) CALL: prop_val = get(obj,prop_name) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> prop_name: <string> propertyname, possible values: - DOM <org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl> with the DOM representation of the xml - file <string> with filename - NS <java.util.HashMap> with namespaces OUTPUT: prop_val: the value of the specified property for the xml-object <struct> with all properties plus values if nargin == 1 EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) %get all property-value pairs get(obj) %get the (D)ocument (O)bject (M)odel get(obj,'DOM') See also: xml, xml/set
01-Jun-2006 17:27:18
1547 bytes
getRoot - get the root node of an xml-object and its name CALL: [rootname root] = getRoot(obj) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> OUTPUT: rootname: <string> the name of the root node root: <java object> org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredElementNSImpl or org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredElementImpl EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) [rootname root] = getRoot(obj) See also: xml, xml/noNodes
08-Jun-2006 06:36:14
648 bytes
getns - retrieve a namespace definition from the xml-object CALL: S = listns(obj,key) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> key: <string> with a namespace variable for which the definition has to be retrieved OUTPUT: S: <string> with the namespace definition EXAMPLE %create an xml-object obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','namespaces.xml')) %add namespace addns(obj,{'nsdim',''}) %get namespace getns(obj,'nsdim') See also: xml, xml/addns, xml/clearns, xml/removens, xml/listns
08-Jun-2006 06:20:28
685 bytes
inspect - visualize the xml document as a tree in a separate window CALL: inspect(obj) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> OUTPUT: none, the DOM representation of the xml document appears as a tree in a separate window EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) inspect(obj) See also: xml, xml/view
01-Oct-2009 15:24:15
2191 bytes
isempty - true if the xml-object has no fields CALL: tf = isempty(obj) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> OUTPUT: tf: <boolean> true if the DOM representation of the xml document does not contain any nodes, or equivalently the xml-document has no fields EXAMPLE: %create an empty xml-object obj = xml isempty(obj) %add a field to the xml-object obj.field = 'field' isempty(obj) %remove field from the xml-object rmfield(obj,'field'); isempty(obj) See also: xml, xml/noNodes, xml/fieldnames, xml/getRoot, xml/rmfield
08-Jun-2006 06:53:38
790 bytes
isfield - true if at least one node satisfies the indexing 'sub' CALL: tf = isfield(obj,field) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> sub: <string> index into xml document (same format as indexing into Matlab structures) e.g. 'book(1)' or 'book(1).title' result in the same substructs as would be obtained if were used (S a Matlab structure) <string> with xpath expression OUTPUT: tf: <boolean> true if at least one node satisfies the indexing 'sub' EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) isfield(obj,'book(1:2)') isfield(obj,'book(2).@category') %N.B. in the following statement true is return although the number of %books is 4, this is because book(2:4) exist isfield(obj,'book(2:10)') %examples with xpath expression %are there any books in english? isfield(obj,'bookstore/book/title[@lang=''en'']') %are there any books in spanish? isfield(obj,'bookstore/book/title[@lang=''es'']') %are there books cheaper than 30 euro isfield(obj,'bookstore/book[price < 30]') See also: xml, xml/fieldNames, xml/rmfield
02-Jun-2006 17:17:54
1618 bytes
listns - list the namespace definitions of the xml-object CALL: listns(obj) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> OUTPUT: no direct output, the defined namespaces are displayed on the console EXAMPLE %create an xml-object obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','namespaces.xml')) %no namespaces defined yet listns(obj) %add namespaces addns(obj,{'ns',''}) addns(obj,{'nsdim',''}) %list namespaces listns(obj) See also: xml, xml/addns, xml/clearns, xml/removens, xml/getns
08-Jun-2006 06:21:22
995 bytes
noNodes - get the total number of nodes present in the DOM-representation of the xml document CALL: N = noNodes(obj) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> OUTPUT: N: <integer> with the total number of nodes in the DOM object EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) noNodes(obj) See also: xml, xml/getRoot
08-Jun-2006 06:14:12
585 bytes
