function TableCallback(event) % TableCallback - Callback called by the modelit.webserver.Server object % for displaying an AG-GRID table in an HTML page. % % CALL: % TableCallback(event) % % INPUT: % event: <modelit.webserver.HttpExchange> % with the request data and methods to generate a response. % % OUTPUT: % No output, a response with a JSON with the ag-grid example data is % returned to the client. % % EXAMPLE: % server = modelit.web.server.Server(8081, @TableCallback).start() % % % Open a webbrowser and type: http://localhost:8081/table/index.html in the address bar % Copyright 2023 Modelit, switch lower(event.getRequestMethod) case 'get' p = char(event.getPath); [~, ~, ext] = fileparts(p); if isempty(ext) persistent T if isempty(T) T = getData(); end fields = fieldnames(T); props = repmat(struct('field','','filter',true,'suppressMenu',true), length(fields),1); for i=1:length(fields) props(i).field = fields{i}; end event.send(200, jsonencode(struct('props', props, 'data', T))); else fname = fullfile(pwd, 'examples', 'resources', p); if isfile(fname) response = readBytesFromFile(fname); %this file needs ##readBytesFromFile## event.send(200, response); return else event.send(404); return end end otherwise event.send(405); % Method not allowed return; end end %__________________________________________________________________________ function T = getData() T = readlines(fullfile(pwd,'examples','resources','olympic-winners.json')); T = jsondecode(T); for i=1:length(T) % Correct empty age if isempty(T(i).age) T(i).age = NaN; end end end