
Maak een lm_resize frame aan


    h = lm_createframe(parent,'property', value, 'property', value)                                                                   
    h = lm_createframe('property', value, 'property', value)


          If parent handle is not defined, current figure will be parent
     property/value pairs (varargin): 
          Any settings that overide defaults
  'active'         Visibility of this frame and all siblings
                   true==> visible
                   false==> not visible
                   Visibility of uicontrol frame object
                   true==> visible
                   false==> not visible
  'enable'         enable properties of frame and siblings
  'exitbutton'     (default=false)
                   include exit button. This property will become obsolete
                   inth future.
  'exitfunction'   functiona that is called when frame becomes inactive
  'lineprops'      (default empty)
                   Property of line, if used as border
                   zie Matlab - line voor meer informatie
                   VOORBEELD: ...,'lineprops',lm_lineprops('color','k','shadowed',0 ),...
  'shadowed'       (default true)
                   If true a ahdow effect will be created by drawing a second line.
  'maxpixelsize'   (default=[inf inf]) 
                   When pixelsize is set this defines the maxvalue (per
  'minmarges'      margin in pixels for this frame [LEFT LOWER RIGHT UPPER] 
                   This set the margin relative to the parent frame
  'normposition'   Only for top frame. Sets normalized position(normalized)
  'normsize'       (default=[1 1])
                   Normalized size of frame
                   NOTE: One may specify NaN for 1 or both dimensions. In
                   this case the normalized size will be computed form the
                   active siblings.
  'parenthandle'   handle of parent frame
  'patchprops'    (default: [])
                   Eigenschappen van de patch die het frame markeert
                   zie Matlab - patch voor meer informatie
                   VOORBEELD: ...,'patchprops',lm_patchprops('facec',C.WINCOLOR,'linew',1),...
  'pixelposition'  Only used for topframe. Pixelposition of topframe.  
  'pixelsize'      (default=[0 0])
                   Size of frame in pixels.
                   NOTE: One may specify NaN for 1 or both dimensions. In
                   this case the pixel size will be computed form the
                   active siblings.
  'rank'           (default=0)
                   Relative position of frame 
                   When ordering in horizontal position: low rank goes
                   eft.  High rank goes right.
                   When ordering in vertical position. Low rank goes up.
                   High rank goes down. 
                   NOTE: only the relative ranks are important.   
  'slider'         handle for a slider slider object
                   When a handle is specified, the vertical shift is
                   determined by the slider settings.
  'splithor'       Orientation of the frame
                   true==> siblings will be ordered horizontally
                   false==> siblings will be ordered in vertical direction
  'title'          Title to be displayed


  Example -1-
  Create a figure that sizes to fit contents exactly:
  hfig=lm_createframe(HWIN,'splithor',0,'pixelsize',[NaN NaN],'normsize',[0 0]);
  Example -2-
  Create a figure that sizes to fit contents but does not shrink the figure:
  hfig=lm_createframe(HWIN,'splithor',0,'pixelsize',[NaN NaN],'normsize',[1 1]);