removens - remove a namespace definition from the xml-object CALL: obj = removens(obj,S) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> S: <char array> with names of the namespace definitions to be removed <cell array> with names of the namespace definitions to be removed OUTPUT: obj: <xml-object> EXAMPLE %create an xml-object obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','namespaces.xml')) %add namespace addns(obj,{'nsdim',''}) %get attribute obj.width.('@nsdim:dim') %remove namespace removens(obj,{'nsdim'}) %try to get attribute obj.width.('@nsdim:dim') See also: xml, xml/listns, xml/clearns, xml/addns, xml/getns
08-Jun-2006 06:26:44
896 bytes
rmfield - remove elements and attributes from an xml-object which satisfy the indexing 'sub' CALL: rmfield(obj,sub) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> sub: <string> index into xml document (same format as indexing into Matlab structures) e.g. 'book(1)' or 'book(1).title' result in the same substructs as would be obtained if were used (S a Matlab structure) <string> with xpath expression OUTPUT: none, the xml-object is updated EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) rmfield(obj,'book(1:2)') rmfield(obj,'book(2).@category') inspect(obj) %examples with xpath expression obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) %remove books cheaper than 30 euro rmfield(obj,'bookstore/book[price < 30]') inspect(obj) obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) %remove books in the category 'WEB' rmfield(obj,'bookstore/book[@category = ''WEB'']') inspect(obj) See also: xml, xml/fieldNames, xml/isfield
02-Jun-2006 17:18:00
1731 bytes
save - save the xml-object as an xml file CALL: obj = save(obj,fname) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> fname: <string> (optional) the name of the xml file, if fname is not specified a save dialog will pop up OUTPUT: obj: <xml-object> the file field of the xml-object is updated and an xml file is created EXAMPLE: obj = xml %create an empty xml object = datestr(now) %add fields with values obj.description = 'test' obj = save(obj,'test.xml') %save object by specifying filename obj = xml('test.xml') inspect(obj); See also: xml, xml/view, xml/inspect
06-Jun-2006 07:00:26
1336 bytes
selectNodes - select nodes from the XML DOM tree CALL: nodesList = selectNodes(obj,ind) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> ind: <struct array> with fields - type: one of '.' or '()' - subs: subscript values (field name or cell array of index vectors) <string> with an xpath expression OUTPUT: nodesList: <java object> java.util.ArrayList with tree nodes See also: xml, xml/xpath, xml/subsref, xml/subsasgn, xml/private/buildXpath
08-Jun-2006 07:17:48
968 bytes
set - set the value of the specified property for an xml-object CALL: set(obj,prop_name,prop_value) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> prop_name: <string> propertyname, possible values: - DOM <org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl> with the DOM representation of the xml - file <string> with filename - NS <java.util.HashMap> with namespaces prop_value: the value of the property to be set for the xml-object OUTPUT: obj: <xml-object> with the property prop_name set to prop_value EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) %get all property-value pairs get(obj,'file') %get the (D)ocument (O)bject (M)odel obj = set(obj,'file',fullfile(pwd,'examples','books_changed.xml')) get(obj,'file') See also: xml, xml/get
01-Jun-2006 17:28:20
2025 bytes
storeStructure - store contents of structure in xml object CALL: obj = storeStructure(obj,S) INPUT: S: <struct> or <struct array> OUTPUT: obj: <xml-object> EXAMPLE: obj=xml obj = storeStructure(obj,S) inspect(obj) NOTES - This function is called by xml object constructor, in case where constructure is called with a structure as its input argument. - Although alternative uses of this method may be possible, they have not yet been tested See also: xml
29-Aug-2010 17:49:10
3316 bytes
subsasgn - assign new values to the xml document in an xml-object CALL: obj = subsassgn(obj,ind,data) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> ind: <struct array> with fields - type: one of '.' or '()' - subs: subscript values (field name or cell array of index vectors) <string> with an xpath expression data: (optional) with the values to be put in the by ind defined fields in the xml-object, allowed types: - <struct> matlab structure - <xml-object> - <org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementImpl> OUTPUT: obj: <xml-object> See also: xml, xml/subsref, xml/xpath, subsasgn
08-Jun-2006 07:14:00
960 bytes
subsref - subscripted reference for an xml object CALL: S = subsref(obj,ind) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> ind: <struct array> with fields - type: one of '.' or '()' - subs: subscript values (field name or cell array of index vectors) <string> with an xpath expression OUTPUT: S: <cell array> with contents of the referenced nodes, can contain xml objects, strings or numbers See also: xml, xml/subsasgn, xml/xpath, subsref
08-Jun-2006 07:13:44
665 bytes
