function TemperatureConversionSimpleCallback(event) % TemperatureConversionSimpleCallback - Callback called by % modelit.webserver.Server object for converting Celcius to Fahrenheit and % vice versa. This example generates the HTML page on the server. % % CALL: % TemperatureConversionSimpleCallback(event) % % INPUT: % event: <modelit.webserver.HttpExchange> % with the request data and methods to generate a response. % % OUTPUT: % No output, a response with a HTML is return to the client. % % EXAMPLE: % server = modelit.web.server.Server(8081, @TemperatureConversionSimpleCallback).start() % % % Open a webbrowser and type: http://localhost:8081/ in the address bar % Copyright 2023 Modelit, switch lower(event.getRequestMethod) case 'get' value = event.getQueryValue('value'); unit = event.getQueryValue('unit'); event.addResponseHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html',... 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); event.send(200, HTML(value, unit)); return; end % Send the response back to the client event.send(404); %__________________________________________________________________________ function str = HTML(value, unit) % HTML - Generate the front-end. Depending on the request parameters. % % CALL: % str = HTML(value, unit) % % INPUT: % value: <string> % the temperature % unit: <string> % fahrenheit or celcius. These values are defined in the select control % in the HTML that is generated by this function. % % OUTPUT: % str: <string> % the HTML code for the front-end. This HTML contains a form that is send to % this function with the value and unit parameters. answer = ''; if isempty(value) || isempty(unit) unit = 'celcius'; value = ''; else value = str2double(value); switch lower(unit) case 'celcius' answer = sprintf('%g degrees Celcius is %g degrees Fahrenheit', value, value*1.8 + 32) ; case 'fahrenheit' answer = sprintf('%g degrees Fahrenheit is %g degrees Celcius', value, (value - 32)/1.8); otherwise answer = ''; end end str = strcat('<html>',... '<body>',... '<h1>Celcius ↔ Fahrenheit</h1>',... '<form action="./temperatureconversionsimple">',... '<label for="unit">Unit:</label><br>',... '<select name="unit" id="unit">',... sprintf('<option value="celcius" %s>Celcius</option>', isSelected(unit, 'celcius')),... sprintf('<option value="fahrenheit" %s>Fahrenheit</option>', isSelected(unit, 'fahrenheit')),... '</select><br>',... '<label for="value">Temperature:</label><br>',... sprintf('<input type="text" id="value" name="value" value=%g> <br><br>',value),... '<input type="submit" value="Convert">',... '</form>',... answer,... '</body>',... '</html>'); %__________________________________________________________________________ function str = isSelected(unit, option) % isSelected - Returns 'selected' to set the selection of the input control % in the HTML form. if strcmpi(unit, option) str = 'selected'; else str = ''; end