view - convert the xml-object into a string Note: This method has been superseeded by the method "xml2str" the method view is kept for backward compability but will become obsolete in the future. CALL: view(obj) S=view(obj) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> OUTPUT: S: <string> with the xml-document EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) view(obj) See also: xml, xml/save, xml/inspect
25-Aug-2010 16:35:30
733 bytes
xml - constructor for an xml-object CALL: obj = xml(FileName,isNameSpaceAware,isValidating) INPUT: FileName: <string> name of the sourcefile <string> the xml string <java-object> with a D(ocument) (O)bject (M)odel <struct> a Matlab structure isNameSpaceAware: <boolean> (optional) (default == 1) ignore namespaces isValidating: <boolean> (optional) (default == 0) validate document OUTPUT: obj: <xml-object> with fields: - DOM: <java object> the DOM object - file: <string> the name of the xml source - NS: <java object> a hashmap with namespace definitions N.B. obj is empty when an error occurred EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) inspect(obj) %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(,'examples','books.xml'))) inspect(obj) %create an xml from a Matlab structure obj = xml(dir) inspect(obj) %create an xml directly from a string str = '<book category="MATHS"><title lang="en">Nonlinear Programming</title><author>Dimitri P. Bertsekas</author></book>' obj = xml(str) inspect(obj) %create an xml directly from an inputstream obj = xml(,'examples','books.xml')))) inspect(obj) %create an xml from a sourcefile and validate against a dtd (specified %in the xml itself obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','note_dtd.xml'),0,1) %create an xml from a sourcefile and validate against a xsd (specified %in the xml itself obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','note_xsd.xml'),1,1) See also: xml/view, xml/inspect
29-Aug-2010 16:33:39
8556 bytes
xml2str - convert the xml-object into a string Note: This method replaces the method "view" the method view is kept for backward compability CALL: xml2str(obj) S=xml2str(obj) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> OUTPUT: S: <string> with the xml-document EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) xml2str(obj) See also: xml, xml/save, xml/inspect
01-Oct-2009 10:40:00
680 bytes
xml2struct - transform xml object to Matlab structure if contents of XML permit this CALL s=xml2struct(obj) s=xml2struct(obj,NOCELL) INPUT obj: XML object NOCELL: if true, do NOT store data in cells. Defaults to false OUTPUT corresponding Matlab structure NOTE not all XML documents can be represented as a Matlab strucure if XML contents do not fit the following error results: "XML contents do not fit in Matlab structure"
03-Jan-2009 13:42:07
3593 bytes
xml - constructor for an xml-object CALL: obj = xml(FileName,isNameSpaceAware,isValidating) INPUT: FileName: <string> name of the sourcefile <string> the xml string <java-object> with a D(ocument) (O)bject (M)odel <struct> a Matlab structure isNameSpaceAware: <boolean> (optional) (default == 1) ignore namespaces isValidating: <boolean> (optional) (default == 0) validate document OUTPUT: obj: <xml-object> with fields: - DOM: <java object> the DOM object - file: <string> the name of the xml source - NS: <java object> a hashmap with namespace definitions N.B. obj is empty when an error occurred EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) inspect(obj) %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(,'examples','books.xml'))) inspect(obj) %create an xml from a Matlab structure obj = xml(dir) inspect(obj) %create an xml directly from a string str = '<book category="MATHS"><title lang="en">Nonlinear Programming</title><author>Dimitri P. Bertsekas</author></book>' obj = xml(str) inspect(obj) %create an xml directly from an inputstream obj = xml(,'examples','books.xml')))) inspect(obj) %create an xml from a sourcefile and validate against a dtd (specified %in the xml itself obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','note_dtd.xml'),0,1) %create an xml from a sourcefile and validate against a xsd (specified %in the xml itself obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','note_xsd.xml'),1,1) See also: xml/view, xml/inspect
19-Dec-2008 15:26:59
7454 bytes
xpath - carry out a set or get for an xml-object using xpath syntax CALL: S = xpath(obj,ind) S = xpath(obj,ind,data) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> ind: <struct array> with fields - type: one of '.' or '()' - subs: subscript values (field name or cell array of index vectors) <string> with an xpath expression data: (optional) with the values to be put in the by ind defined fields in the xml-object, allowed types: - <struct> matlab structure - <xml-object> - <org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementImpl> OUTPUT: S: <cell array> in nargin == 2 (get is used) <xml-object> if nargin == 3 (set is used) EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','books.xml')) %select the book with title 'Harry Potter' book = xpath(obj,'parent::/bookstore/book[title="Harry Potter"') inspect(book{1}) See also: xml, xml/set, xml/get, xml/subsref, xml/subsasgn, xml/private/buildXpath
26-Jun-2008 10:45:40
9923 bytes
xslt - transform the xml-object to html by using a stylesheet CALL: HTMLstring = xslt(obj,xsl,fileName) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> xsl: <string> filename of the stylesheet fileName: <string> (optional) the name of the file to which the HTML has to be saved OUTPUT: HTMLstring: <string> to HTML transformed XML string EXAMPLE: %create an xml from a sourcefile obj = xml(fullfile(pwd,'examples','cd_catalog.xml')) HTMLstring = xslt(obj,fullfile(pwd,'examples','cd_catalog.xsl')) %display in browser web(['text://' HTMLstring]); See also: xml, xml/save, web, xslt
13-Jun-2006 14:18:28
1705 bytes
buildXPath - create an XPath object for an XML DOMtree CALL: x = buildXPath(string,nsStruct) INPUT: string: <string> XPath expression Namespaces: <java object> (optional) a java.util.HashMap with namespace definitions OUTPUT: x: <java object> org.jaxen.dom.DOMXPath See also: xml, xml/xpath, xml/subsasgn, xml/subsref
08-Jun-2006 08:00:24
1223 bytes
chararray2char - convert char array to string CALL: str = chararray2char(str) INPUT: str: <char array> OUTPUT: str: <string> See also: xml, xml/xpath, xml/subsasgn, xml/private/toString
08-Jun-2006 08:50:54
409 bytes
emptyDocument - create an empty Document Object Model (DOM) (only the root node is present) CALL: document = emptyDocument(root) INPUT: root: (optional) <string> name of the root node <org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementImpl> <org.apache.xerces.dom.ElementNSImpl> default == 'root' OUTPUT: document: <java-object> org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl See also: xml, xml/view, xml/inspect
02-Jun-2006 08:10:50
1154 bytes
fieldInfo - determine the number and names of the direct children of the root node and the name of the root node CALL: S = fieldInfo(obj) INPUT: obj: <xml-object> OUTPUT: S: <struct> with fields - root : <string> name of the root node - children : <struct> with fields - name: <string> names of the direct children of the root node - frequency: <int> number of time a certain node appears See also: xml, xml/display
08-Jun-2006 08:36:56
1322 bytes
ind2xpath - convert a matlab substruct into an xpath string CALL: xpathstr = ind2xpath(ind) INPUT: ind: <struct> see substruct OUTPUT: xpathstr: <string> xpath equivalent of the substruct See also: xml, xml/private/buildXpath, xml/subsasgn, xml/subsref, xml/xpath, substruct
08-Jun-2006 08:28:44
1042 bytes
struct2hash - convert a matlab structure into a java hashmap CALL: H = struct2hash(S,H) INPUT: S: <struct> fieldnames --> hashmap keys values --> hashmap entries H: <java object> (optional) java.util.HashMap OUTPUT: H: <java object> java.util.HashMap See also: xml, xml/private/buildXpath
08-Jun-2006 08:28:36
577 bytes
sub2ind - convert a string into a struct array of type substruct, for indexing into xml documents as if they were Matlab structures CALL: ind = sub2ind(S) INPUT: S: <string> index into xml document (same format as indexing into Matlab structures) e.g. 'book(1)' or 'book(1).title' result in the same substructs as would be obtained if or were used (S a Matlab structure). OUTPUT: ind: <struct array> with fields: - type -> subscript types '.', '()', or '{}' - subs -> actual subscript values (field names or cell arrays of index vectors) EXAMPLE: ind = sub2ind('book(1)') See also: xml, xml/isfield, xml/rmfield, substruct
08-Jun-2006 08:29:08
1223 bytes
toString - convert java object, cellstring or char array to string CALL: S = toString(S) INPUT: S: <cell string> <char array> <java object> OUTPUT: S: <string> See also: xml, xml/xpath, xml/subsasgn
08-Jun-2006 08:44:10
653 bytes
do_combinegrids - combineer grids tbv bodemkaart CALL: griddata = do_combinegrids(griddata,griddata_new,opt); INPUT: griddata: rekengrid (Laagste prioriteit) LET OP! dit zijn de pure grid data zonder de meta data, dus bijvoorbeeld: ud.grid(9).grid griddata_new: mutatiegrid (Hoogste prioriteit) LET OP! dit zijn de pure grid data zonder de meta data, dus bijvoorbeeld: ud.grid(9).grid De informatie over meta data is reeds in het herkomst veld gekoieerd ZIE OOK: appendhistory.m opt: <struct> met opties, met volgende velden: opt.stap: stapgrootte bij combineren 1 van rekengrid 2 van mutatiegrid 3 kleinste van beiden 4 grootste van beide opt.begrenzing: begrenzing nieuwe grid 1 van rekengrid 2 van mutatiegrid 3 omhullende van beiden 4 doorsnede van beide OUTPUT: griddata: gecombineerd grid, [] wanneer operatie mislukt LET OP! dit zijn de pure grid data zonder de meta data, zie griddata. Deze griddata wordt buiten deze procedure aan de metadata gekoppeld.
19-Jul-2007 21:36:02
10139 bytes
do_interp - interpolate gaps in the grid CALL: ok = do_interp(db,gridindx,interp_index,opt,maxID,cntr,N); INPUT: db: <struct> met de centrale database gridindx: <integer> met de index van het grid, correspondeert met het aan te passen grid. interp_index <integer>: lineaire index van de vol te schatten hiaten opt: <integer> met de toe te passen interpolatie methode 1 -> incremental interpolation (calls interp_grid) 2 -> global interpolation (calls fillmiss) maxID: <integer> hoogste ID die voorkomt in de lijst van samengestelde grids cntr: <struct array> met contour data (voor verslag) N: <integer> aantal uitgesloten punten op grond van contour data (voor verslag) OUTPUT: ok: <boolean> succesvol? APPROACH: Er zijn drie soorten punten -1- punten met data (niet te interpoleren) -2- punten zonder data (te interpoleren) -3- punten zonder data (niet te interpoleren)
24-Jul-2007 11:27:44
7970 bytes
do_smooth - smooth grid CALL: [smooth_index,z_interp,convergentie,report] = do_smooth(griddata,opt) INPUT: griddata: <struct> met een grid, zie ook emptygrid, metagrid.grid is rekengrid opt: <struct> met opties, met volgende velden: opt.smooth_rand: smoothing conditie (rafelrand) 0 do not smooth rafel rand 1 smooth rafelrand opt.smooth_rand_grad: smoothing parameter(rafelrand) opt.smooth_rest: smoothing conditie (rest) 0 do not smooth rest 1 smooth rest opt.smooth_rest_grad: smoothing parameter(rest) OUTPUT: smooth_index: <vector> met indices van gesmoothde punten z_interp: <vector> met de bij smooth_index horende waarden convergentie: <boolean> 1 wanneer convergentie bereikt is report: <string> met rapportage per iteratie APPROACH: STAP1 : bepaal gradient van grid voor alle coordinaten ==> dx,dy STAP2 : selecteer de punten met gradient overschrijding (op interne en restpunten) ==> f_edge,f_rest STAP3 : voeg deze twee verzamelingen samen ==> f_all, STOP indien leeg STAP4 : smooth deze punten en ga terug naar STAP 1 (beperk de gradient berekening eventueel tot alleen de gewijzigde punten)
19-Jul-2007 23:03:54
11637 bytes
do_swan_interp - combineer grids tbv bodemkaart CALL: SWANgrid = do_swan_interp(SWANgrid, griddata) INPUT: SWANgrid: <struct> aan te vullen SWAN grid griddata: <struct> rekengrid (Laagste prioriteit) LET OP! dit zijn de pure grid data zonder de meta data, dus bijvoorbeeld: ud.grid(9).grid OUTPUT: SWANgrid: <struct> aangevuld SWAN grid
05-Mar-2007 10:24:16
1458 bytes
interpoleer NaN waarden door lineaire interpolatie INPUT M: cellen met NaN dienen geinterpoleerd te worden. TEST: if nargin==0 CASE=1; switch CASE case 1 load Mdata M(1,:)=[]; M(end,:)=[]; M(:,1)=[]; M(:,end)=[]; case 2 %Simple test. Zijpp, sept 2004 M=ones(4,5); M(:,end)=10; M(end,:)=5; M(2:end-1,2:end-1)=NaN; % disp(fillmiss([A;A])); end disp(' ') disp(M); disp(' ') disp(real2str(fillmisslinear(M))); return end VERBOSE=0;
14-Sep-2004 12:10:18
3911 bytes
get_hiaat_index - bepaal de lineaire index naar de missing values in een grid terwijl uitwendige punten genegeerd worden. CALL: [interp_index,stopped] = get_hiaat_index(alpha) INPUT: alpha: <matrix of double>, alpha>0 -> data alpha==0 -> missing values OUTPUT: interp_index: <linear index> naar de missing values stopped: <boolean> succesvol?
08-Jan-2006 20:13:54
11064 bytes
grid_edge - find internal edges CALL f_edge = grid_edge(grid) INPUT grid : grid structure with at least the fields herkomst OUTPUT f_edge : linear index to edge points
08-Jan-2006 18:03:06
5364 bytes
maxdxy - bepaal de gradient van een grid CALL: maxdxy = gridgradient(Z,isdata,f_select) INPUT: Z: <matrix of int16> afmetingen NxM isdata: <matrix of logical> afmetingen NxM die aangeeft wat de datapunten zijn f_select: <index> waarvoor de gradient berekend moet worden OUTPUT: maxdxy: <matrix of double> met het maximum van de gradient in x en y richting
24-Jul-2007 22:25:46
11362 bytes
remove comment from seperate line
24-Dec-1999 12:31:02
418 bytes
show - show image file CALL image: filename (with or without extension) Modelit
30-Apr-2003 18:56:03
450 bytes
jarkus - schematiseer volgens jarkus definitie CALL: [M,status] = jarkus(xyloc,z,status,STAPGROOTTE1,STAPGROOTTE2) INPUT: xyloc: <matrix of double> locale x-y (voetmaat-loodlijn) in meter breedte: 2 (afgerond op cm) z: <array of double> met de diepte (eenheid niet belangrijk) status: <array of uint8> met de binaire statuscode STAPGROOTTE1: <double> stapgrootte (in meters) STAPGROOTTE2: <double> stapgrootte (in meters) OUTPUT: M: <matrix of double> met de geschematiseerde reeks kolom 1 -> x (meter) kolom 2 -> y (meter) kolom 3 -> z (meter) status: <array of uint8> met de binaire statuscode
20-Feb-2008 10:34:12
5849 bytes
koppel - koppel twee raaien CALL: [db,OpenUitgangData] = koppel(db,ID1,ID2) INPUT db: <struct> met de centrale database ID1: <integer> ID van de eerste raai ID2: <integer> ID van de tweede raai OUTPUT: db: <struct> met de bijgewerkte centrale database OpenUitgangData: <matrix of double> met de data voor open uitgang file kolom 1 -> x-coordinaat kolom 2 -> diepte kolom 3 -> verklaring herkomst 1 -> hoogte meting (*) 2 -> hoogtemeting overlappend met diep (**) 3 -> geinterpoleerde meetwaarde (*) 4 -> diepte meting overlappend met hoog (**) 5 -> dieptemeting (*) (*) deze datapunten worden ook in de gekoppelde raai opgeslagen (**) deze datapunten worden niet in de gekoppelde raai opgeslagen
07-Aug-2007 12:16:46
11018 bytes
schema_wesp - schematiseer volgens wesp INPUT: DREMPEL_HOOGTE: <double> hoogte waarop hoge gedeelte van de raai begint xyloc: <matrix of double> locale x-y (voetmaat-loodlijn)(meter) breedte: 2 (afgerond op cm) z: <array of double> met de diepte (eenheid onbelangrijk) STAP_LAAG: <double> stapgrootte voor laag gedeelte (meter) STAP_HOOG: <double> stapgrootte voor hoog gedeelte (meter) STAP_DWARS: <double> maximale uitwijking vanaf raai OUTPUT: xy: <matrix of double> geschematiseerde coordinaten, breedte == 2 z: <array of double> geschematiseerde diepte APPROACH: Deze functie lijkt op de JARKUS schematisatie, maar wordt gelijk bij het inlezen van de data toegepast, waardoor controle op status achterwege kan blijven. Een ander verschil is dat de datapunten niet worden gecentreerd op het midden van ieder interval. - Bepaal het eerste punt dat boven drempel uitkomt. - Zet DREMPEL = voetmaat van dit punt - Beschouw dit en alle achtereenvolgende punten als het hoge gedeelte van de reeks. - Beschouw de overige punten als het lage gedeelte. - Dun uit vanaf drempel - Dun uit tot drempel (aanroep zelfde routine, maar tekens omgedraaid) - Rond voetmaten af op de cm. - Voeg het absoluut hoogste punt toe. Wanneer coordinaten samenvallen: vervang ander punt SEE ALSO: jarkus schematiseren
18-Oct-2005 15:12:28
4318 bytes
schematiseren - maak een geschematiseerde reeks voor een raai aan CALL: [ud,str] = schematiseren(ud,baseind,NEWGROUP,xyloc) INPUT: ud: <struct> met de centrale database baseind: <substruct> met verwijzing naar huidige raai NEWGROUP: <boolean> database mutatie status xyloc: <matrix of double> (optioneel) locale x-y (voetmaat-loodlijn) in meter, breedte: 2 OUTPUT: ud: <struct> met de geactualiseerde centrale database str: <char array>
10-Jun-2008 15:39:48
4452 bytes
selectandkoppel - koppel diepteraaien CALL: [ud,str,OpenUitgangData,koppelindx] = selectandkoppel(ud,curindx) INPUT: ud: <struct> met de centrale database curindx: <integer> met de index van raai die gekoppeld moet worden OUTPUT: ud: <struct> met de geactualiseerde database str: <char array> met rapportage OpenUitgangData: <matrix of double> met data voor open uitgang file Kolom 1 -> voetmaat Kolom 2 -> diepte Kolom 3 -> code koppelindx: <integer> met de index van de raai waarmee gekoppeld is (ook voor open uitgangfile) APPROACH: check of dit een diepte meting is selecteer raai om mee te koppelen voer koppeling uit SEE ALSO: Raai2OpenUitgang
07-Aug-2007 12:17:52
3748 bytes
setref1D - rekenmodule voor het instellen van de referentieraai met de 1D smooth methode CALL: [dbdata,foutlier] = setref1D(dbdata,baseind,xyloc,NEWGROUP) INPUT: dbdata: <struct> met de centrale database baseind: <substruct> index naar de huidige raai xyloc: <matrix of double> locale x-y (voetmaat-loodlijn) in meter, breedte: 2 (maar afgerond op cm) NEWGROUP: <boolean> database mutatie status OUTPUT: dbdata: <struct> met de geactualiseerde centrale database foutlier: <array of integer> met indices in raai van overschrijdende waarden
27-Jun-2007 15:44:12
1182 bytes
setref2D - rekenmodule voor het instellen van de referentieraai met de 2D smooth methode CALL: [dbdata,foutlier,succes,IDs] = setref2D(dbdata,curindx,xyloc,NEWGROUP) INPUT: dbdata: <struct> met de centrale database curindx: <integer> index naar de huidige raai xyloc: <matrix of double> locale x-y (voetmaat-loodlijn) in meter, breedte: 2 (maar afgerond op cm) NEWGROUP: <boolean> database mutatie status OUTPUT: dbdata: <struct> met de geactualiseerde centrale database foutlier: <array of integer> met indices in raai van overschrijdende waarden succes: <boolean> wel of geen geschikte buur-raai gevonden IDs: <struct> met velden - links -> IDs van linkerburen - current -> IDs van huidige raai - rechts -> IDs van rechterburen
20-Feb-2008 10:32:45
3373 bytes
verwoutliers - rekenmodule voor het verwijderen van outliers (geen interactie met gebruiker) CALL: [dbdata,xyloc] = verwoutliers(dbdata,baseind,NEWGROUP,xyloc) INPUT: dbdata: <struct> met de centrale database baseind: <substruct> met index naar huidige raai NEWGROUP: <boolean> 1 voor een aparte vermelding in de undo/redo lijst xyloc: <matrix of double> locale x-y (voetmaat-loodlijn) in meter, breedte: 2 (maar afgerond op cm) OUTPUT: dbdata: <struct> met de geactualiseerde centrale database (de outliers zijn verwijderd) xyloc: <matrix of double> locale x-y (voetmaat-loodlijn) in meter, breedte: 2 (maar afgerond op cm)
04-Jul-2007 11:25:18
2358 bytes
curindx - haal de index van de raai met ID op CALL: curindx = findraai(raaiarray,ID) INPUT: raaiarray: <struct array> met raaien ID: <integer> met het ID van gezochte raai OUTPUT: curindx: <integer> met de index van de gezochte raai in 'raaiarray' [] als niet aanwezig
27-Sep-2005 16:24:28
690 bytes
getbinstatus - bepaal binaire status uit geaggregeerde status CALL: [bhiaat,bcontrole,boutlier,bvalide,bherkomst] = getbinstatus(status) INPUT: status: (UINT8) statusbits voor alle data OUTPUT: bhiaat: <boolean> bcontrole: <boolean> boutlier: <boolean> bvalide: <boolean> bherkomst: <boolean> APPROACH: bit 1: Hiaat (factor 1) 0: Niet aangemerkt als hiaat 1: Wel aangemerkt als hiaat bit 2 Controle (factor 2) 0: Niet vergeleken met referentie 1: Wel vergeleken met referentie bit 3 Outlier (factor 4) 0: Geen significante afwijking met referentie 1: Wel significante afwijking met referentie bit 4 Validatie status (factor 8) 0: Niet behandeld 1: Wel behandeld bit 5: Herkomst (factor 16) 0: gemeten 1: geschat SEE ALSO: getstatustype setbinstatus ishiaat
28-Sep-2005 11:24:30
1594 bytes
getraaitype - bepaal type van deze raai CALL: types = getraaitype(raaiarray) INPUT: raaiarray: <array of struct> met raaien OUTPUT: types: <integer> bijbehorende types, mogelijke waarden: 1 -> niet geschematiseerde natte natte raai(DIEPTE) sAnacod=F025 & sBewcod~=SCHEM_R1 2 -> gekoppelde raai(GEKOPPELD) sAnacod=F147 3 -> droge raai(HOOGTE) sAnacod=F110 / F003 / F022 4 -> geschematiseerde natte raai(JARKUS) sAnacod=F025 & sBewcod=SCHEM_R1 EXAMPLE: DIEPTE=1; %(gebruik constantes voor leesbaarheid code) GEKOPPELD=2; HOOGTE=3; JARKUS=4; types=getraaitype(db.raai); .. See also: findkaartbladen
05-Mar-2007 10:34:32
1878 bytes
getstatustype - stel geaggregeerd statustype in (combinatie van alle status bits) CALL: [statustype,bvalide,bherkomst,aggregstatus] = getstatustype(status) INPUT: status: <vector of uint8> met geaggregeerde status bits OUTPUT: statustype: <double> bepaal welk symbool geplot wordt, mogelijke waarden: C.OK C.HIAAT C.OUTLIER C.ANDERS C.INTERP bvalide: <boolean> 1 -> valide 0 -> nog niet valide bherkomst: <boolean> 1 -> geinterpoleerd 0 -> niet geinterpoleerd aggregstatus: <struct> geinitialiseerde structure met aggregatiestatus met velden: - numhiaat - numoutlier - numanders - numvalide - numtotal SEE ALSO: getbinstatus setbinstatus getaggregstatus
28-Sep-2005 10:59:04
4540 bytes
ishiaat - bepaal de hiaten aan de hand van de status CALL: bhiaat = ishiaat(status) INPUT: status: <vector of uint8) met de statusbits voor alle data bit 1: Hiaat (FACTOR 1) bit 2: Controle (FACTOR 2) bit 3: Outlier (FACTOR 4) bit 4: Validatie status (FACTOR 8) bit 5: Herkomst (FACTOR 16) OUTPUT: <vector of boolean> met de hiaten SEE ALSO: getbinstatus ishiaat APPROACH: bits: van rechts naar links bit 1: Hiaat 0: Niet aangemerkt als hiaat 1: Wel aangemerkt als hiaat bit 2 Controle 0: Niet vergeleken met referentie 1: Wel vergeleken met referentie bit 3 Outlier 0: Geen significante afwijking met referentie 1: Wel significante afwijking met referentie bit 4 Validatie status 0: Niet behandeld 1: Wel behandeld bit 5: Herkomst 0: gemeten 1: geschat
08-Jan-2006 20:23:12
1507 bytes
longdate2datenum - reken longdate formaat om naar datenum formaat CALL: D = longdate2datenum(yyyymmdd) INPUT: yyyymmdd: <array of longdate> met datums OUTPUT: D: <array of datenum> met geconverteerde datums
27-Sep-2005 16:26:48
595 bytes
setbinstatus - combineer binaire status in geaggregeerde status CALL: [status] = setbinstatus(bhiaat,bcontrole,boutlier,bvalide,bherkomst) INPUT: bhiaat: <boolean> bcontrole: <boolean> boutlier: <boolean> bvalide: <boolean> bherkomst: <boolean> OUTPUT: status: (UINT8) geaggregeerde statusbits voor alle data APPROACH: bit 1: Hiaat (factor 1) 0: Niet aangemerkt als hiaat 1: Wel aangemerkt als hiaat bit 2 Controle (factor 2) 0: Niet vergeleken met referentie 1: Wel vergeleken met referentie bit 3 Outlier (factor 4) 0: Geen significante afwijking met referentie 1: Wel significante afwijking met referentie bit 4 Validatie status (factor 8) 0: Niet behandeld 1: Wel behandeld bit 5: Herkomst (factor 16) 0: gemeten 1: geschat SEE ALSO: getbinstatus getstatustype
28-Sep-2005 11:24:02
1400 bytes
striphiaat - verwijder hiaten uit raai CALL: raai = striphiaat(raai) INPUT: raai: <struct> met een raai met hiaten OUTPUT: raai: <struct> met een raai zonder hiaten
27-Sep-2005 18:01:26
524 bytes